I have a question about why love spells make casters feel a specific way sometimes

Why is it that some love spells just either A) make the caster feel obsessed with the object of their desire but the love spell itself doesn’t work on the object of their desire or B) the love spell doesn’t make the caster feel obsessed at all?

I think it depends on the motivation and personality of the practitioner.

Like attracts like, so if the spell is coming from a place of any kind of attachment and obsession, that attracts more of that energy to you and amplifies what you already have going on. It doesn’t help if you have an addictive personality in the first place.

I think in case A the target not showing interest is a separate issue, and very often they do, but just choose not to act on it for reasons of their own. The workings usually never address these reasons or other blocks in any way.

There’s a subset of case B) where doing the spell causes loss of interest, which happened to me the two times I did attraction type spells. I posted about them here, they were both successful, and I haven’t mentioned this on here yet but I stopped caring, though there’s a string chance this was simply because I had misinterpreted my interest as a desire for validation, which having got it I didn’t need any more.

This highlights part of the issue, in that with love spells emotions are ever changing and you have a moving target. At the time it feels solid, but it’s usually not.

There’s a really cool youtuber called hoe_math (amusing name, no disrespect intended) that proposes a really interesting model for relationships that explains these changes in feelings and why they happen, worth understanding when considering magick for such an emotionally volatile area of our psyches I think.