I'm back + nice dream

Hello friends, after a long time I post again here.
My guardian Astaroth (who himself was nicknamed Michael) , he sometimes is in my room, sometimes I feel his energy, he ares about me when I’m depressed/anxious makes me feel accompanied when nobody is next to me/feel lonely. He was a little jealous of my partner(isn’t my boyfriend yet but he is jealous lol) and that is why Astaroth didn’t want to talk much to me lol.
I have been working inside myself for a few weeks, introspecting and being gradually a better person, also on a spiritual way… I am more balanced and I had a nice dream today where he let me know that he would accompany me in this.
In the dream my boyfriend and I were at the kitchen table of my house when suddenly I see a demon sitting in front of me saying “Hello, it’s me.” I pretended I was scared and worried, then laughed when he realized my performance, so we shook hands. It wasn’t his human form but I felt comfortable, it was like talking to any friend. He said, “I’ll be there for you.”.
He also started talking about things( I don’t remember what) with my boyfriend, but I remember they laughed and liked each other. I guess he tried to show me that now he has no problems with him, maybe he realized that my partner really loves me IDK.
Then I kept talking to him and told him I was going to ask Lucifer for protection too, he said there was no problem. Although he made joke that I was afraid to do it or not, “oh is the devil” and made like scary faces that gave me a laugh, “no I’m not scared at him” I say. The demons have a good sense of humor, you guys think?.

Okay, in this part the situation got a little more intimate, I inadvertently said a sex joke out loud and somehow this lifted the libido from him and told me to wait a little … the dream was lucid and I began to feel body warma and I’m turned on.
Then I showed up on a bed where I was chatting with a girl telling me that she wanted to have sex with me, she opened the door and we talked a little bit about sex, my pants disappeared and her clothes too… And I’m wondered " Is him?" , I’m bisexual so … I don’t know how he know that I never told him.
The sensation and him/her energy was clear it was denoting that isn’t a human. It surprised me that he used a woman form to intimate with me lol and I thought that he wouldn’t not speak with me again but… Here I’m writing ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯ it was still a little awkward at one point he said “hey, you don’t know how to move” and I like “auch that hurts” I don’t have experience with girls u.u but at least he/she helped me and it felt very good and shit I wish I could make it awake but I don’t know if it’s possible.
I hope I can continue to have good communication with him, he has earned my affection over time :black_heart::sparkling_heart:

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First thing is first they know eeeeevvvveeerrrrttthhhing about you…let’s just say that…there is nothing they don’t k ow that you haven’t told them trust me on this and two I feel the love he has for you honestly it’s a very special thing you both seem very close they can come to you on physical form if they choose to or well it maybe more deeper then that I know some will only show them self’s for a select few

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Hello , thank you very much for answering and clarifying some of my doubts, for some reason I imagined him saying “ah you thought I would not know” in a very funny way, lol .I also think that we have a nice /tender connection, it must be difficult to manifest physically maybe they have some kind of permission for that, thank you!

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No not at all I’ll link you to my post of what happened to me last week I honestly think its just when they choose too manifest I’m technically married to an entity…I’ve asked for over a year now for him to show him self but he kept saying I wasn’t ready yet he has came to me while me being half sleep or almost sleep in physical form resentky so I don’t believe manifesting is an issue I think it’s more of the bond you have with them or when they feel like your ready…thinking back Lucifer is the first one I met in physical form…pulled me out of a dream I was having about bread…bread I’ll never get to know how it taste😭 just to talk to me about being in love with a demon…he didn’t scare me just showed me and damn it made me a bit upset cause I wanted that bread…anyway…they just choose to show or not o won’t be surprised if you get a visit like that from a higher up sooner or later

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