I Feel Like I'm Trippin' Balls - Spirits Everywhere

I’m feeling real strange at the moment.

I’m walking thru my house in the dark, sneaking into the kitchen to get a bottle of water, it’s 1:44 a.m. so everyone else is in bed. I start seeing entities all around me in the darkness. I have cat eyes, I swear I can see all kinds of stuff in the dark that others cannot see. But these spirits are literally manifesting before my eyes, some floating around, some standing like humans. I mean like every 5 seconds it was like there were 13 different spirits around me that kept following me thru the house and popping up, showing themselves to me then vanishing.

I got the sense they were just evaluating me for some reason. I was not frightened at all, it was very peaceful but these entities were very dark, some even felt like demonic presences. But I was too busy concentrating on getting the water and getting back to my room without making any noise to see if I could identify any of them, and of course I could not talk to them while walking thru the house with everyone asleep, they would have heard me unless I was in my room.

Also, I got a VERY vivid vision and I was not in theta-gamma, no trances, no meditative states, just wide awake and aware but the vision manifested before my eyes in mid air, like watching a projector machine, but so colorful and vivid I felt like I was there. I saw a large stone wall, gray in color, it had some creatures carved into it like gargoyles or maybe ancient depictions of how our ancestors drew demons??

Whatever the creatures were on this wall, they were dark in nature. One of them had it’s mouth open as if growling like a lion. There were also symbols all over the rock wall in between the gargoyle like creatures. Looked like hieroglyphs and I also saw some writing carved into the stone, looked like Aramaic or something similar.

Not sure what is going on with me but lately, I feel like I am ascending further again. In a constant state of spiritual awareness. My clairvoyance is really picking up. Just knowing things about people they did not tell me, knowing exactly what someone is thinking when they speak or type even if they are lying. Getting vividly real visions manifesting right in my face. Hearing voices answer the questions I ask myself silently in my head. It’s like I ask myself a question like “I wonder what causes ----?” and suddenly something answers me.

In the form of a voice in my head as if the entity feeding me this info is projecting his voice into my mind, it does not sound like my voice like when you read silently how you can imagine your voice inside your head, it’s not like that. I mean, now I’m seeing cemeteries and black squares in front of my face. Any idea what all this means? And more and more I am finding I don’t even need to do a spell for certain things, I just think about what I want really badly, then forget about it and a few days or weeks later, it happens.

I feel like I’m floating right now and like I’m about to astral project right out of my body without my conscience decision to do so. And now I can smell shit or something all in my room. I am a very clean person and our toilets are working just fine so I have no idea what is causing this smell. I do not leave old food plates in my room either. But it smells like sulpher and rotten egg farts and my dog is not in here or else I’d blame it on him for sure. He loves to pass gas in my face a lot.


[quote=“RavensAscent, post:1, topic:5982”]Hearing voices answer the questions I ask myself silently in my head. It’s like I ask myself a question like “I wonder what causes ----?” and suddenly something answers me.

In the form of a voice in my head as if the entity feeding me this info is projecting his voice into my mind, it does not sound like my voice like when you read silently how you can imagine your voice inside your head, it’s not like that.[/quote]

The prophecies I’ve talked about on here that I got in the past, that have all come true so far (including the crash in 2008, which was described exactly) - that’s how part of them were delivered.

I question whether this voice is truly an external entity, but it can be most rewarding - question it, see what it has to say about things.

I believe it’s what Geof Gray-Cobb refers to as “your New Avatar Power” because he describes just such a voice, an inner guide.

I also believe he was basically working along the same lines of that prophecy - that humans will begin to become as gods, in ways that transcend the conventional idea of the magician who sends spirits about to make things happen (NOT that there’s anything wrong with that). There were probably others before him, and, well, look around you now! :wink:

Any idea what all this means? And more and more I am finding I don't even need to do a spell for certain things, I just think about what I want really badly, then forget about it and a few days or weeks later, it happens.

Overall, ascent, at least I believe that’s what you’re describing - that’s ALSO something GG-C (bless him) describes. It’s a becoming.

And now I can smell shit or something all in my room.

I think that may be related to the entities - not for nothing did people describe hell as sulphurous, and I can’t remember where but I read that apparitions by “the devil” leave that odour, I can’t remember the book now but when I was a teenager we had a load of real-life possession and haunting books, like David StClair, and that was mentioned in one of them, I think.

This is exciting stuff and I’m so pleased to read any experience that so precisely echoes my own, and that of others before me and (I have no doubt) even more to come! :slight_smile:

Edit to add - the wall with symbols you decsribe sounds to me like the cubic chambers I’ve seen many of the highest demons in, which have walls covered in characters that seem to shift, and are almost-recognisable, and the seeing things without any altered state, as well - that’s another breakthrough.

