I need your help to come clean

Psst @Borgy


take a hint.


Thanks for the offer @damionmoore. I know what you mean. Something seems necessary to turn the switch.

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Good that after that shit happened to you, you turned the wheel around. I did know many addictions in my family with devastating results, but that didn’t turn them around. One time with my mom but that was because of her disease.

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Yeah I feel you on that. I’ve seen that in my family as well


Good morning guys and girls a week ago i asked Lucifer to help me.

This weekend a strange thing happened. I had a party at my neighbors and normally i use something (drugs) after a party. This weekend i kept my promise and no drugs.

Weekend 1, no drugs. Keep you posted here.


Nice one! Hope you’re taking some credit yourself for not using as well as thanking Lucifer.


Thanks @Amber, I will. He helps, but I have to face it myself.


I’m only a monthly mischief maker, and did last night, but amazingly I have no hangover even after a 5am bedtime. I think Buer is helping me even with this. Thank you Buer, you truly are wonderful.


Well @Lisa, try to keep it at once a month or not. It’s easy to cross that line. My goal is at least 2 months (let’s make it 10 weeks not). Luckily I’m starting a new study so that doesn’t go together.


Excellent work! :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


I know it’s boring at first but maybe try aa/na. I had to do like 200 meetings for court… I only did half the steps but I got a lot out of it. Mostly from listening to other people’s stories. I was in a really good place for recovery though these cats knew what they were talking about… Wouldve got more out of it had I took the program seriously. (I never identified as an addict or alcoholic cause I was all into law of attraction type deal and thought they were cursing themselves, although I don’t look at it so hard like that now) move into a halfway house or 3/4 house if things get real bad. Life starts going to shit etc… For me Ive had life changing realizations due to magic mushrooms used in a ritualistic setting with friends even if they didn’t know that’s what was up hahaha cause I was there to “guide” them. I stopped certain drugs that way. But the best way to get sober not my favorite but go to jail and then be on a color code program lol that’ll do it…


Thank you :smiley:


Well it’s only a bad habbit in the weekend, but it changes you when doing it every weekend. Good idea to talk to people about it AA like. I do, i have involved family, i talk about it here. So the fist weekend is done. Now keep on this work.

And you’re right it’s excitement, so it could be boring. But i need to plan some things to do instaed. Prison is not an option. I have a job, study. By the way, with the new study i have to focus again so that could help.


Thanks everybody for your replies.


gonna be straight here I am pro drug usage this includes hard drugs and psychadelics. if you can afford it and enjoy it do it.

do what thou wilt…

being honest if I knew a dealer and had the cash I would be knee deep in LSD and cocaine.


Ermm…don’t really think this is the most appropriate thing to post when someone is posting he wants help (and is trying) to get clean! :thinking:



How are you combining it with your spiritual development? If you are using any drugs ? I mean it harms your brain chemistry/ memory/emotions / aura / energetic bodies

Are your psychic skills fully open? If so how is your connection to the astral world when using drugs?

I tried several times to “justify” my usage of recreational drugs, but the more I got into the science and pharmacology the more I got hit by the ugly truth…

It’s really a dead end, and I was looking for ways to “reduce the damage” but there is no escape. It will fuck you up.

Being honest, if I didn’t decide to indulge in my spiritual development / spirit companions, I would be still using drugs so I understand your comments.


@LucifugeAzazel I’ve done long enough what I will and it gave me a feeling of being very tired and not good functioning during the week. Cost lots of money and I’m not happier.
Yes, the moment is perfect but after that, all the shit. Cancelling appointments, very tired and after a week it started all over again.

Yes it is fun once in a while, but now what I was doing.

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well I would suggest do more meditation to keep the body from wanting to use again

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