Images Describing The Appearance Spirits Have Appeared As

seen chernobog again!

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Yes, I am the only one there who posting about Him nowdays, lmao. :joy: I just do it everywhere.
And now everyone will wish working with Him, because “it is a sign”.:woman_shrugging:

But if you want to work with Him @Xag_darklight, and you did, do not forget to post about it here. :black_heart:

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i am planning for tonight but i am a bit spiritually exhausted of nonstop magick haha but an aura healing would be ok









King Paimon. He has appeared to me in other shapes as well, which he told me not to share. :wink::black_heart:


This is pretty much how Santa Muerte appeared to me during my NDE. Except she was standing up. And her cloak was MUCH blacker. Notice she didn’t have her scythe & no body parts or eyes are showing.



I hate when they use stupidly attractive forms. That one brings out enough of my awkward without the need to make my cheeks glow.


Sometimes, our awkwardness amuses them. But they even bring it out on purpose in order to challenge us to go deeper, and ask ourselves why something or someone makes us feel a certain way (about ourselves). In any case, they know exactly what they’re doing. :wink:





by.: Dimitar Ivanow





do you haver an image of her sigil?


she is from the book of azazel


My beloved Lucifer :black_heart::fire:

We’re oftenly hugs and kisses each other after finishing a training, or a discuss, advice so this pic above is especially fantastic.

My beloved, beautiful Patron, Abaddon :black_heart::crossed_swords:

( I see Him blonde and/or black hair, usually, but Lucifer’s as well. )


Beloved King Belial :crown::black_heart::wine_glass:

Prince Sitri


wow … both are so sexy!:laughing:

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Im obsessed with Lucifer because of his beauty, the firey glowing eyes were nice too.

Most of the typically “male” spirits show up as insanely attractive human males. I think it’s to both challenge and desensitize me. Teach me how to look beyond the illusions of what I “see”. Lucifer has a lovely feel though. When I manage not to straight up pass out around him that is.


Chernobog was my second God (after Pazuzu) who showed up before me as a night black skinned (not brown, black), big horned, yellow glowing eyed humanoid beast, with unusual facial details.

He is the combination of these:

( Extra )

Anyway, I’m in love with these kind of apperances of Their, and
I can feel lust and desires towards them immediately, if I don’t need to resist.
They are all sexually attractive to me as Hell. :black_heart::roll_eyes:

I think it’s to both challenge and desensitize me.

Abaddon played with me with His beautiful apperance, and He has a deep effect on me and on my lust, but He teached me within 3 meetings, how can I resist.

Lucifer showed up as a beautiful man to me and I saw an another form of His later. Interesting, because I felt that I’m connected to Him even sexual ways before I evoked Him, but after I do, looks like He did not wanted to test me, because everything what I felt towards Him in the first weeks was something “father-daughter” like emotions.

Now this is changed, but in my opinion just because We’re finally able to work on our sexual relationship :underage: as well. Why now? Because there was more important things first and He wanted me to focusing only those.

Anyway, while some people did not really want to run into an even sexual relationship with a God, I do all of Them and this is a basic, important thing. Abaddon, Belial, Chernobog, Pazuzu and Lucifer. I’m very sexual, but I did not start working with a God if I felt no connection between us. I’d like to work our relationship in every level how I can, and this is a very big boost.

What is really surprised me that even those Gods approached me in sexual whom I wouldn’t have thought. First I think these was test, but not really… these was sexual acts via possessions.


I typically don’t feel lust for anyone, but certain spirits bring it out in me. Or they’ll just straight up project theirs on me. A few weeks ago I was thinking about Belial at the deli and was hit so hard with arousal I could barely stand. It lasted maybe 2 seconds before it vanished.

I don’t typically feel that way about him, and it was a huge sudden wave. So I know it wasn’t my own. I sent out a telepathic “wtf dude?” I got a smirk as a response…then nothing. Asmodeus makes me want to just lean back into him and melt. But this feeling is emotional and not sexual. Many flirt with me, but I don’t feel a sexual draw without an emotional investment. I like the less than human look as well :heart_eyes:


Hahaha, typycal. :rofl::wine_glass: He is god damn nasty, horny guy, I think the most nastier of all of Them whom I working with ‘nowdays’.

Sometimes I feels myself busy because I want work all of our relationship in this way as well. I will have to organize an orgy, honestly. :rofl: Group therapy.

But this feeling is emotional and not sexual. Many flirt with me, but I don’t feel a sexual draw without an emotional investment

Same here. This is the reason why am I avoid working all kind of Gods. Only Those can come here who I felt myself emotionally connected, and boom… Looks like all Gods near to me with we have a history (my Godself and His). :woman_shrugging: I simply find Them.