I'm gonna get you! and its gonna be baneful! 😆

Its a waste of energy in and of itself too. Its better to put that energy into improving yourself. I’ve had my moments in the past but Ishtar has shown me its usually an all around better deal to just remove yourself from said persons life and move forward with yourself. I was ready to hurt this guy whether magically or physically
next thing you know he is getting kicked out of our apartment complex and I moved onto bigger and better things. Who knows what it would have been like if I got energetically tangled up in that fuckery.

On being a lover and a fighter, yes its plenty possible to be both. While I err on the side of the noble pursuits and I have strong views, there is another side I can call on if the situation deems it necessary. Many of my advanced friends from elsewhere are the same. I’d venture to say that people have seen some real shit tend to be that way, as opposed to kiddos and the like with no real world experience.


Yeah, from where it started and where is going

Every time you interact with another person it affects both peoples aura and energy. Get caught up in enough negative energy with enough people, yes it can really drain you.

Well said! Perfect im sharing this gem!

I agree, which is why something like an uncrossing bath after an incident where one does curse is wise. You don’t want to get sucked into that.



Leaping Lucifer and Jumping Jesus!
This thread fuckin exploded! I had no idea it would be so popular as to bring people out of retirement just to post on it. I figured it might get a few laughs but get buried by more important topics but still going strong! Fuck yeah!


Idk sometimes it can be cathartic. From personal experience, stabbing a phallic candle with a coffin nail is quite cleansing.


If only I could afford becoming your apprentice

Was this done through psionics, though? I struggle with energy, but I know some people have crazy control over weather.

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Thats too much work tbh.
This gives me “read 2 sec ago vibes”.
When you work on yourself
Everyone you hate,
Seems to come.
Giving them the a smile with the finger when you are leagues a head of them.
Then watching
them fall off quickly.
Irrelevant stalkers at this point.
Just keep smiling as you walk away.
But anyways do you.


I don’t do apprentice type teaching anymore because it’s too disappointing when people flake on me or turn out to be entitled and lazy. But I’m usually available in the PM to answer questions and help if I can.


Lmao, yup!:grin:

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I might pick your brain sometime. This thread was hilarious!:grin:

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Thank you AdamThoth.

Was about time someone said it.




I hear this so much its overused. Personally there must be balance. The magician uses baneful works to balance out. If there is a problem deal with it and move on. Just saying “work on yourself” all the time is a little irritating. I’m old school I no longer believe in passivity on magick if someone offends me I will throw Baneful energy at you and let you have what you got coming.

Ignoring a problem is worse then anything in magick.


I know right? Always thinking one have to 'work on self" is an admit to guilt or shifting the blame to self for the troubles that others caused. Avoidance is what cause most troubles in the first place. I’m not saying you have to do baneful magick for every little issue like someone cutting you off while your driving or someone swearing at you at work cuz they have a bad day. I’m talking about the serious wrong that people do on purpose being aware of it and doing it anyways. There is a line drawn in order to do baneful magick. Once past that threshold, it’s magick time. OF course each have to decide what their threshold line is.


This right here is why each magician has their own “code of conduct” where they determine that line


Agreed! Work on yourself is something that people with minimal problems say to cop out of giving real advice. It’s like those people who say, “you brought it on yourself” to cop out of having to do the work to have empathy. Rape victims, abused children, people who’s spouses cheat etc don’t bring it on themselves. It’s akin to those people who have it easier than you but yet want you to inconvenience yourself to make their lives more easy but insist that they are "good people " first world mentality is what I call this kind of attitude. When someone else has a problem they brought it on themselves but when they have a problem it’s always someone else’s fault.


We’re actually making the same point here.

Nice anecdotal story adam; it means nothing to me and fails to account for any kind of nuance. Its like you have to be pure fluffy bunny or edgy lord of darknezz with no gray area. The reality is most people create their own misery, and my views are BECAUSE of the fucked up shit I have experienced on the path.

Im not saying an individual is always responsible for what happens to them, but many problems can be avoided with a little wisdom instead of cursing everyone and everything at the drop of the hat. Its better to disagree sometimes then have an echo chamber of ideas.

But ya adam
my reasons are because of experience with the opposite of sheltered first world bullshit so I dont know what to tell you about your assumption lol.

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Can’t we have both.

Poor pitty me For attention stories in real life drive me nuts. Having a rough time doesn’t.

Usually its the same culprits with the ohh my lifeeeeess
 over and over. I could sure do with less of these.

Having a real need, and not one just to boost the attention you get at work is totally different and usually comes with a different feel, if not also evidence so to speak to the need. Poor pitty me, doesn’t usually feel real, let alone have evidence. Usually they decline aid as well because oh gosh, I’ll figure it out all on my lonesome. (I mean this particular girl wouldn’t let me help her with job applications, food stamp applications or anything when her mom was threatening to throw her and her infant son out)

People reading~ Cold reading I guess we call it if you are magically inclined- can do wonders- at least in person.

Idkkkk bout on this web stuff tho. I’m of the mindset if it’s easier to find a sucker to believe you online (gosh it it can be), that we must see at least some of these online as well.

Guess it doesn’t matter where they are tho, if you can’t figure it out from the onset and ignore it. : /

Yeah I know. Twisted it in another direction. I really don’t mean to, actually mean to just take a look from a different angle.