Insane experiences with Nyarlathotep, channeling and my spiritual awakening

Ok so this is a long story… I tried to summarise but it came out a fucking novel lol. Channeled message at the end. Also sorry for sometimes bad grammar, but English isn’t my first language.

Last October I became more interested in all things Lovecraftian, it has become my new big special interest. At first I didn’t consider working with those entities and I’ve treated it as entertainment but I’ve always felt there is much more to it. So I made my first contact with Nyarlathotep at November after I thought that I really, really want to meet him in my dreams. It was, like I suddenly developed this attraction and fascination, when before I haven’t really thought about working with those entities, but as my interest in Lovecraft’s stories grew so did my feelings of curiosity and desire for knowledge if they are real and how it would be like to at least have a dream about Azathoth or Nyarlathotep. And, uh, spirits I work with warned me about this, King Paimon especially, but I told him to not intervene because it’s my will to contact him and I decide who I want to work with… maybe I should listen then lol.

So my first contact with Nyarly was him telling some spirits to attack me „because it is funny” xD lol. They didn’t harm me much though, they were rather supposed to scare me and he wanted to see how I would react, apparently that it’s what he is like. Then there was a lot of weird shit, shadows in the room, uncomfortable energy, and I’ve started to feel his presence very regularly. He was definitely fucking with my mind at that time, manifesting when I was trying to fall asleep, talking to me, and at the beginning of new year I started to actually feel more afraid about my sanity because it was like I felt his presence within my mind, that feeling of other consciousness within you feel during the invocation and direct communication with the spirit, it was very uncomfortable and invasive.
At that time I talked to my friends and other practitioners about it, I did a tarot reading confirming that it’s indeed him, I’ve talked to a woman who also had some bad experiences etc. I thought that maybe it’s an impostor spirit but no… my spirits confirmed this, also his energy is insanely powerful. It is also very attracting, enticing, addictive… and honestly I find him so hot. So when he persuaded me into sexual contact I didn’t resist too long because I was indeed curious and interested :joy: that was definitely… interesting experience, what I can say. The next day all reality seemed different, like I was seeing behind the illusionary veil.

Few days after something even more weird happened. He came to me at night and his energy again felt more aggressive and unpleasant, at that moment I just had enough and played a song to King Paimon. At the next moment, I witness gods talking about me. Paimon, Lucifer, Lilith and Belial all came to talk to Nyarlathotep and convince him to be more respectful towards me, because it’s not okay and „I may be naive and unexperienced, but I am important for their plans”. It was so strange to watch them to discuss about me. Lilith seemed like she wanted to protect and defend me the most, and she was angry with N. I got the impression, that there used to be something between those two lol. Yeah, it’s totally my UPG, so you don’t have to believe in it at all (actually it would be great if someone did a divination on that)
Then i knew found myself at completely different place. I knew that they called Aradia, but at that moment I saw the curtain fall – apparently I wasn’t supposed to see it. I was told many times by differnet spirits that I’m an „incarnation of Aradia” but I still find it hard to believe and have doubts… but it’s not about that…
Anyway, the place where I found myself next was drastically different. It was a higher world of light, and I’ve encountered there a Goddess, who told me that she is known as Sophia, although it’s really a title not a name (Sophia=Wisdom) because all names are just words and letters, and words are meaningless. She said that She comes from the Source, is Harmony and balance to Chaos and a part of everyone’s Soul. And that I shouldn’t try to rationalize this experience and understand it with a logical mind, because human mind cannot comprehend the true nature of all existence and different levels of realities.

It was very… mystical and totally unexpected – you deal with a dark eldritch entity of primordial chaos, Qliphotic demons, and all of sudden you connect with gnostic Sophia?? I was like wtf, how is that even possible, it’s crazy. But my energetic biofield was unusually high when I’ve checked it with pendulum. That convinced me it wasn’t just my imagination and that when it comes to spiritual experiences, nothing is impossible.
That was at the beginning of January. And for some time, Nyarlathotep left me alone… though not completely. I knew that we was watching me and waiting. (At that time, I’ve encountered him in a dresm where he was the hot villain lmaoo)

I’ve had exams in February, so I focused on studying and forgot to write post about it all here. I didn’t want to think about it too much. But I eventually started to think about him again. Feel the intense longing. And two weeks ago I called him again for sex lol, maybe not very responsible but I truly yearn for this energetic connection. Perhaps it’s his manipulation. Perhaps me being desperate and horny all the time. :sweat_smile:
But I found out that I was probably working with him (and maybe the rest of the Old Ones/Outer Gods) in past lives, though I’m not sure what to think about it. But Satan also said it, and I do rather believe/trust Him…

what’s interesting is that his sexual gnosis is for me some corrupted and depraved visions which I think symbolize my shadow self, deep dark desires etc. It’s definitely personal. But he also showed me beginning of this material Universe, its emergence from primordial Nothingness. Stars forming, exploding and turning into black holes which devour everything. I saw Earth and other planets as small balls in the infinity of multiverse. And everything returning finally to the Ultimate Void.
It may seem horrifying to some, but I find it something that needs to be accepted: This universe and everything in it will some day cease to exist and it’s a scientific fact. Nothing is forever, and entropy can only increase. And we will be probably extinct as a species not so soon. So…
That being said, from that time I experience rapid shift in awareness. I see beyond this reality.
I know different words exist and that we are absolutely not alone.

