Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

@AngelicEnergyMagicka, @Juicysam and @system-zero welcome to the forum.

Please properly introduce yourselves and tell us enough to give us an idea of what we can say without under or over estimating your xp…

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are you areas of magical interest?

I am from various parts of the US, mostly the NE and New England.

I am more of a chaos practitioner that doesn’t really adhere to any particular system or tradition and have been for over 30 years with gaps between practice and my areas of interest fluctuate wildly from day to day.

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Welcome @anonpdx Please tell us about yourself,

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what exactly do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

I’m from the Chicagoland area of Illinois. I don’t practice anything specific yet, would call everything that I’ve done (about 25 or so spells, around 10 jinxs,& 1 trick(low level hoodoo sour jar) chaos magick at best mostly due to my lack of focus concentration and bad memory (I have Bipolar Disorder which is the main cause for those three issues). I first started my journey of self discovery sometime in 2016/17 and had an “awakening” in Jan 2018. A year or so before Jan 2018 I was meditating a lot, consuming a lot of info via YouTube & books, hanging around someone who never got angry or let anything bother him & who I consider a catalyst in my spiritual ascension, & I was able to put myself in a meditative state for 30 mins to an hour, I can barely keep my mind clear for 5 mins now :frowning: (long story)
I don’t consider myself a baby witch just because of the amount of research I’ve done & information i have consumed over the years and the fact that I’ve actually done spells but my got damn memory won’t let me be great! XD XD (I’ll be working on that in due time )
I love learning, being knowledgeable and just being aware and informed so I generally don’t have any specific areas of interest yet, I’m left leaning tho I’ll say that.
I really just want to be of service to myself and others, increase my willpower and personal power, self love, money, evolution of my soul among other things are things I’m interested in but I’m suuuper open and excited to see where my journey takes me.
Going to post a long post about my current situation and what’s going on later cause I need some advice lol but for now I’m just reading :slight_smile:

Where are you from?

Germany and Austria

Do you have any practical experience in magick?
If so, what do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Yes, doing it nearly daily for 3.5 years: high magick (D. Echols), angelic magic (D. Echols & D. Brand), energy work and breath work. Performed a couple of bigger shifts in my life due to these practices.

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

Ceremonial Magick/Astrotheurgy I would say. As well as eastern energy and breath work.

What are you areas of magical interest?

Those stated above.

Hello! My name is Erramundo.

I started about a year ago as such, but I left it for reasons that are not relevant and due to time problems, then I slowly did things related to spirituality, that is, meditations and such, to a point where I left it again due to the lack of time again but slowly I began to develop a real interest in this type of knowledge, until at one point about 3 months ago I felt like I couldn’t advance any further unless I took it more seriously. And during this time did I follow any kind of system or tradition? Well… No, reason? The truth is that I would not like to stay in a particular tradition or system, I prefer, for example, to go along the left path and not stay only in the draconian, or go for the dragon or goetia part, etc., although currently what I consider most interesting and what is catching my attention the most is the Qlifot and elements like that.
But despite this minimal time that I have been on this path, without a doubt the most significant experience is this:


And little more, I wouldn’t know more than to count on introducing myself.

Hi Timothy, I haven’t been practicing any sort of magic or anything like that I have only been on online doing that… (Mainly games) anyway I don’t really feel comfortable telling you guys where I am from but its in California. I have some interests mainly vampirism, Yokai specifically kitsune or nekushu/nekomata and that’s about it. My only struggles right now is school but that’s basic lol. My only belief at the moment is Reincarnation and Inari.

hello everyone, I have been a practitioner for a year now, I have not decided on a specific system to follow yet and also I am from India

Welcome @Nobody_Nobody

So…what, exactly, do you practice?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Hi, I’m Chelsea. I’m 48 and have been practicing since my early 20’s. I started off in Wicca, like a lot of folks. Got married, husband decided to convert to Catholicism during our son’s cancer treatment, and I stopped practicing due to his insistence and my own weakness due to trauma. Marriage became increasingly toxic and abusive. Left him two years ago with the clothes on my back and almost immediately was called by Lilith. She picked me up and gave me the strength I needed to stand up and start a new life from the ground up. Dove back in headfirst but without the love and light bs. Went straight to to the dark goddesses. Now I’m beginning my journey into the LHP. Thanks for having me!

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My name is Danielle
I have been practicing for about a year, however i discovered my psychic ability about 7 years ago. Very recently i was called to Astaroth/Ishtar/Innana. Coming from A christian background it took me a lomg time to allow myself to seek my pahlth outside of what i was taught, but once i did the abilities came forth. Now i want to ampilfy and create the life i want for myself. I have a kemetic view ,but also for my personal development i have decided to follow the left hand path. I do hava experience with energy work, i am an empath a d have had clairvoyant experiences. I decided on lhp because i realized that thpugh ive seen spirits, that have passed or should i saw have shed physucal body growing up, i saw alot of darkness and “demons” in my dreams. I "suffered from sleep paralysis only to discover as an adult that it was a gateway to obe. I lucid dreamed quite abit as a child. Reoccuring nightmares until adulthood. It was scary then So now its time to dig in as an adult and call these spirtis back and work with them.

  • I am from California
    My ambition is to hone magic ability, perhaps work with a mentor im callled to and be part of a community. I struggle with seeing these spirits as an adult because perhaps i blocjed them too much as a child or hid from them believing them to be evil. I want to connect with my patron Innana, and i want to have a solid witchy practice and would love to as i mentioned meet other and have a like minded community. Thank you :slight_smile:

Hey everyone, I’m glad to be back, formerly known as TheBlondeBrujo on here, a devoted follower of Lamashtu and Lilith, it’s good to be back and I’m eager to get back into the forum.

What happened to your original account? Duplicate accounts are against the forum rules.

Also, if you’re starting over with a new account, you must do a proper introduction. Tell us about yourself, what you practice, how long you have practiced, etc.

There was no way to access my account sorry, I wish I could have, I missed it and the forum, so I thought it’d be best to make a new account

I will close your previous account. Please complete your intro for the new account.

What exactly do you practice and how long have you been practicing?

Do you follow a specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

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Hi I’m the blonde witch, I’ve practiced witchcraft for about 10/11 years, I would call myself an eclectic witch as I take bits and pieces from various traditions and different types of magical practices such as hoodoo, Voodou, Ceremonial magic, folk witchcraft and the satanic/luciferian belief systems.
I devote myself to my main Goddesses Lamashtu and Lilith, but have previously in the past worked, at the beginning of my adventure into the life of a witch, worked with Hecate, Bastet, Kirke and Medea, before being called to Lamashtu and Lilith, whom I used to write about religiously on this forum.
I have many interests including working with spirits/spirit conjuration, tarot, Mesopotamian magic and Luciferian witchcraft.

I hope to regain a community by rejoining this forum, as well as expand my knowledge and eagerly discuss witchcraft, spirits and all different types of magical traditions and paths with the other members.

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Thank you, and welcome back!

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Thank you I’ve missed this place

Hey y’all


So I’ve been “seriously” practicing magick for about 7 months now. I’m an artist, and initially my main goal is to improve my artistic abilities +skills, but going a little further down the path I want to use magick as well as I can, where and when I can. I’m also pretty poor lol but I’m full of desire and creativity.

Background info:

Raised catholic, went to 12 years of catholic school and always struggled with that faith, left it at 19. dads side of the family is extremely conservative catholic, Moms side liberal episcopalians, my maternal grandfather is a Mason. I’ve had a life long interest in the occult. Had a good knack for tarot reading without knowing any of the symbolism , and I tried to dabble once in chaos magick but stopped after a couple of bad breakups. After that I tried to live as a hardcore atheist until the start of 2023, then I started getting really into Gnosticism, psychoanalysis and Jung. I came across a video on active imagination and encountering the subconscious, and did the exercise described within. It worked on the second attempt and absolutely stunned me. Two days after that I was painting while listening to YouTube and hit Gnosis after hearing the Gnostic version of the Creation story and I’ve been delving into the occult ever since.

The start:
I decided that the overall frame work I’d use is still “chaos magic” for the flexibility of it. I practice multiple systems, though.

I started out with planetary magick, made an altar and procured a good knife. I use’s planetary practices as well as Homeric hymns and other associations while also noting the ruler of the hour. I started with Saturn, feel closest to Jupiter and have been helped most by Mercury. Ive l been able to apply and integrate this into to my life which has strengthened my faith.

Im good with sigils, as well as seals and inventory made a couple servitors.

I’ve learned the kabbalistic cross, LBRP and I’m starting to memorize the Middle Pillar. I like the golden dawn system and I think that Kabbalah and the Tree of Life is a gorgeous system, but I’m in no formal order. There’s a Rosicrucian group where I live which I consider joining but I’m not entirely sure yet.

I’ve done no work on the “left hand path” because of the bs stigma associated but I’m over that. however:

I was homeless for 2 months this summer. Never ask Saturn for help with your art career cause I didn’t know that Saturn removes responsibilities that you can’t handle (freeing me from them) and I guess that ment my car and apartment. I didn’t abandon my practice this time but doubled down, listened to a lot of Glorian lectures and other general YouTube occult channels. While enduring this I found Gordon Winterfields Demons of Magick. Took around a week or 2 to read and prepare for ritual but when I did i petitioned Seer (who is powerful and gracious and helps all who petition him) and got approved for an apartment which I would have no business normally getting. That made my faith in this even stronger and my magickal practices have definetly strengthened as a result. Interestingly enough , I’m friends with the downstairs neighbor who’s a practicing Wiccan, who told me the guy who lived up here before me was a satanist who worked with a demon and had a staff that he would SA people with to “feed” it. He left the staff here and I broke it after she told me that but I saw the connections so I thought it would be good to add.

So my point with all this isn’t to brag or anything , but I do want to know where y’all think I’m at with my education and what steps I can take next. Money is a massive issue for me and anything that will get me practical results is appreciated. Of course I want to become a better artist, either through inspiration, spells ritual or straight up downloading a new technique lol idc as long as it works. Used to be an alcoholic but I got that under control, smoke a lot of weed and I’ll do crystal every now and then, if that makes a difference to you. Again I’m open to anything, I prefer judeo-Christian systems because of the familiarity with names and figures and past history, but it’s definetly not a requirement. First thing I made in my new apartment was a massive mural of Yamantaka.
Me and the Art:

Thanks so much for reading and for any advice, live strong

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Hey there, I’m Enli from Oregon, USA (I’m currently studying TCM in China). I don’t follow any system of magick yet and I’m still a newbie. I don’t really have experience in magick either, unless you count qigong as magick, I’ve been practicing that for over a year now. I’m very interested in the left hand path and would like to get started on it soon (I unfortunately won’t be able to use any magickal tools or grimoires because of my Christian family, but I’m willing to learn as much as I can for now). I’ll be getting some online courses when my money arrives in November.