I need help

I turn 17 in october

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oh! I was born inOctober too! :smiley: which day if you dont mind sharing?

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Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart that makes mt feel so much better


there is some magic to speed up time as well. So you could speed up your perception of the next couple years

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Really? How can i do that?

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The 16th


Dude, it doesn’t work that way. Stop giving useless advice that that you have no understanding of.


wow…i am the 14th :smiley:

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Can you not change your perception of time?

Thats so close:) thats awesome


I guess we are Birthday buddies now :smiley:

well…semi birthday buddies…but still! :smiley:

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Yes, you can. However, you cannot do it indefinitely for years. What is sped up must be balanced with slowing down.

Any entity tasked with time manipulation will tell you as much.


Yes that is what I was saying. She could perceive time as sped up. Then the time after that, may feel slow right?

Definitely birthday buddies


Are you really that thick, or just purposely obtuse? What part of “you cannot do it for years at a time” didn’t you grasp? At most, you can speed up a few hours to a few days, but not years at a time.

Before giving useless advice, perhaps you should actually get some experience under your belt first because you show an appalling lack of grasping even the simplest statements.

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Check out Eckhart Tolle on YouTube! :grin:
When he says about “presence is there” he means of us or you or him being present in the moment and not unconscious being controlled by the ego mind.
The ego mind will brings thoughts and keep you in time for example
" I am a loser people never liked me because of the way i was was born" (PAST time) it will look for negative reasons and blame the past for what is going on in the present.

The Ego will also try keep your thoughts in the future “Oh I will never get that job, I am not good enough for it” these are examples I used from my own experience.

Practice to remain in the present moment.
What ever the situation is now.

Ok thank you


Oops I changed it soon after I posted it

Everyone is giving wonderful advice. Hang in there, practice your meditation if you find time. It can be very spiritually calming and beneficial if you want to train your astral senses or anything of the sort - even to just get away from it all. I’ve been in a similar situation, and it may be hard right now, but you can make it through this. Stay strong. Even Lucifer believes in you it seems. :+1:


Thank you guys so much im just having so much trouble right now and yall are really helping so thank you