I'm sick of LARP on this website

Focus on yourself and your magick. The delusional shit is either a phase or a doorway out of the occult. It use to piss me off too but if someone wants to have an astral bondage party with a bunch of respected and ancient gods, then be my guest. Just leave me the hell out of it. I have too much work to do with my own path.


The “…i never did Magicka brfore. I just called upon(spirit X)…”??? Really??? Just makes a mockery of magicians who have spent years trying to call up anything; leave alone a spirit who presents itself, in full regalia, waiting to fulfil a novice magician’s every fantasy!


Eh. You may be right. But I focus on topics and people I like. And so I learn.

The braggadocios, I ignore.

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The Dunning-Kruger effect is astounding at times.

When I first got into this I was constantly checking around to make sure I was doing legit practice. I’d have an experience and then ask people if that was the nature of said spirit.

It follows the same learning curve as riding motorcycles: Newbie suddenly has access to something so powerful it could end them. Newbie is highly aware of said power and doesn’t stray from their training and rules at all (if they’re smart. I know some dumb people I’ve ridden with… Never ride a sportbike wearing a t shirt and joggers. Especially during your first ride…)

Then Newbie gets confident. They’re still new yet they feel like all that and a bag of chips and so they start acting the part and that’s bad.

Luckily most of the time it’s all in their head with magick instead of failing to changing lanes away whenever you have to drive alongside a Subaru so the worst that happens is they annoy people. Unless they do something profoundly stupid like call up a gate keeper and insult him.

“A little bit of knowledge can be a bad thing.”

It applies to every path I’ve walked so I’m hyper aware of it in regards to the Occult. I’ve made some nutty posts on here about jumping timelines and remembering other lives yet I wouldn’t have if I didn’t completely believe it was what I was experiencing.

I asked Belial for his priesthood when I began Pathworking with him and felt the sensation of an energetic mantle being placed on my shoulders. It was during a connective evocation and he seemed to want to. Considering my initial call to him and what resulted in the material world moments after I get the feeling he’s been with me for a long time.

That said, I don’t go around saying “LOL!!! I’m a priest of Belial! I have his mantle bitches, check me out!!! LOL!”

I know I have a ton to learn and 3 years of anything is barely enough to just get “good” at something. Mastery? I’ve played guitar for over half my life and I’m still what I’d call “adept” at playing despite being able to play nearly anything I can hear. There’s still so far to go…

And I’m just getting started with Magick. I’m sure I’ll laugh at myself for some of the experiences I’ve journaled in due time. When it mirrors reality though… Damn


Hiya OP! I’d say this is more of a people problem than a signifier of the state of magical affairs. The owners of this site cater to the short-term fantasies that people want to resolve in their favor, and for most that approach magic, that’s enough- they get their fix in reality and are so shocked they drop the ball, or, don’t, but continue using it solely for bandage solutions. That’s not really worth begrudging them over, though, because dabblers either remain in the shallows until they’ve had their fill, or they dive deep in concurrent lives.

If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that ‘sense’ is a personal matter! What makes sense to (a group of some)one doesn’t necessarily make sense to someone else, etc. Text works as ‘sense-bridges’ because it’s so ingrained in our cultural memory; if our society relied on a different form of communication for millennia, it’d probably be that, but regardless of form, we have tools with which to convey and convince other people of what we call ‘sense’. Everyone has to build up their own personal lexicon throughout life, to get their points across. Everyone starts somewhere, so, adding to their lexicons just helps smooth the road for future lives! :slight_smile:

People think magic is based in instructions communicated by other people, that it’s all tricks of the human consciousness- we’re just unwilling to accept how utterly alone we are in our perceptions! So we build bridges, and those bridges become shrines, and when the manual is lost, the mystery begins. :slight_smile:

If you’re not being personal with your magic, then, you’ve only scratched the surface- you have to jump in the water beneath the bridge to get wet, and dive for a while for the buried treasure! It’s not for everyone, though. People like their easily understood answers, and not fractally-expanding questions! :slight_smile:

Denial and skepticism is part of the process of airing so-called ‘UPG’. It comes from you first, until your information is too accurate to deny, and then it comes from others, who haven’t tread that path (yet?). You have to follow footsteps to see where they were going, and what they found at their destination- anything else is hearsay! :slight_smile:

Some people that try to get into magic are just dumb, and that’s ok, because people can change. Some are arrogant and expectant, and that’s dumb but ok too, because if they want to learn, they have more work to do in resetting their minds. Some are innocent and doubtful, but that’s less ok, because the only way you can really do anything is by believing in it, so doubt is a big enemy you have to beat early on. And then some are reincarnations of beings that know all this and more already, and are just grasping the feel of things in their bodies before returning to grace. There’s really no way of telling who’s what by looking at their words! :slight_smile:

You draw your own boundaries. Magic with that framework in mind does some powerful stuff! You are the decider of your life, and choice is the strongest power there is. :slight_smile:

Frustration doesn’t do shit! People always think I’m fake or crazy, so I stopped letting it bother me and started listening to what my inside-colors were singing. Magicians, unlike most, can be the change they want in the world, the only thing stopping them is their own ideas. Beat the subconscious to a bloody, spasming pulp, and make its arterial ejections into your sustenance! That’s what it means to ‘know thyself’. :slight_smile:

So: go! You can only conquer the world by conquering yourself, and the only way to beat yourself is to lay it all bare and claim it. You are the enemy! :slight_smile:


The reason I came here for was to have a place where I can relate to people with me having a succubus wife and similar experiences, I even tell people on here that I don’t really use Magick but I understand what you mean by some people posting weird things on here, but tbh I wish I could explain to ppl why and how I connected with her so well I know she’s not in my head now, I wish I had an easy answer, not sure if I should continue to be on the forum though since I realize it probably has nothing to do with my situation so idk.


Completely agree on that :slight_smile:

Yes, you should, this forum has people at all levels of practicing magick. The forum has rules that exist to protect your rights as well as draw boundaries as to what kinds of behaviour is permitted.

Okay so this drama topic has successfully attracted far more attention than quality posts people make about their actual ongoing work, and is reaching a point where members are feeling personally attacked.

So, with thanks to everyone who has contributed, I’m going to close the topic, before it becomes a problem in itself or degenerates into people bringing out old disagreements and grudges.

Members: you have access to the ability to mute any topic you don’t want to keep seeing, and can use the member-moderation facilities here by flagging any post you think is disruptive: flag if you have any concerns, even if you’re not sure a rule is being broken, because often that will mean a situation can be handled early on, before it becomes a big problem, and you will always be told what happened as a result of your flag, so if in doubt, use that. :+1:

In most cases, if someone is posting things that are too “far out” for most folks, but which are not breaking any rules, they can keep them in their own journal topic, which is easy to mute for anyone not interested, and which means that anyone who does want to follow their experiences can find them easily in one location.