I was tricked?

in a lucid dream i found a certain skinny girl,she was very sexy,nice body,pointed boobies and beautiful hair,ok…i started to chat with her and felt an urge to kiss her,i kissed her and during the kiss i saw a (beard) appearing in her cheek lol

i felt confused and stoped ( i was like,what the fuck is this )

i dont know what to think about this lol
i was tricked?


How do you know you didn’t turn into a girl?





I change forms constantly in my dreams, in fact I’m surprised when I look like my waking self. I almost feel like this might be one of those you need to be specific type of things. Recently I asked for a sex dream because they are a very rare occurrence for me. I remember less than a dozen in my lifetime. I got one…with weird incest and prostitution themes that made me feel really weird. Couldn’t go through with things in the dream, but it brought light to other issues I’m now working through.


i was seeing myself on dream,the girl was a secondary person that turned into a beast,some kind of human mixed with animal

i’m sure it was the king Belial messing with me lol

i would feel more pleased with the three girls on the other dream lol




The woman growing a beard makes me think of Ishtar/ Astarte who I have read would be depicted with male attributes when illustrated going into battle, as that was something reserved for males in that society.

The becoming animalistic makes me think of getting in touch with one’s primal nature.

If belial is messing with your dreams perhaps he is trying to convey that these primal instincts should be more of a concern for you in your mating choices and your beauty constructs than they currently are 🤷🤷🤷

That’s what I’m getting.

But he is known to be pretty cheeky so it very well could be a prank, but I’ve also seen that his pranks often hold a lesson in them.


Spirits change gender on whim lol. They not as attached to form as we are, so playing around and challenging your conception of gender and sexuality happens quite often.


i think that the King likes to be a Voyeur.

King Belial if you are reading this,send me girls,dont send me girls that are not girls that turn into mans that turn into beasts!


savage as fuck


Boy don’t send them shit like that cos they will do it more because you feel threatened. lol


Funny you say that cuz I can totally see him saying " Challenge accepted" in my mind. Lol.


I’m totally getting dangerous typing this but how on Earth would Belial mess with me that way : / . I’m already very sexually open. Id fuck a hermaphrodite. Might take me a minute to figure out how but I’m down to try. Kinda hot. And I don’t see a spirit turning into some sort of animalistic hybrid concerning me. : /

Don’t think he would have much to go on. Probably why he hasn’t done it :joy:


that’s the intention,put the action in motion

i wish i could be in touch with him everyday

but obviously,i cannot see him everyday but he is addicting

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this song make me think about the king Belial

so fucking powerfull

so i will dedicate this to The King Belial


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Hail King Belial. The Lord without a Master.

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I would honestly feel the same, women with facial hair turn me off, leg hair comes close. Not to mention, I am a purist for words and biological sex, so not interested in a trans person at all.
We have our preferences and have no need to feel bad about them at all.


Pssh, didn’t you know that you’re a hateful transphobe if you prefer women without penises? Check your privilege, cis-scum! :laughing:


Ikr? I was raised in the 70s&80s, I have no idea what that lingo means at all, ya dig?


I agree with this. And we shouldn’t make others feel bad about having preferences that are different from ours or that we don’t fit into.

I don’t shave. I prefer to be with others, male or female, that don’t shave either.

I don’t feel like I have any place to condemn you for feeling differently.

But in the same breath I’ll say that there’s nothing wrong with taking a look at our preferences and possibly opening up a bit. If my husband shaves his beard he’s still the guy I married right?

That’s just me. I like being flexible.

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Honestly, no. There are some women with facial hair that literally made me nauseous.

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