I was just a joke to him so I’ll fuck his life up like it’s funny

Ever since I made an account here and even before that I tried to get my ex back. long story short I found out that he does have a girlfriend and also lives with this girl.

Less than a month ago him and I sent well nudes and videos to each other and he even wanted me to send more. we’ve been talking on and off for over a year and not like friends might I add.
he’s probably been lying to me for months and months.

I need for my own sake to know every truth there is. I need answers for everything. I don’t know how I’m gonna make that happen yet so if you got any tips or want to help me that’d be great!
I’m gonna make them break up, make him miserable and regret that he even had the balls to treat me like this and much more. I’m gonna make him wish that girl was me.

Even after all the shit he’s done I still want him. I still wanna be with him and now I understand all the people here who wants their ex back who treated them badly. I understand you because even though they literally destroyed you, you still have feelings for them.
Don’t ever forget what you deserve.

I don’t know if I would ever go back to him if I had the chance but in my opinion if you really want them back you should at least give them twice as much hell as they’ve given you before even considering getting together.

I wanted to be one of those success stories about getting my ex back, now I want to be one of those success stories about chaos and destruction, pain and suffering :slight_smile:

I’m gonna be doing a ton of research on curses, intranquil spirit and other stuff.

Hopefully soon I’ll be back to give you guys an amazing update about my destruction plans :smiling_imp:


It’d be better for your own well-being to move on, maybe do one spell as a “fuck you” before doing so. Getting caught up in that energy will just prolong your own pain.


Yeah I get that too but I’m one that really needs to know the answers to my questions but I guess I could live without it though I don’t want to so if there’s a way I could get answers I will because the same thing happened to my best friend and all she wanted was answers and still to this day she didn’t get any which sucks.
Also by getting answers I’ll be able to let go faster because I don’t have to think about everything I didn’t get an answer to


Having no closure sucks…but sometimes it is best to not know the answers. Sometimes it hurts more that way.


Simply put, an asshole like that isnt worth your time or energy


truth hurts, everything seems to hurt and I’ve got so much bad luck in my life and everything goes to shits I just want for once things to go my way. I know it may hurt even more to get answer but I’m okay with that


But it is fun too though. To get to do the so called bad stuff. getting some revenge because I get so frustrated sometimes when someone deserves chaos but doesn’t get it and I understand that you’re the better person if you let it go and stuff but sometimes I don’t want to be the better person lol


make a list of stuff you want him to do to him and go down the list of spells. It’s good practice of magick now that you have a target. TIme to improve your magick skills. AFter that , use the magick skills to improve your life. The better person is the one that gets justice. NOt the one that is coward to punish.


Its not about moralistic stuff. The more I advance the more I find I’d rather conserve my energy for better things. I am NOT about turning the other cheek but I find my reaction is usually based on my problems and not theirs. If you are deeply connected to the universe and your own being, that stuff takes an entirely different meaning (not that I have reached that point or anything)


Yeah this sounds good. I do need to practice and I’ll be improving my life as the days go by. I’m not gonna let the anger and all that be only directed at him. I’ll be working out thinking I’m punching his face and make myself and my life better in every way I can.


From my perspective, jordan peterson said it best: “men that wield swords and know how to use them, but keep them sheathed, shall inherit the world”.


If this is what you truly want, might I suggest the master curse


As per usual. You are incredibly confused with your emotions.

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I prefer this famous saying in shows and anime. “if i unsheathe my sword it must slay” =o)


Lets talk about Noragami and yato >:oP

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ichigo lastest movie, the female ichigo. Or kenshin sakura !!

Here you go! Just be aware that it can work a little too well (my ex came back all right…but then he stalked me).


Duchess Haures baby, she’s all about the pain.


wish my exfriend stalk me. haha. never gonna happen. It would be quite entertaining and a lovely revenge dessert for me. =o) As you know poppet. i’m still on my revenge/justice casting phase. i’m picking them family members who instigated the mistreatment to hurt me. facebook is your friend to get full names and pictures if you forgot about them. Using the master curse on them. No feedback so i don’t know if it works. I’ll just have to trust my spells and demons to get the job done. THey mess with the wrong loving guy. Remember folks, it’s not that they ended things, it’s more the ‘how’ they ended it. The how is what justify your baneful magick. If she was just direct and communicated instead of playing the fake friend to use me, i wouldn’t of gone this baneful route way. Heck , i think it was meant to be that she treated me like trash otherwise i wouldn’t of gone deep with all these magick stuff. See, things do happen for a reason. And the baneful magick on my side will happen for a reason too. Lessons to be learn on their side. Or my lessons in improving magick.
I did not get where i am without effort. I will not be passive in my revenge/justice.


I understand to the best of my ability. I think the punishment should fit the crime, and serve as a lesson. I have my own sense of honor and code of ethics. I figure its best to leave people to their own ends, unless they truly go out of their way to fuck me over, which seems to be the case for you and OP.