Currently I’m up to the part of Magic Physical Training Part 4. The Magic of Water. I need help on the part where they say “magnetize the water” and “magnetic eyebath”. How do I magnetize the water properly? Where can I find the Eyebright/Euphrasia? Help would be appreciated.
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Like we discussed over in the chat thread, I haven’t read the book … but I"m pretty sure Bardon is talking about charging the water with energy and intention.
Charging water is a basis energy working technique.
There’s a great introductory book to energy work called “Energy Work” by Robert Bruce. It’s well worth a read and I’ve personally worked through it.
Robert Bruce also demonstrates his energy work technique in an 8 part video series on YouTube. Here’s the link to the first part:
Robert Bruce – New Energy Ways – Part 1 of 8
That video should give you a decent introduction to energy work and teach you how to start moving the energy through your body.
When you can feel the energy strongly in your hands, here’s what you do to charge the water:
(1) Get crystal clear on the Intention you’re placing in the water.
(2) Hold your Intention firmly in your mind as you start raising the energy.
(3) As you breathe in, imagine the energy collecting in the center of your chest, your heart center. Imagine it as whatever color of energy feels appropriate for your Intention. Don’t worry if you don’t actually see it, just imagine it however you normally imagine stuff.
(4) Collect as much energy in your heart center as you feel is appropriate.
(5) Now hold your hands over the water, just barely above the surface.
(6) As you exhale, push that energy down through your arms, down through your hands, and out into the water. Just imagine the colored energy flowing down your arms, out your hands, and into the water. Imagine the water glowing with that color.
You can repeat Steps 3 to 6 as many times as you feel you need to get the amount of energy you want into the water.
After you used to working with energy, you’re probably start feeling it more. When you get to that point, here’s a fun experiment to try.
Get some Sunkist soda. Put some in a glass and taste it. Remember what it tastes like.
Now, charge the Sunkist soda the way you charged the water. Charge it for at least a couple of minutes. Then taste it again.
Did you notice a difference? I bet you will.
I’m trying this experiment, lol. Sounds very cool. Out of curiosity, what differences did you notice?
@Woodsman81 … PM after you do it and we’ll compare notes. I don’t want to put anything in your head before you do the experiment.
Can I ask you something? Did you read the book? I ask because I thought you would know what is a magnetic eyebath.
His terms are highly individual. He connects water with magnetism, and fire with electricity (electrical and magnetic fluids, the primal polarities). You will find even more exotic things later on (I really don’t know anyone who made a magical mirror, so just be prepared).
So, to magnetize water simply means to put your intention into water (should be cold in this case). He never explained well how to magnetize water, but if you try to understand his way of thinking, I guess just a concentration on a coldness of the water, in order to remove negative energy from your physical eyes.
Euphrasiae herba, it’s just a herb, used as a tea, universal cure for cold since middle ages. I guess he suggested to add some Euphrasiae, just to prevent possible eye irritation or infection, because it’s meant to open your eyes into the water.
IMO, I don’t think that herb is essential.
Ah you’ve read the book. Perfect! Thanks for explaining. I thought magnetizing water meant something like this:
As for the Herba Euphrasia, I feel that it’s mandatory for me because I have poor eyesight and it can help with my development of clairvoyance. At least that’s what the book says…
What are your thoughts on this reply?
In simple words, magnetism and electricity are metaphysical terms, something like yin and yang. He never talked about magnets, but who can say for sure. It could be exactly what that video presented.
He has many followers and there are plenty of Q&A on the Internet, some over 25 years of experience. I started IIH very long time ago, but never completed.
Good to know, he wanted to present his work in more than 20 books, but he died or disappeared and never completed his work.
Tell me something, should I get the herba euphrasia in drop from or powder form or something else?
Pharmaceutical grade drops, use ony as directed.
Looks good
Exactly. On a pragmatic level the eyebright will simply help prevent conjunctivitis, lol. In traditional European folk magick, however, eyebright brew was rubbed under the eyelids to aid the user in seeing that which can not normally be seen, so it’s metaphysical uses in this context are really a matter of user preference.
Did you ever do the magnetic eye bath?
Many times.
With the herb?
No, just cold water.
Did it improve your vision? Did you get more clairvoyant after the magnetic eye bath?
Hard to say, maybe. Anyway I felt much better in many differen ways.