Ingredients in spells

I would like to know if you have any tips for spells in which you add insects or dog hair, snake skin, etc…
I know, for example, about used, for example, dead wasps, cobwebs

So like dead animals and animal byproducts? What exactly do you want to achieve?

I’m just interested in more knowledge, how it can be used in various spells, I take it as more ingredients

It really depends how you feel about them, as they are going to help you direct your energy effectively.

So for example things that disgust you go into sour jars to add assist with sending energy tinted with disgust. Coffin nails for … not sure something to do with the dead and feelings of death. For a honey jar you do the opposite.

I would say, take each ingredient, sit quietly in a cleansed space and feel the space, then, place the ingredient in front of you and feel how your energy changes in it’s presence. For herbs you can also contact the spirit of the herbs as they tend to be strong. That is what the ingredient brings into the spell.

So for me, for example, I don’t feel about cobwebs the way most others seem to be expected to… so I would not use it in spells as described. I like them very much, I think they’re marvels of nature and wonderful nd I love spiders. None of this is creepy, dirty or negative to me, so I wouldn’t expect to get the same effect as an ingredient as others would.

So pay attention to yourself and what works for you to get the right feel for the spell, basically. Know yourself. Lists of intentions can help but your mileage may vary.


thanks for the advice, that’s a good idea

This is the only correspondance information people should know about :relieved::heart:


Animal hair can be used to control animals in spells, and turn them against human owners, or to hurt someone that owns that animal directly threw pet hair. As for insects it can be used for reversing what they can cause in sickness, or disease, or to swarm them up to annoy or attack, people. Spider Webs have seen use through other people for protection spells, and traps for those who are scared people using nature as booby traps for intruders.

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