Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Western Ceremonial Magick, really I just try to take what works and add it to my practice.

I am from india and i donā€™t have any experience in magick but i tried lucifer evocation last year and it was going well but i started to get scared because there was a sudden change in atmosphere like there was no sign of wind but suddenly wind became mad and all candles extinguished, it all started to happen when i offered my blood to him like on his sigil so i ended it there and yeah this is my experience and i wanna try it again because iā€™m not that scaredy cat anymore and like i said before i like evocation type of magick and i wanna talk to spirits, demons,etc. so, yeah thatā€™s all thanks

This post doesnā€™t really tell us us anything about you or any experience you may have in magick, @adamsandlerfunni123, and does not meet our intro requirement.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

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Hi everyone!

My name is Reza, I am 30 years old living in Austria, Vienna. My magical name/nickname is Reikai Ryu (from Japanese 霊ē•Œē«œ, meaning: Spiritual/Shadow Realm Dragon). I am ā€œable to useā€ English, German and Japanese.
My photo should be visible at my profile, I will update the Header etc. later on soon.

I loved watching all the variety of contents from Become a Living God since more than 5-6 years now, I guess. EA and everyone else do not only create great contents, but also really motivate one to think about many different topics in life from another perspective (not mainstream). Which is why I have found Become a Living God and am glad to already meet and partly get to know some amazing people of this wonderful community and family during Live Chats too.

Regarding myself, I am deeply focused on the occult before even noticing it since I have been about 7 years old with a huge focus on mother nature and Halloween as well as Samhain, and trying to understand already back then the real meanings and origins of other festivals such as Christmas etc. (being of pagan origin, but it hasnt been revealed to me back then, even though I felt that there must be something fascinating and even historically accurate background in mythologies). As my passion for nature and its giving and taking in life grew, I started respecting each single plant and its use for humans, animals and the spiritual world. My interest grew by getting to know more historical facts about the 2nd half of my origin (Persian, Zoroastrianism) and its connection to other civilizations at that time (Mesopotamia and Egypt especially). I also started to develop a huge interest into Norse mythology - historically now and then.

As my nickname implies, I would lie if Iā€™d say that I wouldnā€™t be interested into anything related to Japan. Japanese mythology, Shintoism and its development over history are one of my major focuses and fascinations. I would very much like to master the art of reverse (occult) - omyoji, regarding Yokai and many more spirits (Thus, being able to use the Japanese language at a higher level is my regular goal). Besides that, I am also very fascinated and focused on the sometimes nearly forgotten tribal magick of the Ainu people living in northern Japan, Hokkaido. It resembles very much our understanding from mother nature, yet it is still different in its understanding of a ā€œcircle of natureā€.

Languages are the key to communicate in our world and the spiritual world, but we will never be able to speak, read, listen to or write in any language. This is the reason why I wrote ā€œI am able toā€ not ā€œI canā€ speak a language. If you ā€œcanā€, you must be able to: use and understand the very origin of the language thousands of years ago till now, all its symbolic alphabets and dialects etc. As this is quite impossible, we ā€œcan notā€ speak/write/read etc. a language, but we can ā€œuseā€ a language, more or less.

I wish to turn my honestly still passive, sometimes quite philosophical, magick skills into active ones. Not necessarily by gaining something physical etc. in this world, but by being able to return something to everyone, especially to nature and animals, with highest respect and love. I would also love to be able to put more spiritual essence into my rituals.

Thank you very much for bearing and reading till the end of my message, even though it has just been a very basic introduction (I am very sorry for the length of my introduction). I wish everyone a great day/night and am looking forward to get to know many amazing people here! :japanese_ogre:


Welcome @Reza_DragonAscension

So, if I am understanding correctly, you have no practical experience in magick?


Hi sanaRo, nice to meet you too!! That sounds awesome, what is he/she interested in about Japan? :blush:

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Thank you very much @DarkestKnight !

Thats not exactly correct. I just thought if I write about it, my introduction would be much longer^^;

I have experiences in rituals with Lucifer, Abaddon, Azazel and Belial regarding the Gatekeepers. Regarding Japanese Gods or Goddesses too. It is just not enough yet, as my time management is bad to keep on doing rituals constantly, except of the Commander in Chief Ritual.

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Thats amazing! Probably he has even more knowledge than me! It would be awesome if we could exchange our knowledge and experiences one day :fire::blush:

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Then what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced? Other than your two paragraphs about your interest in all things Japanese, you havenā€™t really told us much of anything about your practical experience.

Do you follow any specific systems or traditions?


Thank you very much for asking! Regarding systems or traditions, I think that I do not follow any so far at any of my rituals or pratices.

