Nobody should be trying to tell you this, imo, though they could divine what’s going on to get more info, conscious analysis without knowing you very well is not likely to be meaningful. Dream books are a waste of paper.
Dream interpretation is 80% scam, 20% asking you what your own dream means.
Dreams are symbolic and subjective and highly personal. Leaving aside lucid dreams and dreamwalking for a minute…
Dreams usually contain some of several pieces jumbled together:
- Rehashing what you experienced in the last few days
- Wish fulfillment
- Subconscious messages
- Entity messages
And all these are overlaid with symbolism making them tricky to interpret unless you’re the actual dreamer, and maybe not then. What it’s really ideal not to do it get too literal with the analysis and start building castles.
So you need to ask yourself what your mother means to you here - your actual mother or a representation of something else? Same with the snakes and protectors. That could simply be your own power.
What you didn’t post here, is how you felt in-dream about it all - that is importat and a big clue for your interpretation. You should ask your self, “what does this mean to me” and then follow your first impression, the first thing you think of and not 2nd guess it.
I suggest you get into meditation, go back into the dream and ask the snake who it is and what it wants.
[Moved to the Divination category]