I want control of others. But how?

So, usually, I’m a goody-two shoes. I usually refrain from controlling people. But lately, I’ve realized as I’ve gotten older I don’t want to hear “No.” as a response to the simplest of my requests of people anymore.
What I WANT is to be able to choose a random person in a room, think intentionally, and have them do what I intended for them to do. Drop your briefcase on the floor. Roll on the floor like a kid having fun.

I don’t want to do candle rituals. I want to rock my last 70 years on this planet.

Any advice on how to go about doing this? I’ve got some ideas, but I would love advice from y’all as well.

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How many people do you want to control? Is it just the one person you pick at random?

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The world doesn’t work that way. It will never revolve around you nor anyone else. The best feeling ever is not of controlling others (which will eventually bite you in the ass or simply disappoint), but of self control.


As many as I want, really. I’d love to influence a whole Stadium. But I can start with just one person as practice.

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Self-Control is something I practice daily.
I think the world can work very much as we want it to. We just need to learn the methods. I’ve known people who can do what I want to do, but they lock that information up with their own groups of friends.
I’ve caused a number of outstanding things by accident.
But I want to do more things on purpose.


For you, I would suggest becoming a preacher in a mainstream religion that proselytizes.

Unfortunately for me, due to my initiation in Catma, I am no longer vulnerable to that kind of control, but I pretend to be for fun.

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But I do appreciate your thoughts and response.

What is Catma?

That is a good question. Catma is something I picked up from Discordianism. It is similar to Dogma, but more flexible.

I am just going to link you to a page. Catma | Discordian Wiki | Fandom

To explain it myself I would need a whole polcompball comic to setup and explain in context.

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@DebiDenice Since you are interested in Catma, I have recommended reading for you. The Psychopath’s Bible: For the Extreme Individual by Christopher S. Hyatt. It will help you understand how Catma works, and the exercises will aid you in your new evangelist career.


Magnetism and hypnosis is the way you want to go then. Can do just about anything to the human mind once perfected from casual persuasion to just about anything you can think of.


Thank you. Do you have any good resources?

Here is what I learned but wether it works for you or not is a different question. Closing my eyes and I see the person in front of me. Like nothing else but the person in front of me like in a dark room where I can only see them. I visualize then my third eye extending to a trail into there’s and then I kind of start internally calling there name as if I’m actually talking to them trying to get there attention then when I see them turn and look I send my thoughts down that third eye trail into them. I noticed this at least has taken me a few reps to actually do something. So it takes some visualizing but let me know how that goes for you. Also

As lucifer once told me in his own words “persistence creates perfection” that’s just a fancy way I guess of saying practice makes perfect but it kind of makes more sense in a way. But yeah.

I learned this from someone on YouTube I forgot who but I think they’re also on balg somewhere hiding lol. But if I remembered who I’d give them the credit so credit to whoever taught this in either YouTube or a balg thread I don’t remember which one it was but I remember I learned it from someone.


Thank you very much, I’ll be including this in my practice.

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@Sacredblood_old is right. That is excellent! I’ll try the third eye version myself soon. That’s cool.

You can also connect chakras in person. Whether chakras actually exist or not doesn’t seem to matter, as you definitely increase a connection. For any type of in person seduction, this rarely fails.

You can also visualize as the Hopi Indians do, and see threads between you and others. Or even a spiderweb like material.

Look at visualizations of the entire universe and you’ll see threads of light everywhere. Like that, but connecting you two. Almost like you’re a spiritual Spider-Man or something!

In Jose Silva Mind Control, they used to tell you something like… pop the other person’s head off (mentally lol) and put it on your own. Then think the thoughts you want them to think. This does seem to mostly work.

In Neville Goddard land, they have you imagining you are wearing the person. Think in their voice. Feel their clothes around you. Feel you are them. Then think their thoughts for them.

There’s a ton of YouTubes about Neville Goddard and telepathy and/or visualizing for others.

I mean, your body, your entire physical presence, is basically a garment, anyway. A meat puppet with an outfit. In a way, your body is just your doll or your own action figure. So you really just use your imagination to swap one for the other.


I thought that said “in jehova witness mind control” I almost laughed. Nothing against the religion just that sounded funny momentarily :joy::joy::joy:


Dude… your shadow friends are making jokes again! Lol


Thank you very much.
It reminds me of when I was 17, experimenting with psionics, telepathy, and I made a person look around at me using a similar, light technique. It frightened them, and me, lol.


develop willpower


Can you elaborate? What kind of willpower?