I'm seeing stuff and I don't like it

Just me again going on and on about Banishing rituals.



I see weird shit as well. It’s all a part of the occult to me it meens something is happening. But it’s your temple and you are the deity gain control you got this. :slight_smile:

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Oh wow… You seem to be opposite of me. I saw spirits since I was small, I astral planed and all sorts of things. I saw future images in my dreams. But out of fear at one point my body made a natural reaction and shut itself off. I’ve been having to regrow my psychic abilities ever since and it’s been tough. That being said. You are seeing just far too much. I’d suggest that you ask them all to go away but some spirits arent too fond of that.

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Your Third Eye chakra is wide open and very active, you gotta close it through meditation. You’ll be chillin if you close it all the way. Do that with your Throat Chakra as well, you wont hear anymore voices once its closed :ok_hand:

Here’s a link that’ll help you have more control over what’s going with all of your senses, meditation = innate power


Look to the very left to learn how to close your chakras. Do a Solar banishing as well, its really powerful.


Durga and Kali mantra actually raise your shakti, which means that your chakras will open even more, at least you got that protection tho. At the end of the day, YOU have the power, what you say goes. Tell them to fuck off forreal and mean it, they’ll fsho leave you alone if you will it.



Get yourself a Magickal Journal (blank, ruled page).
Learn and apply a Banishing ritual. With practice you’ll get better - Magick is like that.
Pour yourself something top-shelf before bed and sip it straight and slow. Relax.
I’ve never been put in a headlock by a spiritual entity. Never been assaulted by a spirit that didn’t come out of a (top-shelf) bottle.
Enjoy. Interact. Have fun. Be careful.
I think you’re lucky - ‘Bitch!’
I see nothing!



…Welcome to the Occult…! :cup_with_straw::tada::tada::sparkler::fireworks:


Try this darkness meditation, it helps me block out thoughts , racing thoughts, and other things, surround yourself with the dark and you will be unmovable and possibly more safe, perhaps they are picking up on your thoughts or you are projecting them, if so, this may help.


I think I’m full of darkness anyway I’m trying to get out of that vicious circle (depression). I don’t like the dark side but instead I prefer the light side no offence though. Like yourself, I also seem to have an habit of talking in my mind like a weirdo and have racing thoughts. But thank you for your suggestion. :+1:t5:

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I think they got the message. I think I have an ability to do it because I said to leave me alone in my head and asserted authority then I was bothered anymore but they came back. :expressionless: Yeah don’t mess with me spirits or I will really pissed off! :triumph:

Yeah I don’t drink. :joy::sweat_smile:

Oh yeah I forgot to mention something weird happened when I was having a bath. I closed my eyes to prevent shampoo from going into my eyes. I visioned myself in a dark cloak and having pure white eyes. And that made me jump out of my skin. I don’t know what this means though.

The thing is, there are spirits everywhere. Literally. I’ve seen them walking down the street. My flat is like Piccadilly Circus. It’s just how things are. What you wanna be aware of is how to effectively boot out malevolent spirits or ones that intend to harm you. Simply telling them to go away will not do the trick in that case, and they will often keep coming back, which is why I said daily exorcism of your home is imho the way to go. Persistence is key. If however, they’re harmless, I’d make my peace with that and let it go.


So much this. You MUST assert boundaries. It doesn’t mean you close the ability to see, but you force them to keep their distance.

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I honestly don’t think you understand the dark I’m talking about isn’t the left hand nor right hand, it is natural darkness, the kind you were born into inside the womb, which isn’t evil, it just is. You need to rethink your concept about darkness, please at least watch and try the meditation video I posted. It won’t make you evil or take you away form the sunlight, it just will help you heal depressions etc… it really does work. I wouldn’t mislead you. Light side and dark sides, really do not exist imho. They just are concepts, nothing else. Good luck, though, you also need to heal you ideas about the dark, it is not evil in itself, but I digress. If you won’t listen… then nobody can help you but You.


Some say the lenses are merely focused to what has always been there. When they notice you can see they know and react probably in an excited manner; like pirhna or hornets to fresh sweet smelling meat.

Eh that doesn’t help… if they couldn’t do much before you sensed them they really can’t do much now that you can other than scare you due to unfamiliar waters and trying to communicate or influence. It’s like a really dusty room that needs to be blown out and cleaned.


I don’t think darkness is always evil. Because for example Durga took a form of Kali to destroy evil. So she had to embrace her dark side. Don’t find her scary at all she’s like badass mother. :joy:

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Right?! :joy: Well, I wish you well within your journey with the world of spirits. Stay safe and sage!! :sunflower::herb::woman_mage:

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Sounds like you’re a natural medium. You glow in the astral and it attracts spirits looking to connect.

Seconding the boundaries - could be as simple as calling out to them and asking them to stay in a designated area of the house, like, ‘downstairs’. I prefer this as opposed to asking them to ‘stay out of the bedroom’ as the image of the area you want them to stay in is easier to get over than an image of your bedroom that they’re not supposed to think of. Just them thinking of it can place them there.

E.g. I had a spirit in a house I used to live in that liked to smoke, I asked him nicely to only smoke in the basement and after that I only smelled smoke in the basement, most are normal folks like that and not malicious. When they don’t respond to polite requests then it’s worth the effort to force them or outright banish. If being nice brings more banishing will make folks realise you don’t want to be bothered and stay away.

Maybe make an alter or spirit jar where they can live so they’re not just all over the place. A Do Not Enter ward on your bedroom door.

I seem to recall @Lady_Eva had some good info on how mediums can gain control of their homes, and I’ll see if I can find some resources.


@Si-Chan Learn basic shielding and also learn to close your chakra’s once they’re opened.