INCANTATION SUMMARY - I invite you to share all your incantations here :)

Is there any incantation which help plants to grow faster?

@ all herbwitches


I can say first hand that my T. K Instantly is empowered and strengthened by this mantra… Helped me successfully open and close doors(ajar). And it’s instantaneous too I’d like to understand the mechanics of how it strengthens so drastically… I’d love to find a mudra mantra /Visualisation that facilitates levitation lol… We on on the verge


I’m glad you got it to work. May I ask how exactly you chanted it? I find it ironic how I channeled something so powerful yet I still can’t seem to get the results others have gotten with this chant. I just tried it now however it did buzz my left thumb. I’ll get this sooner or later!

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Lol well are you just chanting the words or are you raising energy? Imprinting your desire upon it or a million different combinations of different ways to take your "imagination… As a non plussed non profit to apply in society(as a skill or means of living…) to the stepping into the role as demiurge. Create of all… Alpha and omega… Which enables us mages to command the universe… by the very thing… So my question is, what’s your intention? Have you already had success with T. K.?.. HAVE U AUGMENTED an already working system?
My intuition tells me your using the Chant to achieve success with Psychokenesis (forgive me if I’m wrong)… But relying on a vocal Chant to tip the scales of success will only in fact impeded your progress more so… Wow… Sorry I’m pontificating beyond belief.
Sorry man… Link me if I can help you at all… I’ll try to post my success using the Chant and T. K but I have a hard time loading videos from my device atm.
Anyway. Take care. Ttyl good luck

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To answer your first question, I’ve done energy and chakra work before. I’ve felt ecstatic affects from different incantations and mantras with visualization. Just not this one in particular. Then again, I haven’t seriously tried using this one for a while. I probably just need commit to it daily.

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Which Chant were you using again? I LEGIT felt the energy shift after very first repetition…? Not even saying this to be anything but helpful… Odomshay Mikahina? Or Atalana Mashana orus?.. Lastly. Was it you who channeled this info from your shadow or am I mistaken?

My intuition tells me it’s a simple oversight which is causing your blockage from success… I could dig deeper but I thought it would be rude if I dug any deeper into gnosis without ur permission… Maybe go back to the very original post and read it over again to gain some insight or perspective change sometimes that helps for me… Lol good luck

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I was doing Odomshay Mikahina, and I channeled it from my shadow.

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Any powerful incantation to summon spirits? Or universal incantation to summon any spirit

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There are at least two in this very thread. All you have to do is read.

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Any for anxiety

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To “induce” trance? I’ll guess I’ll use it along to get deeper :smiley:


To travel to the Sabbat. During a Full Moon or any of the Witches’ Holy Days

Gohia Conventus Leyla - Ero Sharath Aladi


Become more intelligent and retain knowledge easier

QUIALANTRA KA (ki-ah-lahn-trah kah)

calm anger in yourself or others

TALIALEE (tah-lee-ah-lee)

Source: words of power and transformation


And how use does Incantation for knowledge?

It is to use before studying, every day, after studying …

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We need to do an activation (from the book) for these words of power to work, right?

@Bizarre @Nicolas_Tomas

no rules but it’s best to say them 3 times, 3rd time the loudest. it’s from the book by Embrosewyn Tazkuvel, the book also has sigils with the incantations but author writes that it’s not required to look at them to get results but it’s useful
If you want, send me a pm with your number and I will give you the sigils
I’m worried about copyright and those things


Any incantation to stop ejaculation


Hey guys I need a little favor
I need to be invisible for a short period of time,
I will be grateful if you share incantations for my request

To drive away depressing thoughts: