If one can work with Lilith why can't they work with Adam and if you can why isn't there any information?

Mhm, long white beard, long white hair, and his name was Adam.

Thanx for that info about the way they recorded years good shit right there,

I’ve read that adam fasted for years and was a prophet having visions of the future.

Lol… That’s my man… You will realize a lot of things are just mental Masturbation… But if lilith exist, Adam does exist also… Fell from grace or not… He does exist.

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I decided to make a sigil that may be helpful to evoke the spirit of Adam using both Kameas and the Hebrew Numerical Alphabet. I decided to use the Moon Kamea as the Sun is often used for association with G-d in that system. Seeing as man is viewed as an opposite of good (think spirit vs matter, as satan being the embodiment of evil and opposite of G-d was a much later addition with Christianity) the moon would make sense. This might be useful for evocation. Here is how i make it and the final sigil


If you don’t mind would you please ask Adam what his domains are , personality etc etc? I’m going to take the information and put it into a YouTube video. No one else is talking about it so I thought I should.

I do not have the time for an evocation today but I can try tomorrow if you would like.

It would likely be better off if you do it though so you can speak from experience

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Definitely! Thanks for the assistance.

No problem, just credit me for my work in the video if you would be so kind. I’ll put up a post here going into detail on the evocation and my results.

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Ohh! I’d like for you to evoke the Jewish/Qababalistic Adam.

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that is what I am aiming for. In a way, it would be ancestral work for me as a part of my family is Jewish.



Yeah, should be interesting

OOH! What if “Adam” and “Eve” are just titles for the divine masculine and divine feminine? I What do you think? Adam and Eve could be titles for a god or goddess that doesn’t have a name.

It is possible. We are talking about a text that is almost 3,000 years old, not including who knows how long the stories were told (and likely changed) by word of mouth before it was put on a page. It could’ve meant a lot of things.


Hmm, there is one version of the origin of the story of the emergence of Eve from the rib of Adam. It has a Sumerian background. According to one of the myths, the god Enki ate eight plants, which angered the goddess Ninhursag. She cursed him and he got sick. However, she soon forgave him and created a goddess who was able to heal him (in particular, a sore rib). In Sumerian “ti” means rib and at the same time “give life.” The goddess who was supposed to heal him was called “Ninti” - “lady of the rib.” However, in Sumerian literature, she turned (due to a mistake) from “lady of the rib” to “lady giving life.” Eve’s name is translated as “the one who gives life.”


So Eve is indeed a goddess. What does Adam translate to?

In hebrew, to redden. Not sure how that would fit in the Sumerian story, other than referencing blood with the removal of a rib


Don’t know how relevant this is but in hermeticism the first element was is fire. “To redden”, that’s where my thoughts go.

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It is possible that it could be the goddess Ninti (if we follow the logic of the myth). There is a version that Adam is translated from Hebrew as “man” or “son of the earth.” (from “adama” - earth, and “adom” - “red”).

And again, there is a history of the creation of man from clay in Ancient Sumer. This is the myth of Enki and Ninhursag, which tells about the creation of man “from clay over the abyss.”

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Which makes sense as the Hebrew word for earth is Adamah. There are stories of the types of earth being used to create adam, one of them being red clay, which might explain the “to redden” translations as the pigment can get on the hands when worked with.