Interpretion of dream

Hi i would like to ask if someone could help me with interpretation of this dream i know dreams are very personal but for this time i have no clue what this means.

So i have meet 4 people they was this kind of people who was useing drugs, we went to a basement. With white walls but the basement it self was very dark without light. We where walking there and exploring.

In this dream we realised that this basement is huge like a maze, soon we was hearing noices like someone swearing. Weird but after i had idk dream in dream i saw a airplane i knew there was a familiar person i was walking to school with this person maybe 9 years ago.

She never appered in my dreams i saw how the airplane was falling down on ground and crash there was fire she died.

After that i was back in this dark basement someone was running to us with intent to harm us. We have hide in empty with useless garbage inside.

We was very quiet after a moment we have heard loud noise like dropping something it was washing machine someone who chased us dropped it near us from the stairs and this person was swearing “motherfucker ! I will kill you all !” We heard this really loud but near our hideing spot.

Next we was walking to other location in this basement like maze what i need to tell is that ceiling wasnt high but when we walked in other location we saw a dark corridor
the corridor walls were damaged, but the ceiling was high there.

I saw nothing not with my eyes person who was standing at my side did a photo. We went back to other in other location where this chaseing man was far away.

On this picture i saw a dark huge shape it was going from a behind a wall on the bend. I was wondering what is that.

I went alone back there where the photo was taken i did photo i saw really huge form in a dream i knew… it was belial he was like 3 meters high full in darkness skin, little horns, black short hair with fringe massive red small eyes.

He had black like robe on him

I didnt saw him with eyes but on the picture he was right in front of me i think i was feeling he touching my head.

I went back to others next we found stairs to get on highest levels of building. We found window and decide to.escape through it i mean jump on ground then i was awake.

I dont know what it all means usually i dont remember my dreams but if i see dream i am sure that means soemthing. My brother came to me and said that he had a war with someone and this person was saying something like " if i will meet you in city i will fucking get you" does this dream means trouble ? Also yesterday my ex girlfriend was contacting with me through messeger

She did something to me i have mixed feelings to her i would let go the past but i dont know how i mention about this ex cuz maybe it connects with this dream.

Sorry for this if it is too long i was trying to explain it how i can thank you

Just sit in a comfy quiet state and ask yourself what these represent to YOU. It will be highly personal and what these mena to use as inivusuals amy be different, so, our interpreteations are mere specualtion.

For example, the basement could represent depth, of a building ie your vessel: you went deep inside yourself. Everything here was an aspect of you or prepresented something you’re thinking about.

You maybe watched ghost hunting style stories recently or hung hung out in a similar space, with druggies so that memory overlaid what was really going on, but the people represent your own aspects and opinions. These things are stored inside you, hence being in your basement.

The side dream was a worry dream, you might just have a part of you that hopes your old friend is ok. It seems unrelated.

The attacks and Belial probably come out of your magick work. Your subconscious is aware of entities out there that interfere wit humans, but knows that inside you is a strength they cannot match. It’s telling you both of these things. There were no actual entities were involved: you are protected and hidden and nothing but you is inside yourself.

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thank you for your comprehensive answer you helped me a lot really

Are you doing shadow work? I ask that because when I read your post, I had a sense that the basement may represent your lower self.

I also agree with this. Your subconscious is trying to deal with the darker parts of yourself and Belial is trying to guide you. Accept his guidance. Don’t worry. Once you’re done, you’ll be a much stronger and better person.


No im not doing the shadow work but in a future i would but i need to learn how to start.

DH thorne was saying something about this as experience on satania channel.

Im accepting his guidence but im didnt opened 3 eye yet.

Thanks for saying that :slight_smile: