Ineffable Name, She Knows

As for this, yeah for me you’re right. I have my opinion. But for every single new member out there who will Google or search Hecate and find out that Wikipedia is right and Hecate is at least another 10 deities, that will only help spreading more that stupidity. If you call them both and they tell you “yes I am X goddess” then sure go on and write that down as your personal UPG. But that’s all.


That is a matter of opinion.

And secondly, it can also mean expression.

They have similar essences and frankly, most people are going to see the differences between the Goddesses.

Why do you think I only included Hekate’s sigils? Or only included information on Hekate?

Because Hekate is the Queen and Mother of witches. I’ve come to know her very well in a short period of time.

I have been a witness to Goddess Hekate and Goddess Isis talking to each other in my dreams. And frankly - the newbies will ask and think for themselves. You’d be surprised at how quickly people can learn the differences between the Goddesses. :slightly_smiling_face:

But, you can call both of them, and you’ll get two different feelings.

Hekate is Queen of the Crosswords. (Hell bound)

Isis is the goddess of good fortune, the sea, and travel. (Row, row your boat)

Kali, Isis, and Hekate - all three different Goddesses.

Same with Neith and Gaia. Similar, but different.

There is an entire thread about different Goddesses that was started, by me.

And in Wikipedia pages, they have references to books. There is also the Gutenberg Project where one can find books to read for free, since the copyright has passed. Lots of information out there as well.

And even though I don’t talk about it - Crowly has got some amazing information and hidden insights in his books.

synonyms for embodiment: personification, incarnation, manifestation

@Anassa reacted to you basically saying they’re the same.

Same here, that’s what you stated first:

And then you said this:

If you don’t try to merge them all into one, maybe you need to choose different words, explain yourself better.


That makes soo much sense it’s unfathomable yet if Asur, and A set are my spiritual parents, Theyve been hiding me soo soo long as the one to be protected, who I truly am… only one knows my Ineffable Name

Tea asu ? So as i heard in my dream last night strange i didnt see Hakate though i did many Evocations who came was Again for only me to know, but i saw him and knew he was me silent he watched as the two with me merged into one I stared at my reflection realized I’m both. True Seed of Atam the Bornless one born new

Larping is strong in this thread.


The only thing I can do is apologize for causing confusion.