I Finished Binding the 72 of the Ars Goetia!

I’ve done the mainstream stuff with kundalini but idk if that’s what you’re talking about.

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It’s similar enough.


Evoked Sallos

Once again, went smoothly. My neck has had a crick in it all day, and he could tell I wasn’t in the best mood for any bullshit.

Here’s the ring.


Something of a white light aura and undertones of shadow.


I can see the same omg. I can’t read energy/auras!!! What the hell :joy:

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Can’t tell if you are serious or not. But assuming you are, the energies are actually quite ridiculous in the ring. It has physically glowed in the dark before.


I am being 100% serious, I’ve read this entire post looked at all the pictures whilst pampering myself I was sat here thinking I’ve got moisturiser in my eyes. :flushed:
In some of the images for me the ring is pulsating or “collapsing in” in itself to me. Sorry if I didn’t sound serious :joy:. I’ve been rubbing my eyes, closing the page, wiping my phone. I have zero ability to read energy/auras At least I thought I didn’t??


It could be that you are more sensitive than you thought, on top of the fact that the ring’s energies are just plain stupid.


I’m clairsentient, very sensitive to others unless they have the means to block my sight on purpose. Never seen an aura in my life. The energies off that ring must really be high please do keep posting updates and I wish you well on this journey :slightly_smiling_face:




So last night and this morning, I had some revelations about myself later after doing this evocations, about my repressed sexual urges and everything.

I realized I’ve got the kind of libido that I’d need to have a good fuck at least twice a week to help keep it under control, otherwise my emotions will get all fucked up. It’s been about three years since I’ve been with anyone sexually, and many more since I had a good fuck. Self-pleasure just won’t cut it anymore.

I also have this issue where, because I’m so starved for emotional intimacy, whenever a woman gives me any attention on a personal level, I unhealthily latch onto that and become infatuated with them. Which only hurts me even more.


Have you considered your favored entity of lust and passion to get a short non committal fling under acceptable terms and conditions? I can give you a good runic spell that has started orgies before if you want. Focus on an entire club for a wild party or on one person for lots of lust and crazed sexual energy in that one person if that is what they are looking for. I personally use Slaanesh but you can substitute in your preferred.


I’ve considered doing stuff like that, it’s just I’m bad at being social in personal situations. I’m good at faking being social in professional situations, but the moment it gets personal, I fall apart a bit.


Partial invocation of the energy and associated personality aspects of either your ideal model form in that situation or a being that would rule over it. Borrow the traits you need to override the initial issues. Think that would for you?


I’ve tried that, but I got such a lockdown on my own self, that it’s very difficult for any significant partial possession/invocation like that to even have a noticeable effect.


Alright then… sorry if this sounds like a rather corny or stupid suggesting but I would say try lucid dreaming to upload and run through practice scenarios. Get your subconscious to produce the scenarios that would give you the most trouble while your more controlled side tries to work through and overcome those obstacles in a simulation that you might trick your own mind into not knowing it is fake as is the peculiar nature of dreams, even intentional dreaming, try that for a while then go to a club when the simulations are going good and see how that helps. Helped me with some public speaking stuff in the past. Still not too good at it but that is more from the way I ramble and go on tangents than emotional stuff now. Just a thought of what you might be able to do to help. If I was close by I would go with you and sort of whirlwind you through stuff too fast for you to shutdown but I ain’t close be enough for that and I don’t have teleportation up and running yet lol.


I can’t lucid dream either. I’ve tried. Many times. Spent like two whole months and didn’t get a single good lucid dream.


How did you go through it and try? Might be I got some cheats you can try if you didn’t already. It is really more a casual thing to get started so you shouldn’t be stressing it.


I’ve tried every method I could find. WILD seemed to be what got me the closest as far as controllable stuff, but WBTB more consistently had good dream recall, just not lucid ones.


I think later tonight when I have chance to sit down and organize some stuff I will pm you a few things and you can look through and decide if you want to give them a try.