I want to contact a spirit and i chose Mepsitahl

Dude, chill out, you are turning into Diavolo :rofl:

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didnt get that tho

It is a joke about the character in his avatar picture


well my friend tried this and he said a hand came out of sigil and caught his hand and all of a sudden it disappeared. Can you explain what it was. He had open the gates of neptune

I don’t know what the gates of Neptune are, but I know they are unnecesary for what you say you want to do.

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This is the evocation guide, he needs invocation.


no bro i needed evocation not invocation

Why do you say that?

I want it to come physically not spiritually or not by astral projection

If you want to invoke, you can evoke the entity and ask him/her/it to posses you when him/her/it is there with you. My brain kinda malfunctions with all this terminology, I mean, authors don’t agree in what invocations and evocation are, while in my language summoning = invocar and everyobdy understands what I’m saying. It’s the same thing with all those cateogories of withches, warlocks, sorceres, magicians, in my language one just say “brujo” and everybody knows what it’s about, yet it seems that American people think that brujos are Mexican magicians. My head explodes

according to my research evoking is calling forth and invoking is making yourself possesed so i may be wrong if i am then correct me and thanks for your time both of you

S. Connolly would disagree and some practitioners of demonolatry would disagree too.

disagree in what? pls elaborate

Some people think that evocation is disrespectful and that the respectful practice is called invocation

oh now i get it thank you so can i get the invocation method too

All those authors and practiotioners are talking about the same things with different names and different moral connotations, so if you want to enter in that marvelous world of concepts, read books

ok thanks for help i really appreciated

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Possession is built up on your level of vibrations. Possession is as intimate as energy sex or physical sex.
Mostly it’s built up in getting to know something but no reason why if your energy is vibrating high enough and you are actually strong enough go straight into the “one night stand”.
A. Are you strong enough
B. Why are you so obsessed

Allow Your Spirit (You obviously) to guide you (the personality the construct).

As a Spirit I’m not keen to possess or allow such intimacies with just anyone thing.

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