I Finished Binding the 72 of the Ars Goetia!

Seems to be vibrating really strongly.


Damn! the ring is practically jumping out of the photo at me!! It looks 3D the centre looks as if it’s in a space of its own, got an instant rush looking at this pic !!!

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Seems about right. It feels like it’s lightly vibrating on my finger as I wear it.

How sensitive are you to energies? Because I’m paradoxically insensitive and oversensitive. I’m oversensitive so I can feel energies and be affected by them, but I can’t really tell apart different energies very well.


To be honest I am still figuring this out, always been clairsentient but like I said before never been able to see auras or read energy like that I always get clear “knowing” in regards to situations/people especially so if the individual has ill intentions towards me… Prior to finding this post I did my first evocation I am not sure if this opened my astral senses or if I’ve just always had this ability and not known :joy:. Have tried to see auras before and not seen shit so when looking at you’re previous photos like I said before genuinely thought I had something in my eyes :joy: :joy: keep going n good luck :slight_smile:

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The pentagram is stretching. Maybe take a day or so off and let it rest.

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@DarkDolly Funny you mention your astral senses not being particularly clear, because I have a meditation that would help you with that. Chakra Merging Meditation Redux

I just did yesterday, I have 5 more evocations before my next day of rest mate. It’s getting wild.


Just be careful, all forms physical or otherwise have limited strength.

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Oh thanks very much I will certainly use that as I need to improve them for next time :grin: taaaaa

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I’m aware, but thank you for the worry.

The funny thing is, physically, the ring’s symbol hasn’t changed or deformed at all, so you saying that it’s stretching is a bit odd but cool.


It looks like it’s being swallowed and stretched at same time don’t you think?


The negative space around it has been glowing and almost pulsating since @Anziel_Merkaba started. But its different now. Honestly it’s making me uneasy.


@Painon is right no unease for me though just a rush, like I’m on a rollercoaster. may I ask when you view the photo what do you see?

Not trying to be that guy, but oftentimes people get uneasy when they are forced to confront something more powerful than they are. Heck, you saw how I reacted when I accidentally created the God Stone.

Honestly, I don’t see shit, but I feel like I’m staring down an oncoming train kinda. But at the same time, I also feel like it’s power is my power, and it won’t hurt me.


If that’s how you feel then go with it I think if you aren’t repelled in anyway by the ring then it’s meant to be. Are you keeping a diary of you’re experiences?

That is so cool :joy: I wish you could see what we are seeing!!

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I’ve been posting about the evocations and stuff here.

And I’ve never been much of a note-taker tbh, I just remember what I need to.


I definitely think you might benefit from a personal diary, you mentioned not being able to tell the difference between energies, sometimes my body will reject a person/situation before my mind does for example and I often don’t realise the symptoms until after the fact may be useful for you to document any changes however big or small :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve never had that problem. I’m hyper aware of my self. I’m so aware of my self that I can’t fully let go of my self, so I can’t do proper astral projection or even partial possessions because I’m too aware of every little thing going on and can’t let go of everything all at once.

When I’m around energies that negatively effect me, I know immediately, then I do what I can to prevent them from affecting me.


Do you know what caused the hyperawareness? To that extent? Can I ask how does that interact with you’re rituals etc I’m interested cause i was of the understanding that remaining aware of everything, not moving you’re mind through time, becoming aware of your surroundings etc can hinder focussing you’re intentions?

Omg :joy: I think you should still write stuff down you never know what else you might find out about yourself :thinking:

The hyperawareness is just how I am. I mean, it started around the time I got out of high school and had to do a lot of deep introspection (I also picked up meditation at this point), and between that and past experiences, I just kinda took full control of my self.

As for how it might affect ritual, it doesn’t really. I can still let go of whatever thoughts or intentions I need to, and I still have a ridiculously high success rate for someone who has only been practicing for 2 years and 4 months. The main thing is that I just do what I need to do to get things done how they need to be done.


Okay I understand what you’re saying. And as for your high levels of success it was clearly meant to be :slightly_smiling_face:

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