Induce trance and facilitate possession with a spirit?

Hey all,

I am asking for techniques (whether meditative or otherwise -dancing-shaking-swaying-breathing-singing…) to enter into a trance state and facilitate a communion with a deity and possession.

For people who were successful in being possessed by a deity or a spirit, how did you do it? could you describe the exprience of being possessed? can you describe the entire process? do you perform a call to the deity and then a invocation? or multiple calls and multiple invocations and then start your trancework?

What would be the outcome of possession for you? fusing your consciousness with the deity? strenghen the relationship with the deity? download gnosis? stimulate kundalini?

So many questions indeed, but I’m pretty sure this will be valuable for the community and I, so please do not hesitate to share your experiences all!

My thanks !

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Is there a particular set of supernatural entities you are familiar with and are wishing to better communicate with ? There a lot of different belief systems and what works for others may be totally foreign to what you are expecting to work with. You mention “Deity”, but in my experience the Spirit Lucifer and his Associates are who I work with and have a relationship with.

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Yes I do. Yes indeed I shoud have avoided the term deity to dispel confusion.
I consider Lucifer as a god, I would like to be possessed by Lucifer and the Goddess Hecate.
I do not wish to connect with anyone else at the moment, Hecate and Lucifer are more than enough.

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Excellent ! That is good to hear. Lucifer is very accessible and easy to work with. He will be pleased that you are wanting to make a connection. The best approach is to think of him as a Friend and Partner, like a Father figure or Big Brother.

For making the connection and to communicate with him, there is a technique called “Path Working”. It is where you visualize a sequence of locations in certain settings which will lead you to the space where his presence is more accessible. There is a book named “Lucifer and the hidden Demons” that teaches these Path Working techniques. I mention it in my forum introduction that you can read here ;
“Lucifer and the hidden Demons”

There is an entire thread that discusses this book. Another forum member had a question about using the Path Workings and I explained to him how I use the techniques. That discussion is here ;

That entire thread is a good read and there is quite a lot of other discussion about the book here in the forum that you can find using the search feature. Here is a link to the beginning of that particular thread;

Let me know if I can expound on anything. Discussing Lucifer and our relationship with Him is a fascinating subject.


Thank you for your generosity with your time and effort for writing this, friend !

I can clearly see your enthusiasm about Lucifer and your behaviour motivates me to explore your what you have to say! keep it up.

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