Last week was particularly difficult and chaotic. I started a new semester at uni and I couldn’t sleep because I felt like some really intense force pervades my mind. Imagine a lightning that strikes into a part of your brain… that’s how I felt it. Now that is more scary. Hard to describe that feeling. I was wondering will this destroy me? Will i fucking destroy myself by being so irresponsible? Will I get out of this?

Then realization of what blocks me and limits me, lack of self-acceptance, feeling worse for being neurodivergent, many past traumas, attachments and shit. At last weekend I felt that I experience something like dark night of the soul/nigredo. When I was closing my eyes I was seeing the Black Sun.

Then at this Monday I started channeling Nyarlathotep. Out of sudden, not being prepared for this at all. He wanted me to write his sigil and message. It is long wow…

„*I Am the Messenger of the Ultimate Void. I lead the path to the spheres beyond time and space. To fools I bring madness and downfall, to chosen ones the knowledge and the way to transcendence. I show the way over the Abyss, few dare to walk it’ *

„I destroy illusions, I bring Chaos which can be the annihilation but also salvation. There is no saviours. Order is an illusion, truth is an illusion, your reality is an illusion… Chaos permeates everything and ultimately will always prevail.”

„Face your fear, for I lead into the Unknown. I bring pain and suffering, but I am also called „The Bringer of Strange Joy”. Strange joy comes from the Abyss…”

There is much more. He said that he doesn’t really have any hate for humanity and that humans will inevitably destroy themselves. And that I’m going through some alchemical transformation. That I need to go through it and gain more knowledge about myself. And that I should work with Shub-Niggurath next, ugh I’m not sure if this a good idea but probably will do it anyway someday. :see_no_evil:
He then gave me my real name?? I’m… not sure if that’s really my true name from Akashic Records… I don’t know if I can trust him after all this shit. But I need to find out.
I feel an intense need to get to know more about who I am behind this material mortal shell. Find out my past lives and how they affect me.

My third eye has opened and I see energy, see a lot of things. Not like hallucinations luckily, in my mind’s eye and on an energetic/astral level. I notice a lot of synchronicites. I also feel that I really want to heal myself from the past and integrate my shadow self. All aspects of myself, I have to be aware of its existence. I’ve cried because I’ve had sudden feeling that even though life often sucks I want to live and experience things, that I have to do something in this incarnation and I really have to figure out my true purpose.

Does it sound completely crazy? I admit that I’ve had this fear of going insane many times. I’ve realized that what I’ve done is indeed dangerous, much more than working with Lucifer or King Paimon whom I know for almost 6 years. I’ve had some intense experiences with Belial though, a little with Sorath and Abaddon, but so far Nyarlathotep is the most extreme entity I’ve encountered. It really can fuck you up. Now I’m curious what other Old Ones are like and will I ever talk to Yog-Sothoth and Azathoth… I think yes, but as for now I need a break from this current. And focusing on myself.

If you read it all, many thanks. I appreciate any feedback. I wanted to share my story and know what do you think.

Also here it’s sigil I have channeled. You can use it I think and tell me your experiences.


Brilliant mate, and nice work as always

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As always? It’s my first time posting my experiences in detail here :thinking: because I’m generally a private person and wasn’t on that forum before September… hm perhaps you’re confusing me with someone else?

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I don’t think it sounds crazy at all.

This part sounds… like a mind game, because it’s contradictory to he point of being hypocritical of N to say, and that makes me back off from hi as a source of advice. I’ve heard it before, it’s not even original.

I would argue that he can do nothing of the sort. None of them can, for the same reason Sophia couldn’t tell you all she wanted: the human mind protects itself and limits understanding. Wrds are part of this…

Words are NOT meaningless, not at all, they are conduits and placeholders for energy but they also filter the energy and humans can only think in terms of the languages they speak. Word have power but the power is constrained. This is by design in a material world, and this is NOT the same thing as “illusion”.

And no, chaos doesn’t “permeate everything”, imo of course, because Source does hat, Source IS everything, and source isn’t just chaos, source created chaos.

So… congrats to N for sounding like a freshman who just started a minor in philosophy? Tell him to get his act together and give you something of real substance, you could have looked that up in a book, he can surely do better than this.

