I want to know the result of the math test

You could spend all this time studying…
But so far this suggestion is like.



Honestly, it really doesn’t seem like you are here to learn. You have some really strong opinions on a topic you seem to know very little about. The ars Goetia for example is not literal. While its possible that the entities are holding out on us, most of the time when it for example says “can tell you the location of treasure” it means that the entity can help you get more material wealth, by for example making your business more succesfull, or in some cases winning a scratch ticket. Magic usually works through the path of least resistance.


No, the definition of whether something works is, does it get results that are in line with its model of operation.

One expects a fire extinguisher to put out fires, not play a tune, and it’s not a failed fire extinguisher because it can’t do Beethoven.

Magick operates in specific ways along broadly agreed lines, and if you were nopen to studying, you could learn these.


I am best student in my high school because of magic ( i am studyin law, psychology and art) …how to prove it ? I dont learn much often… i know things spontaneusly because i am working with deities full of knowledges :woman_shrugging:t2: you cant prove magic to someone who doesnt believe in it …


No, I am not talking about that. What I’ve said is: You shouldn’t believe something you cant prove, like, SPELLS.

So you’re on a magick forum telling us not to believe in spells. Fascinating.


Proves proves proves always newbies want proves … try go on this path and you will have thousand of them…


The hell do you think calling up demons is?


the point of magic isn’t to prove a point like that. It’s faith based, and if you don’t believe in something because of “no proof,” then you really shouldn’t be trying to practice something belief based.



The best part is I said sigils not spells
The same way he’d use sigils for what he wants


So how can you be sure that it was magick and not coincidence?

Frequency, timing…


Magick is not a religion and spells are not a dogma. I believe in magick but I need to be sure it works and it is not just self illusion or coincidence.

Stonehenge, I created This thread just for people like you who have issues with believing in Magicks efficacy. There’s over 200 success stories of people using Magick to get what they want. If not a single story there convinces you that there might be something to this, then nothing we say here will. You should take some time to read through that, and start with the stories under the heading “baneful Magick” because a lot of the stuff there is extremely difficult to dismiss as mere coincidence




So is magick a religion? It is faith based in some parts, yes, but you need to practice to be sure it is real.

This thread isn’t going anywhere, the OP is being ignorant and ignoring the answers given to them, and all the while insulting us serious practitioners.

I vote the thread gets unlisted/locked, because other threads have answered this question and this conversation is going nowhere.


Magick is between and art and a science, and it has recognised paths and limitations.

Agreed, @Stonehenge I’m going to send you some links, you know the welcome PM covers that we are not here to convert anyone, so this is indeed going nowhere.


For most people, part of the progress of learning magick is a “leap of faith” a period where you are learning and gathering power where your magic doesn’t work yet. Most people give up on this stage. Which is a good thing in my books. People who become succesfull and even powerful sorcerers go through this period of uncertainty, its a part of the journey. No one has an obligation to prove anything to you, if you continue diligent practice magick will prove itself to you