I need help

Oh I already figured out why it’s all failed, you can skip those questions, sorry. I really wasn’t trying to badger you, just to understand so I could help if possible.

It’s the anxiety, depression and where you live. I get it, I just needed to know that so I could know what was actually wrong and what to do. :slight_smile:

If I help, are you going to do the things that will help you on your end, if I help you figure out what they are? (Like journaling) I’ll do a ritual anyways once you’ve defined your dream, I’m just curious because your willingness to participate will affect the success.

I’m a kitchen witch so I won’t tell you to do anything that cost money. I make things work for me and not the other way around :slight_smile:

But I might ask you to imagine something or repeat something to yourself in your mind every time you feel bad or something that seems silly, if you actually want to get through this.

Like if you were six years old and someone asked you want you want to be when you grow up?
magick haveing magical life soul travel Lucid Dreaming

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Okay, well I have that so I think you can too if you can beat being stuck. In fact I can probably give you some lucid dreaming tips and get you started on it. Soul travel isn’t so difficult either but the methods thst work vary a lot so it’s harder to find the right one imop.

What do you want physically? Do you want a house of your own, a spouse, to make money being a gamer, to be a pro golfer… like if you could imagine life without depression and no anxiety and you could be anyone and do any kind of hobby or work for fun and money what would it be?

I’m trying to design a ritual for you, so I just kinda need to know what life should look like.

I know everything is awful and bad and scary and painful now. But would should it be like?

What would you do everyday besides lucid dream and project?

I’ve been home full time and I still can’t fill all my hours dreaming and journeying and sleeping, so what else would you do? Like read, run a small business, play video games, paint? Sculpt? Drag race?

passive income do lick gameing bet as a job feel Like A Teenager
Youth and full of energy jest to be haveing fun again

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Okay I see you typing, I’m going to go take break and I’ll be back in a bit to see what you say and finish my ritual thinking.

@coon_xan The Request thread has very specific rules that these posts did not meet, so I have moved them back in here to keep this discussion together.

Your request stands in the Request thread, if someone wants to, they will do work for you and then post what they did.

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Oh I already figured out why it’s all failed, you can skip those questions, sorry. I really wasn’t trying to badger you, just to understand so I could help if possible.

It’s the anxiety, depression and where you live. I get it, I just needed to know that so I could know what was actually wrong and what to do. :slight_smile:

If I help, are you going to do the things that will help you on your end, if I help you figure out what they are? (Like journaling) I’ll do a ritual anyways once you’ve defined your dream, I’m just curious because your willingness to participate will affect the success.

I’m a kitchen witch so I won’t tell you to do anything that cost money. I make things work for me and not the other way around :slight_smile:

But I might ask you to imagine something or repeat something to yourself in your mind every time you feel bad or something that seems silly, if you actually want to get through this.
can not read most of my posts from copy and paste journaling is impossibie
for me to mental illness and bad Memory @ times for mental illness most can do of the tip can do for tip for Lucid Dreaming i feel bad Memory is a problem i n
Lucid Dreaming for me any tip for can not do Dream journaling and has bad Memory

@coon_xan Please respect the rules of the Request thread and stop posting conversational matter over there. This thread if for you to discuss and troubleshoot why your magick of the last 4 years failed.

This is a forum for people to learn and perform their own magick. We don’t really encourage spell begging here and you are vey lucky someone is helping you. Some requests get nothing.

This would be against the forum rules and would be deleted. Members here can only offer free services in the public threads, and that is completely voluntary.

Please read the rules and see how we work here: :slight_smile:

Thanks you for offering to help, but again, please READ THE RULES of the Request thread, which are in the very first post. You do the work or you don’t. You post the picture of the ritual you did. That thread is not for general advice, and not for negotiating. If you have not done the work don’t post.

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but conversation related to the actual spell or ritual should be in thread
i was answer a he ask question i my end of the spell he is doing
i as ask question related to the spell a problem or giving info on whit
can can not do in answer a question a problem

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It’s all good, I gotcha and we just don’t want long drawn out conversations in that thread because it’s harder to see who still needs help. Peoples requests get lost if we have a bunch of discussion, so we try to keep it to the point. :slight_smile:

good i am sorry i am jest giving answer my problem are hard and need
discussion for most to see

i can not see any the RULES that it problem to discussion the spell
are that it problem to answer a question if ask

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It’s okay, it’s maybe not exactly said that way or whatever but your request will be taken care, probably in the morning as I would really like to mull over my ritual layout and make sure I didn’t miss anything important :slight_smile:

i am so grateful for your help in the morning as good

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i ask of lucid dreaming or soul travel tip or tips for my on the ritual that
they be post on in ts thread

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Generally speaking imop a very easily way is to start with reality checks. Reality checks are basically stopping and asking yourself if you are dreaming, then doing something to check and see if you are dreaming.

You should do it lots of times and while you are at lots of places and doing lots of things that way you are constantly aware you are awake, most people say just do it when you do something specific, but then your brain gets used to that and have to work at it again.

Recording your dreams in a journal, digital journal, text them to someone else or telling someone about them helps me a lot with remembering my dreams, because it doesn’t do me any good to be lucid dreaming or soul traveling or anything else if I can’t remember it all.

Everyone is a little different though so the methods that work well for you might not for someone else and vise versa. I’ve had times where I just couldn’t induce a lucid dream if my life depended on it, but I found if I sought new methods and added those to my collection that cycling through them would always lead to a method that would work when I’d gotten too used to one.

Almost everything Ive ever read rip wise for either subject starts with becoming aware enough to realize you can see what you want to, move where you to or dream what you want to, so I’d start here.

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thank you for the tips thank you aigen for the spell

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A post was split to a new topic: Coon xan account closure request