Excellent ! That is good to hear. Lucifer is very accessible and easy to work with. He will be pleased that you are wanting to make a connection. The best approach is to think of him as a Friend and Partner, like a Father figure or Big Brother.
For making the connection and to communicate with him, there is a technique called “Path Working”. It is where you visualize a sequence of locations in certain settings which will lead you to the space where his presence is more accessible. There is a book named “Lucifer and the hidden Demons” that teaches these Path Working techniques. I mention it in my forum introduction that you can read here ;
“Lucifer and the hidden Demons”
There is an entire thread that discusses this book. Another forum member had a question about using the Path Workings and I explained to him how I use the techniques. That discussion is here ;
That entire thread is a good read and there is quite a lot of other discussion about the book here in the forum that you can find using the search feature. Here is a link to the beginning of that particular thread;
Let me know if I can expound on anything. Discussing Lucifer and our relationship with Him is a fascinating subject.