If one can work with Lilith why can't they work with Adam and if you can why isn't there any information?

As far as I understood you, you are actually talking about Adam Kadmon not Adam thats a huge huge difference.

How so?

If by Adam is meant a person / entity or something like that, then Adam Kadmon in Kabbalah is the first (highest) of the five spiritual worlds that make up the entire totality of creation.

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You were speaking of divinity and Adam was just a normal human like each one of us, a god yes like all of us, something magnificent not really. The story of the fall from garden eden is an allegory of us humans gaining conscious thus being thrown out of the paradise. You cannot complain and see something as imperfect if you dont have the cognitive abilities to do so.

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Yes it basically transcended duality and is the perfect being.

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Evocation was done. Overall a pleasant experience


“It”? Adam Kadmon is an “it”? I though Adam was an entity … You guys are really confusing me.


Interesting! I had an idea that Adam would have been the first man of a group of people. Not the first human.

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Those question you asked him about his domains … were those the only things you could get out of him? Also do you think he is the embodiment of the divine masculine or is he simply just a human?

I get the impression he is just human. A helpful human, but not the sole embodiment of the divine masculine. His vibe is very down to earth to the point where it feels like i am chatting with an older gentleman, which is not something i have experienced with male gods.

And yes, although this was the first meeting and I did not want to overwhelm things


I suppose that he could be the leadership of the tribe, and later he became a cultural and spiritual symbol.

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that is very possible, as many heroes in myths are believed to have been a leader (or leaders) whose reputations became a cultural symbol over time, with new ideas thrown into the mix. King Arthur being an example that comes to mind.

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So … you wouldn’t consider him a deity?

Define ‘deity’

If you define deity as being a god, no i would not. But not all beneficial spirits are gods. Ancestral spirits are usually horribly underrated despite being extremely helpful for example


I define a deity as an entity with a very high vibration that has well known reputation whether it be “good” or “bad”.

High vibration is a bit subjective, but i woukd say he would fit that category then. The atmosphere of my temple was and still is very light after the evocation.

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Why would you consider high vibration subjective? Can you tell me the difference between subject and objective? I get the words confused sometimes.

Uh no.

In my experience with Adam, I assumed he was Adam Kadmon but unsure of that 100% since UPG doesn’t work in comparison of two entities, my experience with him was this human with intense energy who seemed really tired. He was the first of his ‘group’ of humans, but I’ve also met the first Sumerian humans made by Enki and other pantheon’s firsts.