I may have lost my incubi!?

Look, let me tell you a story, okay?

In 2017, I met this girl. Let’s call her FUCKING BEAUTIFUL BITCH. She was the absolute best for me in some areas of my life and the worst in others. I fell for her. She had a massive amount of issues, mental issues. And with my savior complex, I wanted to save her.

She knew it and played with it. In the end, she mindfucked me. To the point I was willing to kill for her. And this isn’t a metaphore.

We went on and off, hurting each other all the time. Because I did my part too. I became obsessed with her.

But she was toxic. I knew it. And I went on. Because, well, because. Because I’m stubborn and all those things you say about yourself.

At some point, she changed her number. And I changed mine. That was the one right call. I still think about her every single day. I still know she is toxic. Given the chance, I would return. But I take out that option from the table.

And that’s what you have to do: the right call, once.

Hope this helps, because I have NOTHING else to tell you.


I’m such a fuck up … I fucked myslef up …sweet jesus

No you’re not, see that’s part of the trap - get you thinking badly (or worse) of yourself.

You are making a choice here, you can make the good choices that lead to happiness, of the bad choices that destroy you. The part of you that makes those choices isn’t good or bad it just is, but over time, the choices you make WILL define you.

Get out now while you still can, before this eats your youth and destroys any chance of true love and happiness, sharing, and connection with a loving man.


Right. Imma try again to rid him out of my life but this time Imma try and stay firm on it …no matter how toxic or hurtful…like cuz right now i feel like my soul and heart is breaking to pieces just talking about it ( he is apart of me ) . Thats why I said it easier said than done

But like i said what would hurt the most is lossing him but yet either way im lossing something thatbwill fuck me over for a long time so shit on me!! But okay …i won’t tell u guys anything else of or about him and me …unles it has to do with leave mg him or banishing him promise. Ik u guys r stressed or Look at me like this girl needs to take a chill pill or seat the FUCK Down! Lol and in I do . It’s just hard cuz he has been a a huge help and comfert in my life more than anyone I have ven with and had experienced with . Even my own parents and its just…it hurts to let that go

But it gets easier. With time.

Honestly, you talk as if you have never been hit in the heart. As if nobody ever broke up with you. The first time is always the worst. It gets easier, eventually.

Also, also, you don’t want to stay with someone forever. As Malmsteen said… FOREVER IS A LONG TIME!!! I can’t think of anything worse than that.


Yea lol

It does.

I’m not going to tell you all my life here, but women have always been my source of joy and pain. I know what I’m talking about.

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It hurts snd im tired of being hurt by the ones i love the most or losing the ones i love the most and are so close to.

But yes u have s point all of u do . And like I said Imma give u guys a huge break on my crisis . No more incubi problems .

That’s not the problem, honestly.

Look, bring the big guns. I have a friend who says this is the best banishing, so go and research Hekate’s banishing. Perform it ONCE. Along with all your other work, that probably will be enough to get rid of this.

And, most likely, you’ll start feeling better in hours if not minutes.


Ok thx

I i dont know how to do it that way and even if try im not good at its steps or even understand it

Try this incantation:

Ashta Malku dozef lata
esh pon ron te suro maka
Izzef mun to so rem ba te ka
Lux onf inido


Then try the Hekate banishing, as explained HERE


I’m srry but my imagination isn’t as it use to be …i can’t imagine all that without starting over a thousands times

Then start over a thousand and one times.

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Lol ok

Please can I ask you an out of topic question?


But remember that I’m pretty much a newbie and I may not have an answer for you.

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I want to ask you about a painting or a picture of Lucifer, I searched for it and I did not find it. A real picture of him, I want to see him please. If you have it or know its location.