I worked with Lucifer for the first time and it was awesome

How fast does Lucifer work, especially when it comes to you making a promise to him

well with the number 3 point I mentioned. Results came in…WAIT FOR IT…



5 hours.

He is truly the greatest :slight_smile: Should have mentioned this point earlier.

And trust me, it was him helping me. Like I know how deep shit I was in, It was Lord Lucifer helping me. WEll, not him, but his servants. So his Servants helped me out and results came in 5hr.

WEll, not him, but his servants. So his Servants helped me out and results came in 5hr.

Wow 5 hours… so for sure I’ll see something happen tomorrow… yes!!.. do you have a connection with Lucifer

What servants helped you

oh my :smiley::smiley::smiley:

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XD well don’t get discouraged if nothing happens tomorrow. Because things are different for everyone. My case was very urgent. My case was Very Urgent.

Well, it’s never the entity themselves that help you. They send there servants to do the job. You can even ask an entity a name of there servants so when you need someething, you can go straight away to there servants and not them.

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Mine is also urgent. But I know patience is key

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Patience is something I’m learning now…in fact he is teaching me that…he is amazing indeed…he’s helping me with my shadow work and he’s guiding me with the smallest doubts coming up in my mind…a lot more to go…:blush:

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That’s awesome! Right before you messaged me I was meditating and speaking with Beelzebub for the first time… very respectful and nice

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How were you communicating with Beelzebub? Telepathically or clairaudience?

Yeah he’s amazing! Truly my favorite


How fast does he answer your request. He promised me by today

Great work! I believe all will go as expected.


I really do hope so, I truly want her back and I need help with money, badly

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Usually by the same night I ask him something

Do you have a strong connection with, if so can you ask him about me

Well I did ask for more than one thing

Yeah I can ask him if you want

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