I had a crazy experience with Satan

So, this starts last night, and I was meditating, just focusing on my breath, nothing fancy. So, at some point through this, I start hearing an entity, it felt like I was hearing him through my temples.

Anyway, I saw in my mind’s eye a large serpent coiled in front of me. The serpent started slithering around me while speaking, at this point I didn’t know it was Satan. He said, “I am the Serpent of Egypt, Apophis, Sophia’s Serpent, Tiamat, Ahriman, and the one called Satan.” From Tiamat on his appearance changed to fit each entity.

I didn’t respond, I tried to ignore what was going on and focus on my breath. Then, I saw him transform back into a serpent and slither to my back and say, “I can raise your kundalini, after all it is I. The uncontrollable, powerful serpent.” Then he brought the Cadeuces to mind (the one with two serpents) and showed me that the second serpent was typified in Jesus and Asclepius. One serpent for life, the other for knowledge, he said.

He then said, “What do you desire? If you will but serve me and bow before me, I will grant you such wisdom and power.” It took me a bit, but then I said, “I wish for the powers of a God within this lifetime.” And Satan said he’d do it

But then, I issued a challenge. I wanted to be sure that this wasn’t just in my head. And I said, “If you are truly who you say you are, and you are in truth offering this, I request a sign. Within the next week, I want to encounter the word ‘Tiamat’.” Then, Satan allowed this.

That night, I was awoken at 1:22 AM, and I was perusing BALG and whether I saw it in a dream or not is unclear, but I encountered the word ‘Tiamat’ twice.

I also looked up the numerology behind 122, [url=http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.ca/2011/07/angel-number-122.html?m=1]ANGEL NUMBERS - Joanne Sacred Scribes: ANGEL NUMBER 122 it was bang on.

I’m going to do divination when I get home. But, what do you guys think I should do? And what do you think about my experience?


well whats your feelings on bowing to him? Maybe its my pride but I will bow and worship absolutely nothing, no gods, demons, angels, spirits I just cant and wouldn’t want to. Other than that sounds pretty interesting. Ive only had random contact once or twice and with goetic demons not Satan or Lucifer if there even is a Satan I’m pretty conflicted on that.


well… the thing about bowing down

it’s some kind of shame in play here.

it is not easily understood, as most obvious occult secrets tend to be.

something an ego can never understand is the Art of Bowing.

well of course! ego wants to live and fears loosing itself!

it’s really redicilous… all these opinions.
mind serves you only so much as to lead you to the higher intelligence of your Sacred Inner Self.

so guess what all you hot headed mothafuckers. you’re going nowhere. unless you’re going deep south. and that way is narrow. and you gotta bow you crazy heads.

wise will understand

and it’s not even an issue of bowing or not

it’s all about how you do it

… you know?


yeah… it’s all in the hips :slight_smile:

Try to remember Uncle Varnaxis,Eva’s apotheosized uncle,and talk to him about this.

Likewise,try asking ‘‘Satan’’ about ‘‘the Dark Master’’ since what you’re talking about with him,and what Varnaxis experienced with the Dark MAster is remarkably similar.And you both had a results-oriented mindset(the whole ‘‘show me the word Tiamat to prove that you’re the real deal’’ part.I applaud that.

The ‘‘Tiamat’’ thing is a very good sign,by the way.

As for the bowing down to him and serving him thing,I remember someone mentioning how one of my magical comrades,who I was learning from,who his ‘‘vision’’ had mentioned as ‘‘the Black Serpent’’ was ‘‘the one I kneel to,not from reverence but from aspiration.’’

As someone following the path of absolute freedom,individuality,and power,you shouldn’t kneel to anyone,nor serve anyone,unless it is by your will,it pays off better,and it is something you can walk away from.

So this idea of ‘‘becoming’’ more like Satan,or the Dark Master,or whatever,by serving him,is exactly what you’re trying to do,rather than being his little devil-worshiping slave. As I’m sure there have been many.

Know that you are strong,and you have even more strength left in you.So much potential for growth,and by the gods,when you rediscover lost power in you,and acquire even more than that,you can and will transcend Satan.So why before that which you can become?

By the way,not a terribly crazy experience.Satan has been all over the place,he’s probably lingering over aspiring magi,and reaching out to you isn’t that strange.Then gain,threshold for ‘‘strangeness’’ gets greater and greater with experience.


So, I did divination and I read the Tarot. It’s a mixed bag, but I’m willing to try it out. I’ll draw up a pact, but I want to make an escape clause, just in case things get sticky, which the Tarot warned about.

Also, this morning, this guy I’ve been pining over for a few weeks on a gay dating app has matched with me, which means that he wants to meet. Coincidence? I believe not.

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Well before you accept on anything, take some time and put in some good thought, not in regards to what youre asking for, but rather if youre really ready to be tested. Because, if it works, and after the honeymoon period you will be tested and you will suffer. I cannot emphasize this more, seriously!

The path towards your desires wont be a straight line from A to B as you might think it`ll be.

