I'm fucking fed up with myself

Okay can anyone tell me what I can do to just fucking fix myself, I can’t seem to devote myself to anything, I have ADHD and it restricts me from doing anything continuously, I am unable to be consistent in anything not even magick. I’ve previously made a similar thread Which entity can help me become the best version of myself? but my procrastination is single handedly destroying my life and I’m fucking tired, someone please advise me something, I really wanna change.
Thank you.

Damon brand’s Angels of Alchemy, or though I like to use Jareth Tempest pathworking of the 42. Best of luck :crossed_fingers:

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In my opinion, it’s about breaking down your ADHD symptoms and using a technique to match or counteract those symptoms.

For example; one ADHD symptom is dissociation upon contact with water. I would use this as an advantage - to use the dissociation to focus on meditation and astral projection.


What I would suggest would be to focus on discipline first and foremost. This world will do it’s best to distract you, so you need a routine sufficient enough to stack the odds in your favour.

I also have ADHD & see it as a natural response to a world which overstimulates your brain with new people and incessant inputs such as NLP laden music as you’re interacting with the general public.

Know yourself, find your goals and create the structures you need to satisfy both these things. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t be spontaneous but rather you should seek to know yourself while aiming your impulses towards your desires & empowerment.


I had good results with Amdicuas.

I can’t remember where I heard he was good for procrastination, but that helps me with being distracted and to get to the things I want to have done, but might not actually want to be doing.

Get rid of this mindset, it’s a form of magick you’re doing on yourself, called “negative self talk” that is contributing to it and making it worse. It doesn’t help, so it’s worse than useless. Stop labeling yourself and just think about what you want to do and why, visualise it being done, visualise yourself doing it, and you will manifest that. Don’t put your energy into manifesting an issue when you don’t need to.

Then think about why you’re tired and address that. What do you need to not feel tired and regain your motivation?

Check out his topic where someone had a relaled question:

This is mundane but helps me as well:


In my opinion, this is precarious advice. Someone with ADHD doesn’t need fixing or to have self-awareness of their condition gotten “rid of” they just need things to change around them that are conducive to their condition. It is dangerous to reinforce the delusion that as practitioners we can overcome — and should overcome — the conditions of neurodiversity because: a) it’s an integral part of an individual’s identity; and b), that self-awareness promotes anxiety, which is vital in maintaining their physical safety.

If you really do want this, I would meditate. Meditation is literally practicing focusing your attention, often on something that is not immediately all that interesting. The entire point in cultivating concentration is to train your mind to stay focused when that is your intention rather than running wild.

Ultimately, this is your problem, and you can either fix it or live forever in misery. Meditation is not easy for anyone first starting out, even just 2 minutes, even 10 seconds. It’s either the self-victimization mindset or the self-empowering mindset - your choice. Live with undesirable shit forever or practice and cultivate change.

I recommend the book The Mind Illuminated.

If you are bounding with energy, that can be directed to investigating the sensations of the breath with great detail until the energy tampers off a bit and more tranquility is cultivated.

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Will definitely ask Amdicuas for help, thanks for the reply.

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For the OP’s benefit, the book in question is Raziel’s Paths of Power Volume 2. I also recommend this book and have made some dents in my own procrastination. The book contains two anti-procrastination angels, Verachiel and Gabriel.
I’ve success on the procrastination front with both of them. Just a tip, I’ve found that (for me at least) one needs to specify the specific area of procrastination that you need help with. Ie, what particular task or situation you are procrastinating on. I’ve found that this works well, whereas if I just ask for assistance with procrastination in a general way, not a lot happens (irony of phrasing noted).

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I suggest working with the Angels of Omnipotence. These are all powerful spirits who do what you ask. They can change the fabric of your being and throw you for a loop in order to manifest personal and physical change.

I’m in the same boat as you friend. The day is coming where wer’e going to shake hands with the Gods as equals.

This is literally the first magic I learned. Thank you Rhonda Byrne!

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Thanks a lot for your insight, it’s nice to have people who can empathize with me.

My main problem is that I just stop doing things after a while, I feel like I lack purpose, ambition. I mean for example I know if practice magick regularly I’ll be very good in very little time and despite knowing this I don’t do it, I don’t know if I’m lazy or what the fuck is wrong with me. But I want to live upto my potential, I can say with confidence that I can be a much better person but I don’t have that kind of motivation, even if I do it fades away in a couple of days. I want to be something better man, it’s honestly very frustrating and the shocking thing is my life in general is pretty good(All thanks to this forum) but I’m the loser at the end of it all.

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I know man being negative never helped anyone but when you’ve been like this for years, it’s like I just want to change but I can’t and I just end up being disappointed at myself. I feel like I just want to enjoy life and not do anything productive and that’s why I’m trying to find a point of focus but I can’t fucking find it, everyone around is good at something except me, I’m 21, in college, this is supposed to be the prime of my life but here I am, the only person that can help me is myself, I just want some kind of fire to build up inside me and drive me to be successful at something.
Just wanna make myself proud for once.

Tried meditation, couldn’t do it and quit very early. I lack concentration man don’t know what to do.

Much of the point is to develop concentration, via the method. I could barely meditate for 2 minutes with the Headspace app across the street from some monks. At my best I used Insight Timer cause it has the little bells and I’d go for an hour.

The Mind Illuminated by Culadasa. There are methods for developing stage-by-stage to greater levels of meditation.

Alright I’ll try once again, thanks!!

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