I have claimed on this very forum that Azazel and Ereshkigal are my sires. As pointed out, it makes no difference to my human path, it’s just an interesting snippet about my origin that matters only to me, and I haven’t figured out what it means to me just yet. It might be more like an energy alignment than a case of making me the was humans think of that.
Bottom line, you’re aware you are a higher being incarnate as a human, and I think that is important and from here you make your own path. Being human is in a way very freeing, I think, cut off from galactic control. Any prior affiliations and loyalties become optional under the law of free will. Not that breaking any spiritual covenants doesn’t have consequences, but you are not bound. For some of us, free will and having the opportunity to use it might be the point.
Btw I barely talk to them: Just as humans do, I left “home” at some point, I made my own life a very long time ago. I do not consider myself a “child” of any kind, I would consider that as putting myself down and I won’t do that. Also, remember these entities create billions of others, being one of billions isn’t such a big deal, you have no responsibilities to any but yourself, there’s nothing you have to do, especially now you are human.
You got this third hand from Moloch… I would ask Lucifer directly if it’s true, now.
Don’t forget we have a thread where you can request scans if this type if you’re interested and if anyone is around to pick it up: