Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

I forgot the acct :hear_no_evil:. The last time I visited BALG around 3 yrs ago so I forgot username & itā€™s password.
Moreover I was a typical silent reader.
Thanks @Keteriya for your attention :pray:

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Thatā€™s alright, @Lady_Eva will be able to take care of that part for you, just please elaborate on the rest of the information needed for your introduction and it will all be good :slight_smile:


Well Iā€™m from Java and new to Goetia, Wicca and stuff, let say west magic (thatā€™s what we call in east culture).
But I know (see and hear) since I was teenage about black/dark magic like djin, mantras, amulet even agreement with black entities.

In this forum I try to get to know more about magic, does not matter itā€™s angelic or demon magic.
Hope this enough informations needed for my (welcome back) intro to the forumā€¦ :pray:

Tips: Googling santet, peletā€¦


Hi there! Iā€™m not very good with intros,these type of things get me very nervous. But hi! Iā€™m lezlie. Iā€™m sort of new and not new with all this. Iā€™ve had visions since I was a kid and my abualita(grandma) was a strong medium. Iā€™ve been trying to get better with my gifts but lately I feel completely disconnected to them and my magic. I canā€™t feel,hear or see spirits anymore and I havenā€™t seen a vision in way too long so Iā€™ve been trying desperately to reconnect. I do however get very strong messages through my dreams,which is how I was led here :woman_shrugging: I do candle magic,divination, healing, hexing and green magic. I dont have a specific diety,demon or spirit I speak to yet. Iā€™m hoping i learn a lot from here.
Oh! Iā€™m also an artist! I draw mostly raw emotions or symbolic art.


Welcome @Lela_Matos

Where are you from?

How long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific system or tradition of magick?

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Iā€™m from New York, and Iā€™ve been practicing for 2 years. I study more than do much spellwork. Certain living conditions makes it hard to have the sacred space I need to be able to do any spellwork now so Iā€™ve been focusing on continuing learning.
I actually dont have much experience in a specific system or tradition in magic. My grandma didnt have the chance to teach me anything so Iā€™m going by instinct and feeling. So far its helped. I also read a lot of books and go by what pulls me.


Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and again, welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:


Thank you very much,Iā€™m hoping to learn much from here :blush:


Probably that time again for the search button message.

All new members chek out the magnifying glass :mag: in the top right. Thatā€™s our forum search feature that is extremely useful. Before you take the time to write up a new post to ask a question. Do a quick search. More than likely its been asked 10x and answered 20x.

Save yourself the time and effort.

Also check out the beginnerā€™s tutorials. So much useful information that will get you up and running your own spell work in no time.


Hello! Iā€™m not comfortable sharing much info about me so: you can call me by my username even though itā€™s a mangakaā€™s name (silly me) for responding sake, Iā€™m Brazilian and found the forum when last year I stumbled upon the goetia. I learned a lot and am still learning, I figured I didnā€™t want to engage with demons (bad past experiences of them being against meā€¦) so as of now I am committed solely to working with Ishtar (but this is pretty recent). I struggle a lot with communicating with entities even though Iā€™ve been reading tarot for 5 years now, but Ishtar has been very gentle in showing signs of her presence to me and I want to get to know her better and better. I was raised a spiritualist and my faith is still very based around what it was as a child, but most spiritualists frown upon the practices Iā€™ve been taught from the beginning, making me and those at the Temple I grew up in very isolated in our faith, and myself, as someone who tries to comprehend even beyond what Iā€™ve been told, even more isolated. There are no libraries around me that ever sell books on ā€œdarkā€ subjects, so I hope to keep learning from you guys as Iā€™ve been for some time now reading what everyone has to say.


Hi looking to learn a lot!

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I lurked for a while to see how or what people were actually practicing and I got curious about Demons/demonolatry. But I signed up because Iā€™m looking for answers and Iā€™m still currently not finding them.


Answers to what, though?

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Iā€™m sort of stuck in this look of extreme negativity because im not getting concrete answers. Okay so I get answers of what to do if Iā€™m attacked. Great! But the next post is ā€œoh no thats not an attack youā€™re just ascendingā€ (I just made a thread about this). And the energy is confusing me and making me lose common sense because ive been attack by so many people.


Hello, I am 20 years old, I am here because I have extraordinary experiences in the last few years. I love to learn from and benefit from your experiences. Iā€™m sorry for my bad english :pray:


Welcome @aslora

Where are you from?

What does this mean? It is really vague and doesnā€™t really tell us anything.

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what do you practice and how long have you practiced it?

Do you have any experience in specific systems or traditions of magick?

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Just call me Fabulo there is not much I can tell about myself, Iā€™m just trying to live.

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I agree with the turkey, Iā€™m fighting for a long time with astral parasites also did not experienceā€™m here to learn about magic

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This isnt helping anyone mate, do a proper introduction come on, it wont take hours so.


Does this mean youā€™re from Turkey?

How do you know you have parasites if you have no experience?

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