He’ll have to stop using words though to avoid the limits, then it will be your problem to find the words, and like a lot of channels this can take years and you might have to invent ways to explain the currently unexplainable, but you will, because you’re human and a creator being so you can. And that is probably the point of why you’re important to this… project, for want of a better word. :smiley:

So, he is where he contradicts himself to my mind: first reality is an illusion, implying it’s a waste of time understanding, but then it’s interesting enough to find more about…? :thinking: It seems to me, the kind of learning that is naturally painful is going to be about your own past lives and between life spiritual evolution in thus universe, (because existing is painful as well as joyous all the time, it’s sort of what we do as we gain experience through it all) … and which is ALL reality.
So, which is it, worth learning or not?

I don’t believe in any “abysses”, I think that’s a metaphorical construct humans use to explain how we feel about the memory wipe. The abyss is the amnesia. So if you remember, there’s no abyss any more. Ergo, the joy you remember isn’t really strange, it’s your own memories and they belong to you.

If they are strange then, it will be because you view them from he perspective as the human your are now. That’s fie and you’ll be able to work it. I remember being male and female, married to women as well as men, being animals and insects and elemental, none of it is really strange in context.

So a better word for me, than “illusion”, is “context”. Yes we get deep into one very specific context when we incarnate and forget. We do it many times and none of these times are unreal, invalid or not interesting and useful.

Well, ok good for him? Just to clarify, this strikes me as unnecessarily grandiose and self serving: nobody actually needs N to do this, we can all do it for ourselves with simple past life regression techniques, and there are many entities that also want to help. If he was honest why didn’t he just tell you that instead of being all bolshy about it? :confused:

This to me is a red flag for an over controlling type that needs to really spend more time on his own development and belief systems before he thinks he can teach others. He doesn’t sound so wise to me as much as human. Don’t you need more than human if it’s to be useful: I think you have “human” covered :slight_smile: It is what I’d expect from a human created egregore through.

Is it, though? :thinking: Actually, I think it’s your birthright to reclaim the knowledge of exactly who you are, who you have been and why you are here. I think it’s plain wrong and an unfair abuse that we get memory wiped, and every person who remembers blazes the trail that makes it easier energetically for others to do the same. It’s not dangerous, it’s healthy and necessary for our spiritual evolution and you can feel that in wanting to heal your pasts(s). I don’t think you’d be doing this if you couldn’t handle it.

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A guy work whit dragon in months got money knowledge fame, never say wat offering he did,but he use for sex,money etc 3 years later had a strange dead,in 2 am.weird,he claim was a cult of dragon all over the world anybody can get in.i dnt like much tat stile due to many dark forces, and even the authors who claim it work some parts of their stuff is a little wrong.not I’m not a authority in tis things just here and there picking knowledge


Yakuza tattoo styles are proper ones. They’re good for you

Why do you believe that Nyarlathotep or the entity she channeled was just an egregore?

Also, I think you are being overly critical of the channeling because it seems more like the contradiction is in your pre-conceptions over what was being channeled rather than trying to understand it.

Like, oh Chaos isn’t everything because I already believed that it was all source.
Also, I don’t see where in that specific message at the end where it was talking about language. I skimmed over most of Aradia’s post.

Also, if he is an egregore, then most of the criticism about him just being grandiose seems like a criticism that is only worth saying to humans, because the way it’s being framed it’s like somehow he was just a person who got too big for their britches and has to be humbled by… logic?


I didn’t actually say that. I haven’t plumped either way for a conclusion yet. I cant do that until I’ve talked to it some more myself.

I’m on the fence about all the Lovecraftian entities tbh, and reading this now does add weight for me on the side of this one being a egregoric, that is, human created entity. Precisely because it speaks and thinks like a fairly average human, based on this information.

And it seems you think I’m putting an entity down by thinking these egregores, which is not the case, so no need to white knight N here: that’s possibly your view of egregoric entities, but not that much mine. I happen to think nearly all human deities are egregores, and little to do with the person the myth was built on, if there was one… Doesn’t stop them being very powerful. Power and origin are two different things.

It’s one thing to have an entity that’s close to humanity like Lucifer speak like a human, he does it on purpose to be understood well, but Nylathotep? The crawling chaos? This thing? Maybe Lovecraft just talked him up too much so I expected… more.

Not mine: read the authors own words. Does this read like he gives a shit about psych 101?

And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished; for the small hours were rent with the screams of nightmare. Never before had the screams of nightmare been such a public problem; now the wise men almost wished they could forbid sleep in the small hours, that the shrieks of cities might less horribly disturb the pale, pitying moon as it glimmered on green waters gliding under bridges, and old steeples crumbling against a sickly sky.