This (the last bit) isn’t just me rambling, it’s something they talk about on core shamanism trainings as well, it’s like you’re seeing more of reality now, and not just tuned into a narrow bandwidth.

[quote=“RavensAscent, post:1, topic:5982”]I saw a large stone wall, gray in color, it had some creatures carved into it like gargoyles or maybe ancient depictions of how our ancestors drew demons??

Whatever the creatures were on this wall, they were dark in nature. One of them had it’s mouth open as if growling like a lion. There were also symbols all over the rock wall in between the gargoyle like creatures. Looked like hieroglyphs and I also saw some writing carved into the stone, looked like Aramaic or something similar.[/quote]

Sounds like you’re in the “zone”. Ride the wave while it’s there.

When you talked about something with the face of a growling lion it made me think of a picture I have on my pc desktop I put there a few hours ago.

You sound like you handle the experience well like a seasoned magician. You’re not panicking and running out the door screaming. Surf the wave, it will subside.

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I will do some research on the cubic chambers you mentioned Eva and see if anything looks familiar. I mean that wall was so real I felt like I could reach out and touch it. But I’m not sure why it was shown to me or who gave me that vision. Like I said, I was walking thru the house and everyone is asleep so I couldn’t be loud but when I stopped in the bathroom to pee on the way back to my room and was sitting still, that’s when I got the stone wall vision.

Yes Iam Incide, the growling creature had a mouth and similar eyes to the picture you shared but it’s head was turned sideways to the right (it’s right, but my left if looking at it while standing in front of it) and it’s face looked more like a ancient demon with very defined and large brows.

And no, this kind of stuff does not incite fear in me at all. I find it all rather fascinating and I tend to go towards it and explore it.

Oh Lady Eva, I tried searching for cubic chambers but am only getting results for art projects and architecture stuff. Is there a specific name or country I need to type in too?

My bad for not describing what I meant properly above, apologies - this is stuff I’ve seen in my own travels to demonic realms, when I was carrying the growing seed of the demonic Child last year, this happened:

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:1, topic:3262”]My communication with demonic entities has gone through the roof – the Father, good to his word, is both facilitating my ability to enter their realms and talk face to face…

… we’re moving steadily on those, and some of them include making formal introductions to various demonic Kings, and petitioning them to ask for their alliance in my ascent. So far this has gone brilliantly.

When I visit the realms of these Kings, I don’t see them as anthropomorphised, instead they appear as presences within vast stone chambers, the back walls of which seems to be carved deeply with changing glyphs, images, and figures, and although some are also making themselves a little more recognisable as a courtesy (King Paimon, with his shining face, and King Amaymon with his robes and lieutenants) this is so in line with the various stuff being discussed on here, I thought that image was worth sharing.[/quote]

Those chambers were all cubic, and there seems to be a heavy correlation between the cubic shapes, and the hexagonal black form I was advised to use as an evocation base for demonic entities (in place of a triangle - original post here).

In brief, I described the background to it, and wrote:

DGLN replied, “They find it welcoming for it is a 2 dimensional gateway into the material universe, which happens to be a cube.” which hadn’t occured to me until he mentioned it.

What’s pretty cool is that the planet Saturn has a naturally occuring black hexagonal shape (Wiki) and, well anyway there seems to be a clear theme of cubes, hexagons, and so on, as the interface between the “demonic” and this reality, and the shifting figures that you saw sound similar to that.

But my bad for not making clear it was stuff from my own posts and travels (UPG) and not some established thing.

I posted two other descriptions of those chmabers here and here, and E.A. described how the Nabatean people had used cubic shapes as (presumably) evocation bases/idols for their gods, in this video.

And of course a common shape for Saturn is a black cube.

Finally, in those chambers, it seemed to me that the cubic chamber itself WAS the demon, or more precisely was its interface, and that the ones who put forth (or projected) an anthropomorphic image did so as a courtesy - it put me in mind of how a Star Trek med bay will project forth a hologram doctor if needed.

So, you seeing those images, if as I presume they were the same as what I saw on those sentient “walls,” I don’t think you were seeing infernal interior decor, so much as something very intimately connected to many of the spirits we class as demonic.

Oh wow, thank you for that helpful post. I will check out the links to your other posts in just a minute. But that’s strange you speak of cube shapes because I was shown a black square box (which is essentially a cube).

And the figures on the wall did morph and change. Like they were turning into different carvings all together. Then the hieroglyphs faded away and there came the Aramaic type writing.


feeling that strange sensation again like floating but being still at the same time, like my soul is shifting around in my body. So I might end up having another vision tonight. Something told me earlier that I will get some type of information tonight so I might go ahead, later tonight, and get in the theta sync and do some meditation to see what happens.

Earlier, the name Helios popped in my mind too. One that I have never heard before but I looked it up on google and apparently he was a Greek god? But what I find odd is that he was associated with the sun. Notice a pattern here? Suddenly getting names in my mind or having others here recommend gods/goddesses/demons to me and they are all associated with the sun in some way.