If you think that having your world turned upside down and feel as if you`re the main character in a surrealistic comedic-thriller packed with tons of irony, justifies the end result then ok.

Was Tiamat seen only online? Make sure to ask him to continually show it to you all day, everyday wherever you go. Seeing it in only one place is hardly touching Synchronicity. Real synchronicity starts to kick in when you start seeing signs wherever you go that validate it in the obvious. If you only saw it online, then thats easy you were merely looking for it, ask to see it in such a way that this is something out of your hands.

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Keep us updated. I find this highly interesting.

[quote=“ashtkerr, post:1, topic:7728”]So, this starts last night, and I was meditating, just focusing on my breath, nothing fancy. So, at some point through this, I start hearing an entity, it felt like I was hearing him through my temples.

Anyway, I saw in my mind’s eye a large serpent coiled in front of me. The serpent started slithering around me while speaking, at this point I didn’t know it was Satan. He said, “I am the Serpent of Egypt, Apophis, Sophia’s Serpent, Tiamat, Ahriman, and the one called Satan.” From Tiamat on his appearance changed to fit each entity.

I didn’t respond, I tried to ignore what was going on and focus on my breath. Then, I saw him transform back into a serpent and slither to my back and say, “I can raise your kundalini, after all it is I. The uncontrollable, powerful serpent.” Then he brought the Cadeuces to mind (the one with two serpents) and showed me that the second serpent was typified in Jesus and Asclepius. One serpent for life, the other for knowledge, he said.

He then said, “What do you desire? If you will but serve me and bow before me, I will grant you such wisdom and power.” It took me a bit, but then I said, “I wish for the powers of a God within this lifetime.” And Satan said he’d do it

But then, I issued a challenge. I wanted to be sure that this wasn’t just in my head. And I said, “If you are truly who you say you are, and you are in truth offering this, I request a sign. Within the next week, I want to encounter the word ‘Tiamat’.” Then, Satan allowed this.

That night, I was awoken at 1:22 AM, and I was perusing BALG and whether I saw it in a dream or not is unclear, but I encountered the word ‘Tiamat’ twice.

I also looked up the numerology behind 122, [url=http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.ca/2011/07/angel-number-122.html?m=1]ANGEL NUMBERS - Joanne Sacred Scribes: ANGEL NUMBER 122 it was bang on.

I’m going to do divination when I get home. But, what do you guys think I should do? And what do you think about my experience?[/quote]
where did you encounter the word tiamat? if it was on this forum I wouldn’t be surprised. keep us posted great results!

Yo Ash pm me bro i can help u out with tiamat. I know some things and can give you some good stuff to read. I walk the path of the Dragon and it is rewarding.

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Also what u encountered was the Dragon of the Abyss. It is a powerful energy current, the Draconic current. And there are so many interesting pssibilities

This is making “Satan” sound like a job title, someone calls the “Satan” they need - does that make sense? (Or, it pops up and has a chat with them, if they post about it enough on here - being serious there btw, I’ve had spirits do just that.)

Fascinating stuff, keep up posted please!

Hmmm interesting experience

This is making “Satan” sound like a job title, someone calls the “Satan” they need - does that make sense? (Or, it pops up and has a chat with them, if they post about it enough on here - being serious there btw, I’ve had spirits do just that.)

Fascinating stuff, keep up posted please![/quote]

Haha im almost confident Satan is a job title Eva lmao. The deacomic current doesnt reallt deal with Satan. It definitely deals withTiamat tho the Primordial dragon Queen of the Babylonians. I posted a little while ago that i dont believe satan is a serpent or a dragon, in the system i am part of the Dragon is a symbol of a primal current that allows almost durect ascent through the practices and so far it is working. As for Satan i believe he is a demonic egregore created by many and people relate to him as a dragom because of the bibles adam and eve myth. The ancientvnames of the dragon use to invoke this force in the Invocation of the Dragon never mention Satan.


I feel there are two types of bowing, if you will. One of subservience and one of respect/reverence. In martial arts, many dojo’s require you to bow when you enter and leave and to your opponent. Its a sign of respect and mutual understanding that in that moment, you are equals who can learn much from one another if you are open to it.

I feel there are two types of bowing, if you will. One of subservience and one of respect/reverence. In martial arts, many dojo’s require you to bow when you enter and leave and to your opponent. Its a sign of respect and mutual understanding that in that moment, you are equals who can learn much from one another if you are open to it.[/quote]

Shit your absolutely right man I was thinking kneel not bow, bow would be completely different

Just as a preference guys i dont like bowing as i feel i put that being above myself. I rather look upon them as my equal and talk to them as i would greet a friend after not seeing them for an eternity. Works pretty well for me. But yea Crimson you are right in the martial arts aspect of the bow very good point.

I wouldn’t bow to Satan or any other spirit except God. I’d tilt my head down though like when fighters do when they face each other before battle, Just as an acknowledgement of presence, I don’t mean I’d fight them lol