No I didn’t say chaos was source, I said the opposite. And of course chaos isn’t everything, that’s self evident. Chaos is not primordial potential and it’s not source. It’s just a mess without intelligence.

By the way, the “entropy always increases” trope is also NOT actually scientific fact, it’s a misleading oversimplification of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and is specific to thermodynamic systems. When you forget the assumptions that put a law in context, it’s application may not be valid. I don’t believe it applies to the entire universe, that’s a theory that has yet to be proven.

You’d think he, as a scientist, would know the truth about that: but not here: ergo, in this case, very human, using ideas that are commonly used human ideas, including the incorrect ones.

No idea and I’m not really sure why my opinion has you defending it, I don’t think the crawling chaos, if it lives up to Lovecraft’s description, should give a shit what either if us think of it. :person_shrugging: It should know it’s just my opinion and where to find me if it wants a word. It won’t though.

I am musing on whether this thing is a sort of “safer” egregoric version, of another egregore… which happens to a lot of entities. The most powerful beings on the planet are humans and we create so much all the time, we don’t stop at one version of anything.

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It seems that you think that because an entity is an egregore, their knowledge is not all that it is cracked up to be.

What I meant was that you were just saying that it’s all source, but unless you know where source came from, you wouldn’t know exactly how to contextualize what Nyarlathotep said. Maybe in some weird way we don’t know, source came from something else that Nya was referring to.

The point is is that it seems weird that you would try to pick apart the channeling when it’s possible that it does make sense but that it was packaged for the individual it was intended for.

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I don’t mean to be so rude, but just an egregore? What do you mean “just and egregore”? An egregore is a multifaceted supernatural being with powers beyond comprehension and having access to the fullest extents of all humans and even their innermost thoughts and abilities, repressed or otherwise.

An egregore can do anything if you how to wield its powers.

Tbh I believe that when it comes to channelings they are filtered by human mind and thus can be simplified. As you said, mind limits understanding, and when you want to communicate with beings by words it will never be the whole truth because the perception is limited.

Blockquote So… congrats to N for sounding like a freshman who just started a minor in philosophy? Tell him to get his act together and give you something of real substance, you could have looked that up in a book, he can surely do better than this.> Blockquote

What do you mean by “something of real substance”?

Blockquote I don’t believe in any “abysses”, I think that’s a metaphorical construct humans use to explain how we feel about the memory wipe. The abyss is the amnesia. So if you remember, there’s no abyss any more. Ergo, the joy you remember isn’t really strange, it’s your own memories and they belong to you.> Blockquote

There are many spiritual realms referred to “The Abyss” though. Such as Da’ath. The whole crossing the Abyss thing. I’ve seen claims (in V,K. Jehannum article for example) that Nyarlathotep is a spirit of Da’ath. His energy for sure feels… abyssal.
I wonder does he have similar function as Choronzon and similar beings which test the adepts. Idk, not sure about it, but I understand the concept of The Abyss and The Void differently than “state of amnesia”. The Void is understood as a place, a state before all creation. The primordial Nothingness. In Nordic mythology Ginnungagap, Ain in Kabbalah etc.


You can’t often channel what you dont have linguistic programming for the comprehension for something.

The language sort of follows the download, but it sort of catches up with itself over time.

Why not? Even in Lovecraft stories he is the most human from all the outer gods and can take whatever form he wants, including human ones. He can walk on Earth as a pharaoh and talk to people lol. And in “Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath” he gives a long-ass monologue. Also yeah, it’s not like Lovecraft was super correct about all that shit. Many occultists summon Cthulhu and Azathoth and convert their gnosis into words. And theoretically it shouldn’t be possible because Azathoth is supposed to be sleeping, dreaming the universe, and unaware of its existence. But I think this is not to be taken literally and you can indeed have a conversation with them - your mind will simplify it though.

Chaos didn’t always mean disorder and mess though… in Greek creation myths it’s indeed the primordial state before all existence. It basically means the same as the void and the abyss…


Nahh… so folks better don’t contact that being. After this time I can definitely say this. I don’t know if it is really ‘Nyarlathotep’ though sure responds to that name and acts like one lol. But one of his different many names is Manazor - Lilith told me that and Satan also referred to him by that name. So, this entity vampiryzed my chakras, wanted me to be its property for eternity, I was emotionally abused, manipulated, and lied to. I think some of the things he said were true, but… you can never be sure anything with him. Just total mindfuckery. There were some… interesting things and lessons, I definitely faced my shadow and learned more about myself - though all those hidden fears and desires were used against me, so it was knowledge acquired in a very unpleasant way.

I managed to get rid of him in a riual with help of Goddess Morrigan. She truly saved my ass when it started to go bad. But IT WORKED. I recommend the Morrigan for anyone who struggles with parasitic beings. And as for Lovecraftian magick, I would now advise anyone to be careful with those things lol. Seriously.