I mean Lucifer, son of the morning, the morning star (which is the sun)
Then Amon Ra, Egyptian sun god
Now Helios, Greek sun god

Definite pattern. Why am I suddenly being lead to all these sun gods or day demons associated with the sun? Well, I have been thinking a lot about sun magick lately. I was thinking of creating a sun and a moon magick based section for my blog at some point.

Something is telling me to write a few books. I have already started on one about discrepancies in religious history, hidden knowledge, physics, neuroscience, debunking some theories on existence and evolution. But my familiar is now telling me to finish that one first, then write a book on Fae magick since there are not very many around and most are based on fiction anyway, and then write a grimoire. What’s also intriguing is that a handful of people have told me recently they think I would do well as an author because I am overly detailed when I describe things which is helpful for those that are new to a subject or need a more in depth explanation to understand it.

I will get around to all of this when I can. I have had 3 divinatory readings lately telling me I am taking on too many projects at once, so I need to make a list of my priorities if I ever want to get this all done. I have also now had 5 requests for me to start an herbology section in my blog which I will be starting soon and this will be one of my top priorities since those people are looking forward to it. But if I promised to do something for you, please be patient with me. I am a busy fuckin bee which is really an understatement but I constantly have this UN-canning energy that drives me 24/7. I never take a break, I barely even sleep half the time because I see it as a waste of time. I literally stay awake until my body forces me to shut down. Not healthy, but I can’t make it stop.

And no I do not have Bipolar, but I am in a constant state of Euphoria that differs from mania in many ways.

You certainly seem to have a knack for writing and seem to also have the drive to get it done and not have an unfinished manuscript sitting around for months and years. I think you have the potential to become a known occult author. Actually, Lady Eva has the gift of the written word as well. You two could probably collaborate and cook up something really good together in a two heads kind of way. Who knows, maybe you will end up with something in one of EA’s anthologies as well. I tend to thread my real life occult experiences into fiction I write. One day I may write something occult non-fiction but it would most likely be something more theoretical/philosophical based on my thoughts, experiences, beliefs, and suspicions rather than a guide or grimoire.

Ride the wave!

Bless you for the kind words, but if I wanted to be a published author, I could have become one by now, with the connections here in London and the experience I have - but it’s just not my thing, I have no taste for the spotlight, and can only respect those who do.

And I’m absolutely certain RavensAscent can cook up valuable and highly readable books and essays in her own right! :slight_smile:

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Lady Eva is amazing.Not only does she have a way with words,but her ideas are always very thought-provoking.From random ideas and UPGs to the most profound insight that she gives,it all really ,makes you think,reread her post,and talk to yourself about the concepts.

As for RavenAscent,all I can say is congratulations!

Sounds like some amazing experiences,no one’s holding you back.

And I always figured you were a bit more aligned to the Sun.Despite the depth of your studies in black magick,and not appearing such at first,you do strive to make yourself the nucleus of your world,just like the sun is the nucleus of the solar system.You also seem very much aligned with creating things,and altering things,rather than a destroyer.

Just some thought.I think you could make some amazing progress by calling on various entities of the Sun,and compiling some sort of bundle of solar magics.

Golden Apollo,Huitzilopochtli,and to a degree even Papa Legba are spirits of the sun.I’m all too sure you’ve checked out EA Koetting’s pathworkings with solar gods:

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdrMZUwi8EM]- YouTube

But if you haven’t,there it is.The insight in it is brilliant for personal transfiguration.

Also,I’me excited for all of these projects.And I agree that you should take them one by one.I also find it awesome that my suggestion(along with four other people’s!) is at the top of the list of priorities.

And I am rather surprised at the idea of writing a book on the fay,but I am nonetheless intrigued.Has that been stirring for a while,or since I started tackling the subject as much?(yes,it’s a new obsession.I had the same amount of obsession,guys,when I started with Djehuty and Kemetic magick,and any other path I’ve taken)

And when that project starts(which I assume won’t be for a while) would it be OK,if I submitted at least some content(a chapter,an essay,or the likes)?

Yeah you can make some entries for the blog Arcane. I always credit anyone that contributes. Someone here allowed me to post their topic a few weeks ago. But that’s fine, it may help out having some other opinions on there besides just mine. Going to get started on the herb section sometime today, although finding pictures for some of these herbs may be tricky. I already have some pictures that I took of my herb stash.

I was actually talking about contributing to the book on fay that you were gonna write some time in the future(as in,the late-ish future),rather than contributing an article.No doubt,there are other things I could write up in an article.Oh and that person was Succupedia.

Oh okay, the book thing will be fine. As you said, it will be a later on project as I have many things to do on my list already. I know it was Succupedia that I submitted the article for, but I just didn’t want to mention his username, didn’t know if he would be okay with that.