Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Im Ignatius

Ive been a magician for some time, really starting my lhp journey about two years ago with some other experience gathered before that. I never had nor have some high spiritual calling, in fact i dont even consider myself spiritual i just have seen enough things to know that magic and Spirits are real, and when i started i just did so for Lust for coin and lust for women (and men). Im married now which leaves Lust for coin and also knowledge/gnosis.
I mainly work with the ancient ones (lovecraftian Spirits) but also with goetic, hellenic and other Spirits and dont really like the limitations of traditions. Also i am highly antisocial which prevented me from ever working with other magicians (other than my wife Who is one herself) and i guess Thats one of the reasons i wanted to try this forum, to exchange experience, learn and maybe also make some friends since despite me having no real interest in human interaction i sometimes enjoy it so if some of you like pen and paper, vampire the masquerade in particular send me a message.


Welcome @FraterIgnatius

Where are you from?

Roughly, how long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

My name is Ty.
I am a law school applicant and therefore I have read many sorts of literature concerning philosophy and rhetoric and the combination of the two.
My family is descended from a long line of freemasons- although I am not one myself when I found this out I began to research many topics including the occult world. I became extremely interested in ancient history and ancient occult practices and how they followed us into the modern world and power structure. I have read extensively on Kabballah and Qliphoth.
I mainly enjoy goetic magick. I am not well-versed or well-practiced in any other form.
My current ambition is to become more familiar with myself and with the workings of the magickal world.
My current struggle is discipline- and holding myself to the standards which I see fit.

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @magickalchild

Where are you from?

How long have you practiced?

What form of Goetic magick do you practice, modern or traditional?

From the USA- Texas.
I may need to rephrase- I have only read goetic literature and drawn sigils- no rituals yet- but I plan to-that is my intention for being on this forum. The literature I read concerning the history and character of goetia is both modern and traditional- as I am trying to get a good perspective.
As far as my readings on ritual practice - most of this is modern so that I may get an idea of a more concise and practical working method.
I have been interested in/studying these topics for roughly a year or a little less.


Nice to have you here, your into piqued my interest. Iā€™m looking at law school and Texas seems interesting. Look forward to seeing you around the forum!

UT is an extremely good school of law- in fact I intend to attend there. My work to make that reality is in progress. super cool to know someone is in my boat. you will see me around

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and again, welcome to the BALG forum.

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Ive had my first Channeling experience at roughly a year of age and spent most of my Teens practicing runes and witchcraft. My true beginning of studies i would say Was about two years ago when i started learning more and more about the lhp, goetia and stuff.

Im from germany, Europe and have no Real experience in a formal System, which would probably make me some sort of Chaos magician

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Hello everyone! Iā€™m so happy to be here and meet you all!

Iā€™m Ashley Mage, currently residing right outside of Washington, DC.

Kinds of magick I like: qabbalistic magick, hoodoo, and currently looking into daemonolatry

Current ambitions: To increase and refine my psychic abilities, become a more powerful magician, and use those skills to get things done in my life!

Current struggles: Iā€™m currently in a weird social media battle with a mentally ill witch. :expressionless: Iā€™m looking for ideas on how to handle the situation in the best way possible

Welcome @ashleymage

So what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you been practicing?

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May sound cheesy and i dont know the details but from my social media experience the best way to deal with social media battles is to ignore the other party lol.

Learned some hoodoo myself when i was a bit younger. Any good advice on proper literature about the topic to get back in?

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Hello everyone! My magical name is krull277277
Iā€™m interested in money magic and beauty magic
my goal is to achieve the required results
currently I am trying to destroy all my doubts to solve the tasks

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @krull277277

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience? You havenā€™t told us if you do or not.

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you been practicing?

Do you follow any specific systems or traditions?

I am from central Europe.
Since I am a beginner in this field, I do not have much experience.
I am now trying candle rituals to summon a small amount of money as an experiment.
At present, I do not have a definite system or tradition.

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Hi, my name is Joseph Adamski, and you can call me Joe.

Iā€™m 31 years of age from west central Louisiana. Iā€™m into Jungian psychology and modern Shamanism, with a biblically rooted worldview.

I have daily rituals and ceremonial cleansing practices. I specialize in spiritual house clearing and attunement. Itā€™s a pleasure to meet everyone. I utilize many methodologies and have drawn ideas and techniques from multitudes of traditions from around the world.

Iā€™m also a trained hypnotist. Iā€™ll just be looking around to gain perspective and making friends.

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Welcome @Joseph_Adamski

Where are you from?

What exactly, do you practice, and how long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

Thatā€™s all I feel like telling you about myself, unless youā€™d like to talk privately.

Part of a proper introduction here is providing members with an idea of what you actually have experience in, and a rough timeline of practice, as it helps us to provide appropriate advice and direction, as well as evaluate any advice you may choose to give. Everything you have said is general, and doesnā€™t really tell us much of anything

10 years ranging from Haitian vodou, Melchizedekā€™s priesthood, to Norse shamanism and western ceremonial magick. I have learned from the Golden Dawn as well as Hermetic philosophy from external sources outside of GD.

Is that satisfactory information?