Ifa and Voodoo/Vodoun warning

Greetings to all!

I do not mean to step on any toes, but I feel compelled to say this.

I have seen many posts on here over time about Ifa and Vodoun.

As a practitioner of Ifa tradition and knowing many people in Vodoun, I must warn that you all be careful with anyone here offering readings or systems of working with or initiating to these traditions without going through the proper channels.

These spirits are a very different pantheon than the demons and the rules are NOT the same.

You CANNOT self initiate to Ifa or Vodoun or any of their spirits
You do NOT get free readings in Ifa or Vodoun
If you get an Ifa reading, there WILL be an animal sacrifice that is required
You CANNOT do blood sacrifices to these spirits without a priest
You CAN make offerings of food, alcohol or other items to these spirits on your own, but do your research, because there are certain things that should NOT be given to particular spirits under any circumstances (for example: do NOT give palm oil or anything containing palm oil to the Orisha Obatala; this is highly taboo. Also do NOT give him any alcohol of any sort; also highly taboo!)

Both of these traditions, and more specifically speaking of Ifa, cost extensive money to be a part of. To get a reading costs money, to do the required sacrifice can cost hundreds of dollars, to receive the orisha costs hundreds, to maintain shrines costs money, etc….

No, I am NOT gate keeping nor am I deterring people from getting involved. Again, I am a practitioner. The reason I am making the post is as a warning to people so that they do not get scammed.

Unfortunately, these traditions, despite their beauty and power, are the victims of many scammers using them to take advantage of people…which is what I’m trying to help you avoid.

If someone offers you a free Ifa reading…they are likely a scammer

If someone says you do not have to do animal sacrifice following your reading…they are likely a scammer

If someone says they have a way for you to self initiate…they ARE a scammer

If someone says you do not have to deal with a priesthood between you and the Orisha…they are a scammer

A reading should not cost you more than $100 and that is VERY VERY rare to find…an Ifa reading is typically around $60 and some even say that is too high. A sacrifice can cost upwards of 500-600 on the high end…if they are charging you more than this for readings or sacrifices…you want to reconsider and ensure that you are comfortable with paying that much.

A ceremony, on the other hand, depending on what it is, CAN cost into the thousands, and initiations, depending where it is being done, can cost $10,000 or more.

Again, do what you want, but this is some very basic insight from a practitioner of almost 10 years on what to look out for.

Orisha and Loa do NOT operate the same way as Demons, Angels, etc….

One last thing, a legitimate Babalawo or other priest with these traditions will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER contact YOU! You MUST contact THEM! This is a hard and fast rule and one of the primary ways you know that it is a scam!

Now that you are informed… Do what thou wilt


Good info! We pretty much generally say the same thing: Vodoun is a religion and you have to go through the gatekeepers.

However, I don’t speak for everybody and it’s not against the rules to offer as long as someone meets the 90 day rile, this forum doesn’t gatekeep what people want to do with magick.

It might help your mind to be more at ease to know that most people not initiated are NOT offering Vodoun, but Voodoo, the folk tradition that IS open to anyone that wants to try. They’re not the same thing.

After that I say its between the entities and the people. I have had Papa Legba approach ME, not the other way around. Many people have, and he can introduce one to anyone he pleases. It’s not for humans to tell the Lwa who they can’t talk to if they wish, is it?


Sorry, but this is purely religious dogma and an example of certain humans gatekeeping. I cannot speak on Ifa, but you can self-initiate in Voudon. True initiation is done through the spirits, not people, and as someone who the Lwa came to on their own, i know the spirits themselves are fully capable of choosing who they work with.

However, I do not claim to practice the religion of Voudon. I simply work with the Lwa in my capacity as a magician (I’m not much for any religion, honestly).


This is a term that I am unfamiliar with.

Agreed…as I stated, making offerings of food drink and other items is not a problem…:it is the animal sacrifice that cannot be done on one’s own

Both Vodoun and Voodoo are open to anyone who wants to practice. They are different versions of the same practice. In either one, there are things that can be done on one’s own, and things that will need a priest to be done.

This I agree with 100%
I believe that any entity from any pantheon can come to whoever they want. But working with them in that way is still not the same as the actual traditional practice.

In these traditions, certain things are set a certain way for a reason, and trying to go around the established order can be dangerous.


Please note that my point in the post is not to challenge who can and cannot participate in the traditions or what they can do.

It was simply to point out common indications of scams that we see far too often in these traditions; with the aim to offend no one but simply to help folks avoid being scammed.

If anyone feels that the spirits have called them to do something…then by all means, who am I to say otherwise. The benefits or consequences will belong to the person, not myself.

Sorry: 90 day RULE.

If you have not read the rules, I get that, who does? but you’re still beholden to them so it’s a good idea to do so.

This is the case in all initiations.

I agree with this, and was not arguing that. Spirits coming to you on their own and choosing to work with you, however, is not the same as an initiation.

I work with spirits from several pantheons that came to me on their own, but I have not been initiated to them…this is a completely different matter.

Initiation by the spirit is a different type of initiation than a priesthood initiation. In these traditions, in order to be a priest and do work for others, one must go through priesthood initiation and receive certain things. This CANNOT be done by oneself.

Now, the spirit choosing to come to you, walk with you and initiate you in the astral etc into a journey with them is a completely different thing, and is quite valid, I’d agree.

However, again, my point was not to offend or argue…I simply wanted to point out some common indications of scams.

You don’t seem (and correct me if I’m wrong) to be saying that you are a Mambo or Houngon or any other kind of priest that has been initiated strictly in the astral and is going work for people. I believe that you are saying you were initiated by the spirit in the same context of people self initiating or being initiated by the spirit as we talk about in practices with demons.

If I am correct in my understanding, then we are addressing two different issues with the term “self initiate.”

I do not doubt or contest your call by the Lwa.

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Ah okay, I understand. You were talking about rules to offer readings here. Yes, I know of that.

I was speaking specifically of the type of readings done in the tradition.

Yes, I’ve read the rules lol a few years ago. It’s been awhile since I’ve been active but getting back to it lately.

You and I have had some good exchanges in the past. Always a pleasure.

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