So, I think I just pulled a successful Kenobi on a mouse. I’ve practiced telepathic influence on people for some years, but a mouse is a first for me.
This irritating mouse has been conducting a guerrilla campaign of annoyance in my room for the last couple of weeks. So today I put a bucket down on the ground, lay on my bed, closed my eyes and just tried to reach out to him.
I kept visualising the bucket and him in it, then sequences in first person (or first mouse) perspective of racing towards the bucket and leaping into it. This was really about focusing the intention more than anything else I feel.
I did this for a while and then sank pretty deep into my process to the point of no conscious awareness.
Eventually I heard these something-on plastic rattling skittering noises. Got up, and there was my nemesis in the bucket determinedly trying to jump back out.
So I covered the bucket and transported him to the park, releasing him in some bushes.
Strangest thing- he was obviously able to jump into the bucket, but couldn’t jump back out. This is interesting given that with the slightly outward slant of the bucket walls, exit should have been easier than entry.
I found this very interesting and thought I would share.
If your current job doesn’t work out, you can always become a mouse summoner lol
But really, that’s pretty cool. At least you got thing out finally
A mouse summoner, for Christs sake, a mouse summoner! This forum has produced mouse summoning as a confirmed ritual of success. What the actual fuck is going on in here?! These magicians are powerful people, folks, what the fuck!
The pied piper would be so proud of this level of progress and success 
Yes, there is great potential here. In time and with more practice, I can assemble my own horde of mice! Then my foes will pay… FOOLS! I’LL DESTROY THEM ALL!
Nobody would expect an army of mice to take them down. You’ve got the element of surprise (and rodent, of course) on your side. I support this whole-heartedly
Little mices, come to me, all ye who are looking for a well paying job and you shall find cheese for your families
Good job, I find most animals to be more receptive of human thought than most people seem to believe is possible. In many ways I think we are missing the boat while we forget about nature 
Agreed. I remember one of the dogs I grew up with was very well mentally dialled in to me. As soon as I formed the intention of taking him for a walk he would immediately get really excited and run and wait by the door.
Incidentally, Rupert Sheldrake ran some interesting experiments with canine telepathy which I gather has been replicated by other researchers.
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Personally I think we were designed to do this with animals as in my own personal experiments it does not seem to matter if I’m bonded to the animal or it’s a stranger, if it’s wildlife or domesticated.
Now I do note that doesn’t mean all of them listen and many seem to be downright afraid If you try to reach them, but they all seem to understand to one degree or another, nether the less.
I haven’t seen this talked about much, this or plant communication. @DarkestKnight actually recommended me a book by Chris Penczak on plant spirits at the time, because I thought I was loosing it when this sense began extending to plants…
That book confirmed to me many things I was experiencing and naturally if it is that way with plants, why wouldn’t it be similar with the obviously sentient animal life? At least with animals you can play with it and eventually conclude that yes they hear you and understand you, even if it’s only to yourself.
So I’ve gone from feeling stupid and ridiculous and being laughed at for my affinity with animals and plants to learning hey, there’s something here and idk what all we are supposed to do with it when it comes to animals, but I’ve got a pretty good idea with plants! 
That’s todays Loa/Lwa update actually! So, I apologize for being stuck on the plant part but this topic has been hot in my house for the last month or so cuz I can’t hardly wait for the weather to warm another ten degrees! 
Cats. I suspect that cats choose to ignore. Cos cats 
How could such an awesome forum exist?
This is some fantastic comedy.
Almost makes me want to become a living mouse god.
I could just imagine someone randomly deciding to deal with all their enemies by summoning an army of mice and insects to eat them alive.
Then the morning news channel starts talking about how way too many people are suddenly being found dead and full of bugs.
Go fourth my new inhuman followers and give this world something to talk about.
I’d sell my soul right now for total rodent control. That’s the best way (in my opinion) to take down enemies and dominate the world. 
No one expects a horde of mice to take them down. We’d have the element of surprise on our side.
Yes. Maybe something like that could be achieved by evoking, invoking, being possessed by, and working with mouse spirits so much that living mice start to see you as one of them?
@Shadow_Whispers Imagine working with mouse spirits to become the mouse king or queen.
Or maybe while soul traveling, someone could possess a living mouse to communicate with the other mice and it would slowly lead to building a mouse kingdom much more advanced than anything made by mice should be.
Im suddenly remembering the Pickrick episode of Rick and Morty
I have not seen that episode.
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