I want control of others. But how?

just willpower as it is


everything unfolds from there


So, what would you suggest I do to develop Willpower? I already do things like schedule my life and stick to a schedule even when I don’t want to do so.
What would you suggest I do in addition?

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Ask and ye shall receive.
Upon Will Power:


Look up the art ans science of personal magnetism

That seems really slow and indirect. If the sigil had an active effect, make a roll of labels and stick it on people.

time travel it can grant you the control you want when you want it. I’m just going to need some time to complete a book i’m writing so it might take a minute.


I look forward to it.

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I just hope your ok with it being within a runic book you dont need to know the runes to use it.


If it works it works, right?


100% i just need patience im already done with the introduction almost finished chapter 2 and the book has a lot of meat. I dont like that most magician books is more talking that meat you want control like the kind you see in movies u got it. You want to people to fear you, you got it the only thing i need to warn you and everyone else. i not big on ingredients for some spells and some of you might think i’m a physco but i can promise you the type of control you want.

you just need to be smart about how you use it


Have a read through this thread, it details the method @Sacredblood_old mentions above: Tutorial: How to use your Energy to Implant Thoughts and Emotions in Others in 7 Easy Steps


I am definitely using @Keteriya work.


Which rune book are you referring to?

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I’m writing my own rune book, its not going to be like any other out there just like the atlantics book i’ve written for eric. And i’m talking about practically all of the runic books theres not enough magick in them its more theory and ‘this could work’ writing.


Oh, that’s super cool. I look forward to that! Been very interested in runes. Especially because the part of the world they come from is very well run. One of the best run parts of the entire planet. Obviously that magic is just fine. The effects are fine.

What’s the atlantics book you wrote? I’ll buy it