I give up

you will have proof of the spirit’s presence

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Thank you. I will look them up and see who I connect to most.

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Hmm this sounds interesting. I will look this up as well. Thank you so much


Thanks so much.
I try my best to ignore such but don’t know why that got to me . My ex isn’t interested in the kids at all. He wants to make them suffer .

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Hi, I’ve got another one for you, hope this helps:

Daniel- perfect one to help with legal decisions, you can name the judge, or another person of power that will help

Sealiah- takes back your rights that your ex husband has taken away from you, works well in legal situations

Mebahel- avoid injustice during court (if you ever make it that far)

Haaiah- works in legal cases and gives you fair judgment in all matters

Vehuiah- makes you carry out a difficult task when it feels like impossible to complete, strengthen your will to complete that task

Elemiah - brings relief when you are unable to relax or recover from a problem that leaves you anxious and preoccupied

Hahaiah- makes your adversity put to a halt and overcome adverse situations so you may escape from it

Yezelel- find out what your ex husband is planning against you

Hariel- if all you want is peace and a peaceful period of time, this angel can come in handy

Hakemiah- if your ex husband still oppresses you up to a point where you can’t lead the life you want to lead, use this angel to come for aid

Lovel- if you’re ever struggling to make decisions, this angel makes you sense your own true will and sense how the future will manifest for you

Pahaliah- power to find your balance in life

Nelachel- brightens your mood and removes negative mood

Omael- whenever you fail in a hurtful way and you feel like you can’t recover, this angel can help you heal when you have failed, even when the fault wasn’t yours

Vesheriah- to be protected against the actions of the unfair person

Yichuiah- when your ex husband is still trying to harm you, this angel will help. Works best when you know your enemy and what they might plan to do to you

Rehoel- when you’re completely burnt out and exhausted and not get the time to recover, this angel makes recovery faster

Michel- to influence thoughts, decisions and feelings of anybody who has more power than you (good for influencing the judge)

Vevaliah- he will just destroy your ex husband (angels are worse than demons), this angel works very quickly

Ariel- when you are faced with a big challenge, this angel will give you time and space to plan discreetly and quietly

Menakel- keeps your thoughts clear during stressful times

Hachashiah- make better judgments o how to make decisions by helping you see the whole situation

Nitel- whenever there chaos or suspect that a coming situation will be chaotic, this angel will bring you stability

Poiel- obtains any desire, whenever it feels impossible or out of reach, this angel breaks through the barrier

Iyahel- if adversity is unavoidable, this angel will give you the strength to get through it

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yes. I’m sorry.

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a demon can teach you

no problem

@Lady_Eva can you please pm me .Id like to discuss something with you if you don’t mind