Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

I’m west African. I have been practicing the traditional Goetia magick for about a year now. And as my name indicate I started working with Prince Seere as my very first Goetia entity. For my areas of interest to be honest I do not have any specific. I just generally reach out to a goetic spirit according to my needs.



Although I might be more of a lurker than a poster, let me introduce myself…
I live in the Netherlands and consider myself a luciferian. I was brought up in a gnostic household, which I am very thankful for. Although the group my parents belonged to is considered christian , it was always very much encouraged to be inspired by and learn from other mystery schools and philosophies such as Sufism, Daoism, Buddhism, Hermetism, Qabbalah, Plato etc.

I caught the metalhead-fever very young and became more interested in satanism and the occult as I got older. I tried to get in touch with certain LHP/ satanic occult groups in Europe in the mid 90’s when the Dark Web was still just “the internet”, but was always put off by the veiled and sometimes not so veiled racism, so I decided to solitarily just focus on the more classic occult teachings and as such have always been more of a scholar than a practicioner.

Only months ago I decided to take the leap and start as a LHP practicioner and set up a temple space in my home. I have always struggled with meditation and concentration (yay ADHD!) but am getting a little better at it lately after being a lot more disciplined about it. The very few rituals and the one curse I performed so far were mildly succesful but I will be more focussed on meditation and concentration for the most part at first which will probably be a slow progress, since I decided to stop taking my ADHD medicine.

Good to meet you all!



Welcome @LvxMferre

So what, exactly, do you practice?

Are you following any specific system or tradition?

Waht are your areas of interest?

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I tried quoting form your post, but that made my post a bit messy…

Those are very good questions, I have been asking myself as well. The most accurate, but dissatisfying answer is: I dunno…
I guess my interests right now are mainly demonolatry and astral travel as those seem to come a bit more natural to me and eventually see where it takes me from there. I have always found it difficult to commit myself to any set systems or traditions (both practical and philosophical). I tend to experiment with elements of various systems/ traditions and see what works for me.

Apart from that I am still building a foundation for my magickal practice, so I do a lot of energy work, a lot of work such as meditation concerning the black flame and trying to learn about cleansing, protection and warding without having to call on entities/ energies I have no interest in working with (such as angels, names of god etc.)

Hello, I am Ahmose, I am from Colombia, one of my abilities is related to dreams. As I was 12 I started to dream with darkness and spirits who claimed to be demons. I was raised as a catholic. So I felt very afraid of those spirits. I never told anyone about that. When I was 18, I met a wiccan, I got into Wiccan magick, solitary practice. So I learn some things and well I realised my dreams were no mere dreams, they warned me from coming things.By the way, in my dreams, I can also tell if “the person” before me is a living human , a dead human or even a spirit disguised as a human. I also have requested answers before going to sleep and they’ve showed me them. I learnt some tarot reading and I also realised I could know sometimes what was about to happen because I “listened to” voices who told me that. Anyway, Wiccans look like so “benevolents” to me. When I was about 22, I met someone who guided me far from spiritual path. So for many years I got lost. But you always have to come back to the path, maybe no the right one but you have to. When I was 28, I came back to some practice. Nothing great. I met some gnostics and I learned some things from them , specially from a woman, but I felt so uncomfortable. Darkness start to call me, I not only dreamt about dark spirits, but they also whispered to me, touched me while I was asleep. To be clear, I don’t mean “dark” is equal to “bad”. It started to be more frequent. Something bad happened and I decided to learn how to contact me with that dark spirits, I mean, when I read about Goetia and to force spirits to do something, I thought I was so disrespectful. It was on december 2021.So I ran into a YouTube channel by “chance” (to say so, I don’t believe in coincidences), it was a LHP and I learnt a little from that. So I decided to start this path. I have worked with some spirits and I have to thank them so much. I’d like to improve my abilities, dreams, clairaudience ( because I can sometimes listen to spirits),and I’d also like to learn others like divination, not just tarot reading but also scrying and pyromancy.

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Welcome @Ahmose

So, what, exactly, do you practice?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of interest?

I’m David Alonso, I don’t have magic name. I’m interested in spiritual and magic topics since I was a kid. I’m from Ecuador. I had some masters, but I only completed one clairvoyance course, because I use to be logical and independient thought, and a very eclectical man with a strong philosophical base. I’m not doing magic works: I’m trying to develop my astral senses and my experiential knowledge of the spiritual, and also my connection with some beings and realms.

