Impressively good grounding/renewal method

This method is great for people like me who need to connect to reality.

Stand up, close your eyes. Breathe in deeply, imagine a teardrop symbol is at the center of your pineal gland.

Breathe out, imagine it copying itself and the copy going down into the center of the earth.

Breathe in, imagine a large crystalline disk inside of the planet (it’s energy field) displays the emblem in it’s center.

Breathe out, imagining that your breath begins to make the disk spin and glow with an etheric light.

Breathe in, seeing the light flush into the teardrop symbol on the earth’s disk, almost as if your breath was sucking it into the teardrop, filling it with etheric power.

Breathe out, and let your breath cleanse the earth of it’s negative energies, allowing the teardrop to flash red and return to normal

Breathe in, pulling in the light by a silver cord into a tear drop below you, emblazoned on your crystalline disk

Breathe out, letting the energy flow right from the teardrop to the energy disk and emboldening the cord into a pillar of light

Breathe in, your etheric field being filled with power and taking a life of its own, collapsing in on you in a pillar of light.

Breathe out, letting the energy fill your every cell and rejuvenate you.

Feel free to repeat the last step over and over with alternating in/out breathing as many times as you’d like. It’s hard to learn at first but it becomes second nature after a while.


This is not “grounding”. To ground yourself is to interact and form connexions with materia (living organisms, Nature etc.)

It’s grounding, connecting yourself with the earth’s energy.

“Grounding cord”.

What? Grounding is fixing yourself in four dimensional space (physical reality) in order to retain a degree of scientific perception about the world around you.

1 Like Research, look it up.

I think you mean centering correct? Though often times they’re used synonymously.


I do not listen to new-age rubbish with no substance. Thanks anyway.


How bout’ you and your negative self just not communicate with me? Thanks.


Suits me fine, mate. Don’t you go thinking that this forum is your personal “safe space” though. People will call you out.


I do not. As far as I know, centering implies no form of action in order to regain a neurologically stable/healthy perspective.

centering . 1… As part of meditative practice, an attempt to attain a state of self-awareness, relaxation, and psychological balance. 2… In bodywork, focusing of the mind of the practitioner before beginning a therapeutic session with a patient.


This has a lot of promise, although someone who lacks the visualization skills might have a tough time working this. Why not just take a walk in nature?


Ah. Fair enough. I stand corrected.


The degree of awareness of a person’s physical experience, sexuality and pleasure orientation, as reflects his or her realities; achieving a grounded state is a goal of bioenergetics and body-oriented psychotherapies, as a “grounded” person is better able to handle emotional crises, painful memories and psychological exploration.

Though grounding shares some similarities


Wait, would this not omit the OP’s use of the word? It says physical but the instructions given are not for physical experiences, they are metaphysical.

Well it does state a person is then better able to handle emotional crisis, painful memories, and so forth. So in a way it dips into that aspect which aligns to the meaning of grounding from this “medical” view point.


Very creative technique :slight_smile:

Only question I have is

Is there a specific symbol your picturing? Ok never mind I re-read it LOL

Might be interesting to try with some sigils as well or experiment with other symbols.

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Because some people just don’t wanna go anywhere. Try it.

Swear if you tried it as much as you told some of us to go and do/research and stuff… you might come up with something …interesting.

Instead of another “moderately rearranged similar” that you then dispute back and forth whether you’re right, wrong or actually both correct depending on where you pull the damned definition from and from which decade.

A lot of modern Workings advise you to ground after/ usually suggesting a variety of physical activities.

I’ve seen it refer to energy workings … probably as often.
Maybe it should be different words for each but they are currently both accurate depending upon the context.

Hmm one of those who needs attention while they dabble maybe? Surely we must be nearly through the dabbling.


So…uh…to go back on topic, and avoid arguing with what I percieve as either a prideful young adult or an excitable teenager, something I’ve found useful for grounding that doesn’t require much effort as far as going to walk in nature, is to have a small Bowl of gemstones, or a palm stone, or a zen garden, or some form of desk fountain. Something physical, nature-like, something you can touch and focus on and interact with.

If that’s too much for you - spending some quality time with an animal companion never hurt. Animals always have beautiful energies in my experience, and be it fur, feathered, or scaled, they have something to focus on as far as that goes. You could talk to them, or play fetch, or whatever else.

Lastly, cooking a homemade meal for yourself is surprisingly grounding. Especially if it’s a meal that requires a lot of natural ingredients.

Hope this helps anyone looking for “grounding” tips!

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