Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

• Your magick name

I don’t have a magic name

• Photos if you’re comfortable

I’m not comfortable

• Kinds of magick you like

I’m not into ‘magic’ or that kind of thing but with supernatural powers, I tried once psychic vampirism, and began to practice with people closer to me, idk if i had sucess vamping people but I tried to practice with a plant. Coincidence or not, after some days white spots began to cover all the plant and later it died. But I haven’t practiced since them.

• Current ambitions

My current ambition in the short term is to sharp my concentration and intuition strong as possible and maybe if I stick with meditation and ascetism maybe I’ll try to get siddhis that come along with that kind of practice.

• Current struggles

Laziness, distraction and procastination.

My Name is Omkar I am 23 Years old and I am new to all these stuff i hope i will learn alot here

Hi everyone, my name is Miltos and i am 17 years old. I have been practicing only for 3 months and before that i was researching for about 2 months and a half.
My interests are demon work , tarot, draconian magick and i am also hoping to begin working with angels in the future. Currently i am developing my clairsenses and practicing tarot and trying to invoke lucifer to help me on my journey. What i am struggling with the most is concentrating, astral travel and communication with spirits in general.

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Greetings, I’m 32 years old and live in Ukraine. Practicing nonregularly for less than ten years. Starting with simple Chaos Magic later I moved to Voodoo and Kabbalah. Have some experience in Necromancy. Using Tarot and Runes as divination systems. Now I’m coming closer to Demonolatry and modern nonwiccan Kemetism which also inspired me from the beginning. My goals are success and development. As a Chaos Magic devotee I’m trying different approaches and pathworkings and like to experiment. My new magic name is under construction.


Welcome to the forum!

What brings you here Omkar?

Helpful ideas to include in your introduction:

  • Your preferred/magickal name and location, however, please do not disclose your address
  • Your preferred magicks and topics of study, how long you’ve been studying
  • Particular areas of magick where you need help
  • Particular areas of magick where you can provide help

Hello all,

I go by the name Idris. I’m 25 years old.

I started my occult journey at the age of 14. At this time, I was veering away from my Jehovah’s Witness upbringing. As I was a very bookish kid, I stumbled upon Wicca (like most in the occult realm) and everything took off from there. However, I’ve only begun to take studying and practicing what I’ve learned seriously just this year.

I’ve studied multiple paths Wicca, Shamanic Journeying, ATRs (African Traditional Religions), Hermeticism, Chaos Magick, and Planetary Magick. As of now, I am working my way through the planetary spheres.

Outside of the occult, I am an artist with the goal of creating my own comic book series. After watching and reading about Grant Morrison and Alan Moore, I’ve had the idea to use my occult experience to fuel my art.

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Hi my name is SatanicSobriety. I dedicated my soul to Satan on June 24, 2003. I was raised Catholic and forced to go to church until the age of 13 when I had to do my Confirmation. Then I quit. I got in many arguments with the catechism teachers when I was a kid about the inaccuracies of the bible. They did not like me. I have studied esoteric Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and the black magick tradition and the dark current that can be found hidden in every religion. My will is to liberate everyone who desires to have help getting away from ideological oppression. I was guided to help others get free from addiction. This was my promise to my personal Gods for freeing me from a 10 year opiate addiction. I will to free others from that miserly too, now. My contribution to this site will be enlightened information about personal liberation combined with scientifically sound facts to help ppl overcome that which enslaves them, combined with black magick techniques that will save your own life and purpose. Hail Satan! \m/

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Welcome to the forum!

Hello, I am Harry, I am from Greece, and I am a Witch since 2007. I don’t know what to say about me. I like writing, I like to not dabble with powers that I don’t know anything about (I try to find as much as possible before I start using a specific spell or rituals).
My dream was to become a writer but I can’t seem to finish anything I write.

Thats all!

Nice to meet you!!!

*I am an eclectic Witch

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @m4ster

What, exactly, do you practice?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

I call myself a tester, I test systems. I try to stir clear from dark/black magick because I don’t understand it fully, so I try not to mess with it. :slight_smile:

If you ask me what I believe well I believe in The Source of All. The Goddess.

That doesn’t really answer my questions. I asked you what you practice. You called yourself a witch, but that term is so generic these days that it tells us nothing at all about your experience.

What makes you a witch? Do you follow a particular witchcraft tradition?

What systems have you “tested?”

I’m looking for specific details, not vague or general statements that don’t say anything.

• Your magick name

I don’t have a magic name

• Photos if you’re comfortable

I’m not comfortable

• Kinds of magick you like

I’m not into ‘magic’ or that kind of thing but with supernatural powers, I tried once psychic vampirism, and began to practice with people closer to me, idk if i had sucess vamping people but I tried to practice with a plant. Coincidence or not, after some days white spots began to cover all the plant and later it died. But I haven’t practiced since them.

• Current ambitions

My current ambition in the short term is to sharp my concentration and intuition strong as possible and maybe if I stick with meditation and ascetism maybe I’ll try to get siddhis that come along with that kind of practice.

• Current struggles

Laziness, distraction and procastination.

@Soulles_npc Why did you open another account? Duplicates are against forum rules.

Your magick name: mickie is my nickname
• Kinds of magick you like: chaos, tarot, crystals, general witchcraft?
• Current ambitions: would like to further my craft and knowledge. be able to manifest well and energy things and work with demons and such and know of herbs.
• Current struggles: researching with right websites and finding books, demon communication and work, tarot

any experience you may have in maigck: still learning so i’d call myself a beginner

such as what you practice: protection spells and such, research, i practice what i find interesting like tarot

how long you have practiced: 7 months

areas of interest: demon working

Hello. I am Dark Lady.
I have been a witch for almost a decade.
I want to learn more about dark magick.
Nice to meet you!

Welcome @DarkLady

Where are you from?

What, exactly, do you practice? This is so general that it doesn’t really tell us anything about your experience.

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

Hello everyone, I am writing to you from Argentina.
I apologize for my English, as it is not my native language.
I have been reading the forum for a long time but have never actively done it. I have no experience so far, at least no positive experiences. I tried to get in touch with Dantalion, Amon, Belial, Paimon, but was never successful.

Most of the things I’ve done, whether it’s spells or evocations, I’ve seen here.
I would love to learn, although so far, beyond the fact that I have read a lot, I have not succeeded.

My greatest interest, and for which I have begun to investigate these arts, is to get the love of the person I love.

Everything I’ve done so far was for that reason, but I’d like to learn beyond that.

Thank you.

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Yes, you are write, I am sorry. I am from Romania. I started my magic journey as what would be called “a white witch/green witch”. Back then I was trying to connect with nature to learn about nature spirits and o on. It was a nice time, but I felt like something was always missing from my life. Back in 2015, I heard the call of Astaroth so I started practicing black magic which fulfilled magic journey. Even since, I focused on blood magic, meditation and working with the demons of Goetia. At this point, I would like to focus on improving my communication with the spirits I am working with, to form relationships with other and also to focus on astral projection.

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