So far I practiced evocation rituals with the Gatekeepers. I create my very own rituals and try to manifest them in a circle infront of me. First I gathered basic knowledge from books of Michael W Ford back then.
Sometimes just to ask on a specific topic in life I need help with and sometimes simply to understand something which seems to be unclear to me, I cannot find any answer to, asking them to guide me or give me a tool to find the answer myself.

I probably practice active rituals since 4 years now. But spiritual meditation already about 8 or 9 years.

Feel free to ask if you would like to know anything else and sorry if my reply did not completely answer your questions or I misunderstood anything.

Welcome to the forum. I think i saw you in the live stream today?

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Thank you! And yes right, I remember you too! Nice to meet you again!

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and again, welcome to the BALG forum.


Thank you very much again too for your questions, being patient with and welcoming me! Its a huge honour to be a member :blush:


You can call me Basck.

Right now, I practice magick through the system of Damon Brand and GoM. Previously, I have used Chaos Magic and am drawn mainly to Hermeticism. I am working through Success Magick by Brand as I figured it was about time I learned what Enochian was about.

I have done much energy work through a practice that syncretizes Taoist, Vedic, and Theosophical spiritualities. Energy work is pleasurable and addictive (a harmless drug!) and so it forms the cornerstone of my practice.

My current desire is to carve a path towards success in the sciences. I want to push the limit of human knowledge and bring back these insights into the mundane world.

My current frustrations are financial, not in terms of my daily life but my long term ambitions, and dealing with the extent of my lusts more honestly.

For evocations, I feel energies much more strongly than I do words with the entities I converse with. This skill Iā€™ve been improving.

Welcome @bdd

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing?

Hi, Iā€™m new. Iā€™d like to get to know about demonolatry, kabbalah, qlipoth, chaos magick, and planetary magick. Iā€™ve read a few books on demonolatry and planetary magick, but I feel unequipped to properly perform any invocations.

I want to work with Lucifer or Astaroth as my first demon. They both seem very welcoming from what Iā€™ve heard and read.

My current motivation in utilizing demonolatry is to empower myself through means of independence and self reliance. I was raised catholic and revoked my faith in the catholic church when realizing how traumatized they had made me when I was 14 years old, I am 22 now and I still hold subconscious fears nailed into the antagonization I received in the catholic church. I would like to banish my Abrahamic fear of an omnipotent god who has complete control over my being. Jehovah is a tyrant.

As someone who struggles with multiple mental illnesses I would also enjoy receiving clarity, guidance, and strength through working with demons. I am also heavily musically inclined and playing instruments is one of the very last things in my life that makes me genuinely happy. Iā€™ve heard that there are specific demons that could help me improve my playing and songwriting. So Iā€™m looking forward to building a musical relationship through invocation as well. Honestly, if Iā€™m in the right mood, Iā€™d also like to learn how to defend myself and others with tools I can be given through demonolatry. Recently it was revealed to me in a pathreading that Lucifer and Amaymon (who is apparently one of Luciferā€™s masks) are my patron demons!!! So maybe they can help me with that? The idea of working with Amaymon is intimidating as a novice, but who knows maybe it will come to me sooner than later?

Any help is appreciated I am more than willing to receive advice and or constructive criticism. Thank you!

Hi, I am new here, hence the intro.
My path and life has always been infused tightly with the craft having come from a Romani heritage with my nan teaching me some of her old ways the she herself was taught by family. I have seen various spirits / entities since early childhood and one such experience was terrifying, it involved Goblins. With Irish in our family we all have a very healthy respect for the Otherworld Folk and that experience really encapsulated why in the Irish Tradition one does not mess with the Good Neighbours.
I hold 1st and 2nd degrees in Wicca but left the Coven while training for my Third to walk the Crooked Path which is more akin to my heritage and feels so much more natural to me.
I am heavily into British Folk Magick, and Demonolatry but work with demons in a non traditional way eg non binding and mutual respect. I occasionally work with Angels but this is still a new contact.
I believe in the Law Of One By Ra and the Collective Consciousness.
I practice tarot and pendulum divination, am very rusty at tea leaf reading and need to dust down the ouija board again. I have plenty of crystals, wild forage spell ingredients if I cannot grow my own and make my own oils, incenses, candles etc etc
I adore learning and expanding my knowledge.
Oh yes, Iā€™m from Cornwall UK.


Hi everyone my name is Fawn and I am new to this and trying to find my way.

Welcome @Fawn Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical expeirence?

If so, what have you practiced, and how long have you practiced?

If not, what areas of magick are you interested in learning?