I have a malevolent entity binded to me

Use Damon brand book, magickal protection it has a master protection ritual that banishes anything negative from curses to negative spirits but at the same time it protect you from it.

Also it has ritual to remove parasitic beings, attached entities etc.

Also Ben woodcraft book angelic protection has the ritual to remove attached entities and protect you at the same time.

Both books are great.


Feel for you and learned a lot reading this thread. I just have a feeling things will turn for the best for you. Please keep us posted with how you are feeling. Sending love and protection to you and your family :pray::black_heart::sparkles:

It may be ironic, but it is true.

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I hope so!

@Blitz_Von_Wolfenstei Do your introduction, as requested per the Mod
A proper introduction is mandatory.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Side Convo

3 posts were split to a new topic: Another side convo

Continuing the discussion…

What’s the verdict? Entity gone or what?

[Mod edit: above post merged into this topic that it is asking about. Please do not duplicate topics to help us keep the forum coherent and avoid confusion. :+1: :slight_smile: ]

@Anhmanh This entity, It’s silent, not gone. It’s watching you and seeking to find weaknesses. The first weakness will be fear, the second will be arrogance. The third will be carelessness.

Be confident in your sovereignty, and from that place of sovereignty, command, in your own name and by your own authority, which we all have from the One source, that it be gone and trouble you no more. It has no right to you or your kingdom.

Oh crap really? God damn it.

Well you tell me. Did the sense of the presence actually vanish or did things just cease to happen?

Banished it with the seal of mars after i got it unbinded from me. I actually don’t feel any negative energies anymore. My health has gotten better also and don’t feel tired or drained anymore.


Good. My instinct is telling me for you to be vigilant though. Gone can mean just outside the areas you can sense. Pay close attention. It’s still got an eye on you.

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Thanks for the tip!


Good work! It’s true in my experience that these things can burrow in and hide from you. In a way it’s a good sign, because it’s showing it can’t fight you face to face. If you feel symptoms coming back you have a technique that works so I’d just repeat what you already did.


Someone wanted some demon pussy =P

I actually did want some demon pussy and instead got fucked up lol

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