I wish to know how mortals perceive my kind

yes. i’m arguing that they are arguing about my answer to the post. =o)


It’s funny that the person who started this topic hasn’t even come back yet


Ikr (I just been sitting here and laughing)


It’s like the Monty Python argument sketch


I haven’t heard of you, but it reminds me of a great comedy movie called Dogma.

In it, the angel Metratron appears and asks if the protagonist had ever heard of him. Then he laments, “You people. If there isn’t a movie about it, it’s not worth knowing, is it?”

If you watch it, you’ll pick up a lot on what humans typically think about demons and angels. It is a satirical view of Christianity in general.


In the spirit of scientific illuminism I ask you to prove you are a demon and not some goth deluded kid living in his Christians parents house screaming for a little freedom and attention. Surely if a demon took the time to write in this humble forum a little on the way of proof would not mind him at all.
After all as we all know spiritual work is about relationship and equivalent exchange. You can’t just ask without giving.

the demon didn’t leave you hanging. she said she went to do some human stuff. =o)


This is what came to mind reading that.

We do know he likes old cult movies. Interesting. Why do we have to get people like this? Why can people be satisfied on being the best humans they can be? After all it could be worst you could be a dog sniffing someone’s but.

dogs get more action than most humans. just saying .it’s not that bad and they get free humans slaves to feed them. :man_shrugging:

True I concede. Animals have somehow gotten away with being worshiped. Here in Puerto Rico you get more jail time by killing an animal than a person.

I just know that no matter what your soul is it is important to live life and not get caught in the astral. The mundane and low points make the high pointers better.


You can’t master the higher levels if you don’t know the lower plane. Don’t all martial arts teach that? do the basics before advance. Good analogy.

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Fantasy land

I don’t mean it was an easy goal more like I should have tried the achieve anything more that would have been more postive.

If someone finds what they are through astral, I hope they take that with a huge clump of salt.

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I don’t mean you. I mean it applies to everyone. We are in the physical plane for a reason. we are meant to live it. embrace it. anything we learn from the astral or other plane suppose to help us better our lives in the physical plane. Other plane is not suppose to be an escape from physical world that many are doing. They escape to astral and never want to be living in physical world.


Sorry for being unclear.
I meant all creatures, including humans. There are many children who play in the pond, and I consider them part if the area.

I don’t mean to sound like I am judging, sorry.

Also I thought this was a reply to a different comment.