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I have read some books of Stephanie Conolly and two of Asenath Mason, but I consider myself eclectic, so I don’t follow a specific tradition. I am not a demonolater but I don’t exactly worship them but I think they deserve a lot respect as the divine beings they are. I am interested in improve my abilities, lean evocation, divination, not only tarot reading but also pyromancy and scrying. I have asked the helped of some spirits just using simple rituals, candles , sigils, esences some offerings and I have gotten good results. I have even used blood but I realised they have helped me without the need of that.


Thank you for doing an introduction as request @Luigi_Corleone.

So, do you have any practical experience in magick?

How long have you been practicing?

Are you following any specific system or tradition?

Yes, I have a lot of experience in magic, but mostly is a sh1t, so I’m a good clairvoyant and a bad magician until now (this is gonna change, and is changing: I declare it XD ) So, hear me: all was pure failure before The Black Witch of E. Petrucelly and some rituals in the V K Jehannum web. Man, that magic is powerfull, if you follow the rituals step by step. But Lilith destroyed my hearth: I did all that Petrucelly said, and Lilith gave me garbge succubus companion of her daughters, then they drained me, and Lilith BLOCK ME THE PASS TO HER QLIPHOT, and so Naamah: and those are the first qliphots. So I hate Lilith sometimes… you must understand me. I really really hate her sometimes… and demons in general cause they always lied to me. And well, with the V K J rituals I got a very interesant experience with Dagdagiel and a supossed Aphrodite… But the first was very dark, but nice; and the second… well, she turned to bicubu in the end, and that is not my orientation XD; and, for other hand, she scam me with atracting womans, cause she put a woman in my hands and, when the girl was near to come to me, she suddenly started to aborre me, so I get very angry and I send the pseudo Aphrodite to the hell… Jajajaja. And, about my other spiritual practices like meditation and that: well, that is since my 20 aprox, and I’m 34… Before that, I used to pray, cause I was religious. So, I hope all your questions has been answered. Excuse my bad english of ecuatorian. Well: if you have more questions, tell me and I answer, captain

is this where i introduce myself? i hope so, Hiii all i am Christina i am a people lover. i just recently put down my christian bible and decided to think for myself and try to find my own spiritual path…was brainwashed i suppose for my whole life. im 36 and bigender and pan. I have always loved the idea of magic and seeing and feeling things i could not explain.i have Always been extremely sensitive to ppl around me but also nature and even just feeling a vibe come off someone or something i could not even see. i want to discover why that is and if something is pulling at me i want to hear it and answer back. if that makes sense. i have a extremely passionate love and pull towards japanese culture and i live in america where im not sure yokai reside but if they do i would love to meet one someday. I am new to magic i dnt even know where to start. but i wanted to learn how to possibly summon a yokai. i hope i can learn from u all and im so happy to be able to discover this world w new eyes since thinking for myself finally.

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I go by the name Tzeenj. I was told I should introduce myself after I responded to a post that linked to a ritual that I’d created years ago.

I’ve been actively practicing magick since the early 90s, mostly Ceremonial (much mroe Hermetic than Qabalistic or Rosicrucian, but including Enochian, Nightside magick, and Grimoire style evocation) and Yogic, from a LHP and Chaos Magick stance, but I also have experience with some African Diasporic (picked up in New Orleans and DC) and Northern European. For the last few years I’ve been working an initiatory emanationist/planetary ascent Working and have just begun Working with Saturn.


I too began practice in the early 90’s. Welcome to the BALG forum @Tzeenj!


Hi! This is where I am starting at! :slight_smile: well. I am new to it all!!!


Hi!!! Welcome! I am new here too! And new to learning as much as possible!

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Hello I am kryse, I am really new to finding out about the occult and magickal community but did have an interest in it throughout my life. Although I don’t have much experience I have always been an extremely sensitive, spiritual person and have had some psychic abilities as a young child. I had pre cognitive dreams that fortold exact events to happen to me and others and have developed strong psychic connections overtime. I am interested in learning more about the experiences of others here and hope I can also grow my experience.

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cool! hi :slight_smile:

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Welcome @Laakry

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of interest?

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what’s going on, i joined so i can learn more and apply what is useful to help me on my journey, came into this world in the year 1986, month of April, in a male avatar body, began my journey in the end of the year 2020, learning chakras, the matrix simulation theory, astrology, reiki. Came into the concept of the left hand path searching for answers on youtube, so here i am, ready to learn everything that i can.

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Welcome @survivethehuman

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

If you don’t have any experience, what areas of magick are you interested in learning more about?