I just want him out of my life for good

Yes it wouldn’t take much I make double the rent. With commissions I make the triple. Commissions depend on my clients file moving though.


Good idea!

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Yeah if the authorities know he is suicidal, you should be able to get full custody. Strike while the iron is hot, I know it’s a lot of energy expended dealing with all that but it’s a good investment of your time and energy because later on the situation could be much worse for YOU if and when he does get back on his feet and try and get full custody for himself and tries to paint you as the unstable one. It’s a lot harder to prove these things a year or so later.

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I lol’d and thought I’d love a nabor like that, then read a bit more and thank your for telling me about the sixth hell and the hall of judgement when I achieve getting there I’ll be able to lay to rest alot of my problems especially knowing they will have no Divine protection in my case.

Angel so update for the peeps about the custody? Might need to @ a few o the peeps you were talking to bubin sure they would love to hear the good news.