I need your comments

Hi community
I need your comments
I have been training for psychic abilities for a long time but it has been a total failure
I would like your opinion about making a pact for psychic faculties, could it be possible ???

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We get people asking this but not a lot of feedback that it actually helped, though maybe that’s because we get problems posted more than not.

There’s a list I saved to the psychic development tutorials collection topic here:

You might also like to browse some of the other thread ideas for things you haven’t tried yet. Sometimes with psychic skills you have to keep switching it up. You can make some progress and it feels like it just stopped dead: like your subconscious got used to that technique and got bored. Keep going and you’ll get unstuck, or try a different approach.

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Yes, I have tried all the senses but I have any progress at all and I don’t feel what sense could have more developed

And thanks for the link…I will tried

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One thing I would recommend is trying some guided meditations with crystals that are associated with psychic sense, in the same vein I’d recommend doing this for your 3rd eye + Crown chakras. Check your crystals for their associations with those 2, and give a listen to some Binural Beats (Frequencies) it’s best to choose one that has the singing bowl (Aids in attuning to different frequencies) as the key background sound.

[30min Unblock All 7 Chakras]

It also helps because unlike choosing your favorite playlist, these are typically a few hours to 1/2 an hour long - this eliminates that human thing of needing “the perfect song” which helps maintain your trance like state. Minimal Interruptions = Maintained State.

Thanks for your valuable information

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