Images Describing The Appearance Spirits Have Appeared As

I called upon Duke Agares today, his appearance is like that of what is described in the Dictionnare Infernale


These are the best I can find on how King Belial came to me as.

How Lord Azazel came to me was similar to a styar but he had the head of a goat :thinking: wearing a robe of sorts.

Beezlbub kinda looked like this. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see his face :confused: But he wore a nice suit doing this


Lucifer is still not known for me

Lilith I feel is covered :joy:

If I think of anyone els or see anyone els I will post. :slight_smile:


Ant’Harratu… I have been seeing him for months now… But I thought he was Azazel, because it was the same energy… Although, when I make Azazel’s invocation I see him as a middle age man, with curly copper-ish hair…
And this other guy, with the black robe comes and stands in the corner of my bedroom.
My boyfriend has seen him too, and we even joke saying things like “Yup, just Azazel being creepy again”
I had no idea, because I have never called upon him…
I feel so overwhelmed now… They are looking out for me even when I don’t ask for it


I opened cthulhu’s sigil and made a drawing :thinking:


Abaddon (more b&w, though)


This what Samael appears to me like.


Your picture of Ose, totally different to my image of Ose. He appeared as an African man in a very nice grey suit, very polite, hat and all. Very unassuming. Funny how they can take different forms.


Ha, I had a spirit standing behind me one night like a minotaur and was not sure who it was. I now think it was Baal. Thanks.


I believe they can! Anessa who posts on YouTube said she had thunder and wind with Azazel.

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Omg I totally get the same vibes!!! I luv when visuals are nearly identical :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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I first started working with King Asmodeus and he appeared relatively like this…

Big now that I’ve entered a more serious job with him and initiated a pact he appears to me more like this!?! Mabye it’s a trust thing

And King Belial used to appear like a giant titan to me but now takes on more of a balrog like appearance


Unlike the image described in Goetia, Haagenti appeared to me in the form of a beautiful ancient woman, something like an odalisque or a gypsy. She wore only a headscarf and lots of gold jewelry all over her body.

I researched some similar image and found it (part of a Mantegazza’s painting).


Agrat Bat Mahlat appears very much like this to me:

Sometimes wearing a dress, sometimes wearing a knee high boots and pants with a black crop top. Like this:

Eisheth Zenunim appears like this sometimes but with PITCH BLACK hair:


Lilith has appeared to many so many forms it’s hard to keep track :rofl:

She seems to appear in her half snake form the most often for me tho, looks like this:


Except when she seems have multiple smaller snakes wrapped around her, instead of one big one.

I’ve also seen her like this:

and then i’ve seen her in multiple dresses or completely naked. Sometimes with only snakes covering her boobs.

Most of the time her skin is pale as the moon itself.


Sometimes he appears without his shirt on and when he does, he looks ripped. But other times he looks more androgynous.

99% of the time i see him, he is holding a trident or chalice. Sometimes a sword.

His eyes are either the bluest blue i’ve ever seen or firey orange. His damn eyes tho. Impossible to look away from.

My GodForm looks like this:

Except her entire right side of her body is covered in white and gold clothing, and she holds a Trident in her left hand and a sword in her right hand.


How I see Agwe


How I see Ayida

How I see Brigitte


Samedi, only he appears to me as European, without a mask and no skulls on his hat or fur around his neckline.

Damballah, only he has a gold emblem on his head

Similar to how Agassu appears, only with less feathers and fluff, more covering and no items


Kalfu: who also sometimes appears as a grey fox, wearing a hooded cloak- Can’t find anyone else whose seen him this way.



BF Apistotoke



One of my personal ancestor spirits:

How I view me, only I am standing barefoot in water, nothing for landscape but solid black, leaning my face into what looks like an eclipse- the moon is bright white on side, and dark on the other, except for the light that outlines the other half circle of the moon. Sometimes I am sitting on my knees in front of it. :woman_shrugging:


I saw Lilith in a similar manner, same hair color/style and overall vibe to her. Haven’t seen her with black hair yet (since some say she appears that way).

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Raphael, Michael and Lucifer :no_mouth: i guess they thought its funny…


The fox with the green hood is pretty cool :sunglasses:!


Lmao they seriously did this??


I wonder what if anyone else has had Asmodeus appear to them like this? I feel that it was he who showed up in my dream a few weeks ago, but I just watched the movie Gantz:o and this character was extremely visually appealing to me and I’m assuming he just picked up on that and showed me what I wanted to see

I was just curious if anyone else had a similar visualization of him




The first time I met Lilith, this is similar to how she appeared to me. The vibe is strong as well.