I made a batch of 3 Servitors. Feedback Requested

I finished making some servitors. I spent like, a whole week making them. Pouring my heart and soul into them as I made them. If anyone is willing, would anyone like take a look at my 3 servitors? Task them with stuff and let me know how they do? They work fine for me, but I designed them to learn and grow the more they experience, so thats why I want others to work with them too. Any feedback, comments, and/or, suggestions are welcome.

I will post a basic/public info sheet on each of them. These should have enough information about them to allow yall to work with them. I will be keeping their full information to myself for safety reasons.

You can feed them with their feed phrases and by playing music, humming or singing.
(BTW, Do not attempt to reprogram my servitors, any attempts to tamper, alter, or change their programming will activate a safety protocol and you will be added to a list of people they will never help or respond to again.)

I have dubbed them the Bun Brigade. I can’t wait to hear yalls feedback! Thankyou very much in advance!


These are amazing! I’ll give them a try. My only comment right now is that, because they are summoned by dripping wax on their sigil, I wish they were easier to draw. At the same time their sigils are absolutely beautiful!

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You can also summon them by writing them a letter asking for their help with specific tasks, It works with both paper and digitally. @Daughterofman


My senses are not opened yet, can I still work with them regardless? Specifically Lucy?

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These servitors look great. I’ll take a look at them. (:

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Lucy pretty much called out to me. These are amazing great work!

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Something I’ve noticed with my servitors is that they have grown more powerful over time. I’ll occasionally give them a specific request, but mostly I have them working in the background on whatever their specialty is.

One thing I’ll do on occasion is summon them to simply thank them for the results that they brought me in the past. Once I even made a big list of all the times I remember the servitor coming through for me, some moments being low-key and subtle, others being more dramatic. This was after a while of not summoning them. Even without much attention, they still come through.


Yes you can. Simply summon and instruct. They will do just what you task them with.

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Lucy is the most outgoing of the three and the first born of the batch. You could say that she is the leader of the three. I’m glad she is being proactive! That’s exactly what I like to hear!


My servitors are able to bi-locate and multitask, along with preform passive tasks while not being tasked. One of the tasks I list in all my servitors is to passively gather energy and sustenance from any outside source(as long as it causes no one harm or strife through the obtaining of such) and I have them put any extra in reserves. Like a self charging battery.


Honestly, I’d love to pm you if you’d let me. I’d love your opinion on the Bun Brigade

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I particularly like Johnny Boy for some reason

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He is a good lad too, very protection and empowerment based.

That’s cool, messages always open.

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Can you make a servitor to help with evocation magick for beginners and see and hear spirits and bring spirits you want to help you?


Sounds more like you want a shortcut. Lol

I can create a servitor to help other practice Telepathy and to stimulate and practice with the other Clairsenses, but that’s it. Don’t want to stunt your growth in the meta by relying too much on a servitor.


I don’t want to rely on servitors. I just want a kick start. So the servitor can bring spirits to me. I will ask the spirits to help with my magick and then I can ditch the servitors.

Woah, no wonder Johnny-Boy is livid. They added you to the blacklist bud, sorry. We don’t treat servitors like tools to be used and thrown away here. They are family to me and my servitors have feelings and emotions just like you and me. They are helpers yes, but so much more as well.

Get your kickstart elsewhere. Thankyou.


Maybe you could ask these servitors to help aiding some of the sick people out in the world to recover.